2024 Presidential Race

When people say MAGA, they’re actually looking at people voting for Trump and they think they’re voting -- and they’re basically scapegoating them, that you are like him, but I don’t think they’re voting for Trump because of his family values.

'If you look at, just take a step back, be honest. He’s [Trump] kind of right about NATO. Kind of right about immigration. He grew the economy quite well. Tax reform worked. He was right about some with China,' said Dimon.

'I don’t like how he said things about Mexico, I don’t like -- but he wasn’t wrong about some of these critical issues. And that’s why they’re voting for him. And I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens'
I agree! Going to add one thing. If elected I do not think Trump will finish his four year term. Congress will remove him for reasons yet to be declared. This in turn will cause a corn shortage as people in Iowa will start burning down their corn fields. :)

Occupy Democrats


BREAKING: Morning Joe Scarborough absolutely obliterates the entire Republican Party in a viral rant that is sure to make some voters jump ship to the Democrats. Scarborough has a massive audience and he didn't hold back...The former Republican host singled out MAGA Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans for "passing fewer bills than any Congress."

"Talk about a do nothing Congress, any Congress in a generation!" said Scarborough. "And with Mike Johnson you've got a guy who, constantly on the issue of funding Ukraine, has been pro-Vladimir Putin." Scarborough is correct. Many MAGA Republicans are now staunchly pro-Putin because they have a knee-jerk affinity for anyone or anything that President Biden opposes. They admire the Russian dictator's authoritarianism and wish Donald Trump could wield the same kind of power in America.

"So you've got a pro-Putin Speaker who has voted no on all Ukrainian aid, a pro-Putin Speaker who now is killing a bill that's the toughest border security bill ever and I'm just asking: why?" said Scarborough. The answer is simple. Republican politicians don't believe in solutions, they don't care about actually improving the lives of average Americans. They only care about scoring political points. So while they like whining about the border to get votes, they don't actually care what policies pass so long as they can make Biden look bad.

"Is it because he's pro-Putin?" Scarborough went on. "Is it because he's afraid Ukraine is going to get aid? Aid that he's voted against time and time again! If he had his way Vladimir Putin would already be in Kyiv because he's voted against all funding to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression."

Anyone who votes for a Republican this election is making a decision to harm themselves and everyone they know. The only way to assure a stronger, more prosperous America is by voting blue.
Imagine thinking that Joe Scarborough actually believes any of that. Go back and look at his voting record from congress, the dude was about as far right as you can get. He knows where his bread is buttered. Got to play the character to keep those checks rolling in.

Occupy Democrats


BREAKING: Morning Joe Scarborough absolutely obliterates the entire Republican Party in a viral rant that is sure to make some voters jump ship to the Democrats. Scarborough has a massive audience and he didn't hold back...The former Republican host singled out MAGA Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans for "passing fewer bills than any Congress."

"Talk about a do nothing Congress, any Congress in a generation!" said Scarborough. "And with Mike Johnson you've got a guy who, constantly on the issue of funding Ukraine, has been pro-Vladimir Putin." Scarborough is correct. Many MAGA Republicans are now staunchly pro-Putin because they have a knee-jerk affinity for anyone or anything that President Biden opposes. They admire the Russian dictator's authoritarianism and wish Donald Trump could wield the same kind of power in America.

"So you've got a pro-Putin Speaker who has voted no on all Ukrainian aid, a pro-Putin Speaker who now is killing a bill that's the toughest border security bill ever and I'm just asking: why?" said Scarborough. The answer is simple. Republican politicians don't believe in solutions, they don't care about actually improving the lives of average Americans. They only care about scoring political points. So while they like whining about the border to get votes, they don't actually care what policies pass so long as they can make Biden look bad.

"Is it because he's pro-Putin?" Scarborough went on. "Is it because he's afraid Ukraine is going to get aid? Aid that he's voted against time and time again! If he had his way Vladimir Putin would already be in Kyiv because he's voted against all funding to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression."

Anyone who votes for a Republican this election is making a decision to harm themselves and everyone they know. The only way to assure a stronger, more prosperous America is by voting blue.
It's all fun and games for Dems making fun of transgenders/gays/blacks till they need them. DnC is a trash party
All of them are nothing but hypocrites down to their very souls.
They say they need their votes but when they get that then they stab them w/big knives in the back as usual and proceed to kick'em to the curb like a pimp would do..
Imagine thinking that Joe Scarborough actually believes any of that. Go back and look at his voting record from congress, the dude was about as far right as you can get. He knows where his bread is buttered. Got to play the character to keep those checks rolling in.

No, he's one of MANY Republicans, former Republicans, who are appalled by the gangster and appalled by what the Republican Party has become. How many former officials who worked the gangster white house support him now? I think the number is close to zero--and we're talking a LOT of people. Why would that be?

Who are the REAL cheaters in U.S. politics? The Republicans stole a Supreme Court pick from Obama. The gangster was the only person who tried to steal votes, and the election, in '20. Fact. Look at little Mike Johnson now, the tiny christian crazy: All the whining we've heard for months about "the border," the border, the border--and yet he pointedly refuses to take part in a border deal because he doesn't want it to benefit the president. And meanwhile, he's screwing Ukraine out of an aid package. So we can all now see what cynical, dishonest creeps the Republicans are. They won't get a border deal later, either.....not after this BS.

Dems ruin another institution with their wackey divisive social enginerring.
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Dems ruin another institution with their wackey divisive social enginerring.

This story is disingenuous nonsense. If the military is targeting more non-white recruits, it's because fewer white are interested in military service plus the fact that non-white recruits tend to be from lower(low)-income backgrounds and thus more likely to be pay attention to a pitch to enlist. A majority of the people who join the Army do so for financial/career reasons. Most of those who enlist are non-college grads without great career prospects. The military is thus a decent alternative. The military will always take whoever it can get.
This story is disingenuous nonsense. If the military is targeting more non-white recruits, it's because fewer white are interested in military service plus the fact that non-white recruits tend to be from lower(low)-income backgrounds and thus more likely to be pay attention to a pitch to enlist. A majority of the people who join the Army do so for financial/career reasons. Most of those who enlist are non-college grads without great career prospects. The military is thus a decent alternative. The military will always take whoever it can get.

You have no clue what you are talking about. The combat arms branches of the Army have always been dominated by whites, mostly middle to lower middle class white boys who join for various different reasons. And no, the military will not take whoever it can get.
This story is disingenuous nonsense. If the military is targeting more non-white recruits, it's because fewer white are interested in military service plus the fact that non-white recruits tend to be from lower(low)-income backgrounds and thus more likely to be pay attention to a pitch to enlist. A majority of the people who join the Army do so for financial/career reasons. Most of those who enlist are non-college grads without great career prospects. The military is thus a decent alternative. The military will always take whoever it can get.
sorry, but many andecdotes of historical military families suggest otherwise. They dont want to join because they are sent on multiple extended tours and then things like Afghan debacle, forced vax by Dems, DEI, and general hostility to conservatives aka White Supremicists.
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