2024 Presidential Race

Republicans against Trump


Judge Lewis Kaplan: “The fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused — indeed, raped — Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established.”

This quote should be on billboards and TV ads in every battleground state.

This is the guy that the family-values crowd and evangelicals wants to support? Oh, my! Disgraceful.
The judge declared that Trump raped her. Under NY penal code, where this civil case was tried, he wasn’t found guilty of rape. But the judge determined that since NY penal code didn’t fit his desired outcome, he declared that Trump raped her “as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’”

I’m not stumping for Trump in any way, but the case was brought based on a NY law that created a six month window to bypass statutes of limitations. It was taken to civil court, so based on preponderance of evidence not unreasonable doubt. The jury found, that according to NYS law, Trump “sexually assaulted” but didn’t “rape” her.

I just find it interesting that the judge can then declare based on a “common modern parlance” that even though a jury didn’t find him guilty, he is actually guilty.


I cant believe people buy the media BS about tax cuts. BTW, they expire next year.
and about the wall..it was delayed by Dems by lawsuit and funding. and 260M in materials auctioned off.

a microcosm of the ineptness of this admin..
The gangster once again proving what a complete idiot he is. Boasting that he got along with the frizzy-haired
North Korean dictator. This moron doesn't quite understand that there has to be a second part---got along with
him to what end? What kind of a crackpot/clown regularly brags about being pals with dictators?

The gangster once again proving what a complete idiot he is. Boasting that he got along with the frizzy-haired
North Korean dictator. This moron doesn't quite understand that there has to be a second part---got along with
him to what end? What kind of a crackpot/clown regularly brags about being pals with dictators?

FDR was a Stalin fanboi.
The gangster once again proving what a complete idiot he is. Boasting that he got along with the frizzy-haired
North Korean dictator. This moron doesn't quite understand that there has to be a second part---got along with
him to what end? What kind of a crackpot/clown regularly brags about being pals with dictators?

He is going to be a dictator for one day during his second term buddy. He needs to consult with one to learn the ropes.
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The tax cuts for just the rich weren't good for the country. He didn't close the border. Him being a clown didn't help us at home or abroad.
His tax cut was not just for the rich and I'll prove it with facts. Look at this:

Some complex rules apply to the 20% deduction, however. For example, service businesses like doctors, lawyers and accountants may not be eligible if their taxable income exceeds a certain threshold.

That income ceiling was $213,300 for single filers in 2020 and $426,600 for married couples filing a joint tax return.

In clear black and white, you see a tax cut that's only available to the middle class. If you make over $213K, you're not eligible

Don't believe everything the liberal MSM feeds you. Look for facts
FDR was a Stalin fanboi.

No, he wasn't. But we were allied with Russia in the fight against the Nazis in WWII. After that, relations quickly went south--as
they should have. Trump is just a clown authoritarian wannabe. What, does he think Kim Jong Un is going to step down because the gangster
fawns over him as he fawns over the war criminal in Moscow? Disgusting.

Johnson Digs In Against Border Deal to Unlock Ukraine Aid, Defying Biden​

Hours before a scheduled meeting at the White House about how to break the stalemate in Congress over aid to Ukraine, the Republican speaker signaled a compromise was not possible.

Could it be anymore transparent that Johnson doesn't REALLY want a border deal because then the Republicans couldn't keep complaining about the border if an agreement was reached? It's quite obvious. The GOP has been playing this cynical game for a long time. What the diminutive christian doesn't understand is that the Dems are not going to go along with any Republican border proposals in the future if they refuse to reach an agreement now.
No, he wasn't. But we were allied with Russia in the fight against the Nazis in WWII. After that, relations quickly went south--as
they should have. Trump is just a clown authoritarian wannabe. What, does he think Kim Jong Un is going to step down because the gangster
fawns over him as he fawns over the war criminal in Moscow? Disgusting.

Dud, FDR slobbered all over Stalin's junk. He gave away over half of Europe to that murdering POS. Here is some light reading for you on FDR and Stalins relationship.

Roosevelt’s Failure at Yalta

My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin
His tax cut was not just for the rich and I'll prove it with facts. Look at this:

In clear black and white, you see a tax cut that's only available to the middle class. If you make over $213K, you're not eligible

Don't believe everything the liberal MSM feeds you. Look for facts

Anybody can cut taxes and run up a $2 T tab. Trump said they would pay for themselves and be "rocket fuel" for the economy. Neither thing happened.
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A very honest assessment by Dimon who is a lifelong Democrat. In addition to the economy, immigration and China, Trump was also right about crime skyrocketing under Biden which is being overlooked by the Dems. Trump's foreign policy results were also far better than 2 war Joe. There is still a long way to go before the election and if the economy somehow turns around, Biden's numbers could recover. Dimon didn't sound so confident in that though.

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