2024 Presidential Race

So out of that 50 sec clip, you cherry picked the whale comment? This makes you look bad. He said that the test starts easy, like by identifying a whale, and then gets harder. Makes perfect sense. What's your gripe? That Biden can't speak off the cuff and make perfect sense?
So following this logic, Biden continued policies started by Trump? So did Trump make inflation worse by his policies??
Again, presidents have very few levers to pull in regards to the economy. Inflation was/is a world-wide problem due to many factors.

Yes, Trump deserves blame for getting the inflation train going and Biden deserves blame for poring more steam and accelerating it.
The upcoming election unfortunately will be a battle between two individuals experiencing significant cognitive decline.
It's a sad state of affairs when our country can't put forward better candidates, imo.

No the upcoming election will not be between two individuals experiencing cognitive decline. Biden will not be on the ticket.
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Yes, Trump deserves blame for getting the inflation train going and Biden deserves blame for poring more steam and accelerating it.
Why wasnt there significant inflation at $20T or $25T in gov debt?
Spending is as bad as ever and inflation is cooling.
So following this logic, Biden continued policies started by Trump? So did Trump make inflation worse by his policies??
Again, presidents have very few levers to pull in regards to the economy. Inflation was/is a world-wide problem due to many factors.

Yes, Trump's spending policies contributed to it.

Biden just poured more gas on that fire and then attacked a volatile industry (energy) without a coherent plan which made it worse. Fed was too slow to interfere as well..
government should not have shut down the economy during COVID. It was an epically dumb idea, which lead to them printing and handing out money.

100% agree. Every state governor, city/county mayor that shuttered "non-essential" businesses should be at the very least be sued into oblivion.

He has gone downhill quick.

So, you must support the feds.

"EXCLUSIVE: Federal investigators asked banks to search and filter customer transactions by using terms like "MAGA" and "Trump" as part of an investigation into Jan. 6, warning that purchases of "religious texts" could indicate "extremism," the House Judiciary Committee revealed Wednesday."

Meanwhile, Biden is surprised that his smoothie cost six dollars.
damn, what a dictator

Scariest thing ever uttered is government issued digital currency. What is really frightening is that people everyday are making it more and more of a reality with Apple pay, venmo, etc etc etc... Once you people are used to electronic transfer of funds, it will be EASY for the .gov to install it, and 'viola... we all be ****ed.
Scariest thing ever uttered is government issued digital currency. What is really frightening is that people everyday are making it more and more of a reality with Apple pay, venmo, etc etc etc... Once you people are used to electronic transfer of funds, it will be EASY for the .gov to install it, and 'viola... we all be ****ed.

I still carry a wad of cash at all times. My wife makes fun of me, but neither she or the government can track my cash purchases 🤣
Could it be anymore transparent that Johnson doesn't REALLY want a border deal because then the Republicans couldn't keep complaining about the border if an agreement was reached? It's quite obvious. The GOP has been playing this cynical game for a long time. What the diminutive christian doesn't understand is that the Dems are not going to go along with any Republican border proposals in the future if they refuse to reach an agreement now.
In a certain sense, I think you may be on to something. I don't really think Johnson and the RINOs care about the border and the Biden Administration wants to distance itself from Ukraine. If Ukraine collapses before November, he can say that he did everything he could to keep Ukraine in the fight, but the GOP blocked him. On the other hand, the GOP can campaign on the narrative that they tried to cut a deal to address the border, but the Biden Administration blocked us.

The uniparty has their talking points and messaging for 2024. Don't be surprised if this drags on for a while longer and then dies on the vine.

The only "stalemate" I see is not in Ukraine, but in Washington DC. Neither wing of the unitary wants a bill to pass in a major election year that sends money to Ukraine or the border. This debate is just for public consumption.

Occupy Democrats


BREAKING: Morning Joe Scarborough absolutely obliterates the entire Republican Party in a viral rant that is sure to make some voters jump ship to the Democrats. Scarborough has a massive audience and he didn't hold back...The former Republican host singled out MAGA Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans for "passing fewer bills than any Congress."

"Talk about a do nothing Congress, any Congress in a generation!" said Scarborough. "And with Mike Johnson you've got a guy who, constantly on the issue of funding Ukraine, has been pro-Vladimir Putin." Scarborough is correct. Many MAGA Republicans are now staunchly pro-Putin because they have a knee-jerk affinity for anyone or anything that President Biden opposes. They admire the Russian dictator's authoritarianism and wish Donald Trump could wield the same kind of power in America.

"So you've got a pro-Putin Speaker who has voted no on all Ukrainian aid, a pro-Putin Speaker who now is killing a bill that's the toughest border security bill ever and I'm just asking: why?" said Scarborough. The answer is simple. Republican politicians don't believe in solutions, they don't care about actually improving the lives of average Americans. They only care about scoring political points. So while they like whining about the border to get votes, they don't actually care what policies pass so long as they can make Biden look bad.

"Is it because he's pro-Putin?" Scarborough went on. "Is it because he's afraid Ukraine is going to get aid? Aid that he's voted against time and time again! If he had his way Vladimir Putin would already be in Kyiv because he's voted against all funding to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression."

Anyone who votes for a Republican this election is making a decision to harm themselves and everyone they know. The only way to assure a stronger, more prosperous America is by voting blue.

Occupy Democrats


BREAKING: Morning Joe Scarborough absolutely obliterates the entire Republican Party in a viral rant that is sure to make some voters jump ship to the Democrats. Scarborough has a massive audience and he didn't hold back...The former Republican host singled out MAGA Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans for "passing fewer bills than any Congress."

"Talk about a do nothing Congress, any Congress in a generation!" said Scarborough. "And with Mike Johnson you've got a guy who, constantly on the issue of funding Ukraine, has been pro-Vladimir Putin." Scarborough is correct. Many MAGA Republicans are now staunchly pro-Putin because they have a knee-jerk affinity for anyone or anything that President Biden opposes. They admire the Russian dictator's authoritarianism and wish Donald Trump could wield the same kind of power in America.

"So you've got a pro-Putin Speaker who has voted no on all Ukrainian aid, a pro-Putin Speaker who now is killing a bill that's the toughest border security bill ever and I'm just asking: why?" said Scarborough. The answer is simple. Republican politicians don't believe in solutions, they don't care about actually improving the lives of average Americans. They only care about scoring political points. So while they like whining about the border to get votes, they don't actually care what policies pass so long as they can make Biden look bad.

"Is it because he's pro-Putin?" Scarborough went on. "Is it because he's afraid Ukraine is going to get aid? Aid that he's voted against time and time again! If he had his way Vladimir Putin would already be in Kyiv because he's voted against all funding to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression."

Anyone who votes for a Republican this election is making a decision to harm themselves and everyone they know. The only way to assure a stronger, more prosperous America is by voting blue.

Scarborough is a useful idiot.

Occupy Democrats


BREAKING: Morning Joe Scarborough absolutely obliterates the entire Republican Party in a viral rant that is sure to make some voters jump ship to the Democrats. Scarborough has a massive audience and he didn't hold back...The former Republican host singled out MAGA Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans for "passing fewer bills than any Congress."

"Talk about a do nothing Congress, any Congress in a generation!" said Scarborough. "And with Mike Johnson you've got a guy who, constantly on the issue of funding Ukraine, has been pro-Vladimir Putin." Scarborough is correct. Many MAGA Republicans are now staunchly pro-Putin because they have a knee-jerk affinity for anyone or anything that President Biden opposes. They admire the Russian dictator's authoritarianism and wish Donald Trump could wield the same kind of power in America.

"So you've got a pro-Putin Speaker who has voted no on all Ukrainian aid, a pro-Putin Speaker who now is killing a bill that's the toughest border security bill ever and I'm just asking: why?" said Scarborough. The answer is simple. Republican politicians don't believe in solutions, they don't care about actually improving the lives of average Americans. They only care about scoring political points. So while they like whining about the border to get votes, they don't actually care what policies pass so long as they can make Biden look bad.

"Is it because he's pro-Putin?" Scarborough went on. "Is it because he's afraid Ukraine is going to get aid? Aid that he's voted against time and time again! If he had his way Vladimir Putin would already be in Kyiv because he's voted against all funding to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression."

Anyone who votes for a Republican this election is making a decision to harm themselves and everyone they know. The only way to assure a stronger, more prosperous America is by voting blue.
“The only way to assure a stronger, more prosperous America is by voting blue.”

That’s very ironic. They want to ensure a stronger America by not negotiating on border security without sending BILLIONS to Ukraine.

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