2024 Presidential Race

This is the man self-style MAGA patriots should be president again? The information in this report comes from the gangster's
former and longtime chief of staff, John Kelly, a former 40-year military man and 4-star general. He's said it all, confirmed it all.
Anybody who supports trump is as sick has he is:

Here's another disgusting Trump clip. Here he fraudulently and pathetically claims that an anonymous and certainly nonexistent general claimed that Trump answering a question about assaulting women at a debate was as courageous as U.S. soldiers dying in battle. The guy vomits self-serving bull$hit 24/7. He could have said something merely clownish and stupid about the debate--but no, Private Bone Spurs--who has mocked POWs and dead American soldiers and refused to go to a WWII memorial service in France because it was raining---tries to wrap his story in some BS remark from a general. That man is sick.

Here's another disgusting Trump clip. Here he fraudulently and pathetically claims that an anonymous and certainly nonexistent general claimed that Trump answering a question about assaulting women at a debate was as courageous as U.S. soldiers dying in battle. The guy vomits self-serving bull$hit 24/7. He could have said something merely clownish and stupid about the debate--but no, Private Bone Spurs--who has mocked POWs and dead American soldiers and refused to go to a WWII memorial service in France because it was raining---tries to wrap his story in some BS remark from a general. That man is sick.

You are the very face of disgusting on this board. Fantasizing about placing your fellow Americans in camps. You’re sick.
So trumpers will continue to be hypocrite biatches by loving her again. It's like an abusive relationship for you all.
Simmer down. I DGAS about her or what she does w/her life. I've never liked her or supported her politics or care what she spews from her mouth.
I don't think most "trumpers" as you call them really care either. Your painting a lot of folks w/a broad brush sparky.
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I DGAS about her or what she does w/her life. I've never liked her or supported her.
I don't think most "trumpers" as you call them really care either. Your painting a lot of folks w/a broad brush sparky.
Why so angry? And why did trump love her ass right up until she ran against him? Can you admit he's a lying POS? No excuses. Just yes. He's a scumbag liar.
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Why so angry? And why did trump love her ass right up until she ran against him? Can you admit he's a lying POS? No excuses. Just yes. He's a scumbag liar.
Hell man, I don't know why Trump does this or that. They're all ******* liars dude.
Y'all act like Trump can't sneeze right without saying he lied about that.
So trumpers will continue to be hypocrite biatches by loving her again. It's like an abusive relationship for you all.
Harris described Biden’s recent remarks in which he fondly recalled his “civil” working relationships with segregationist senators such as James O. Eastland of Mississippi and Herman E. Talmadge of Georgia as “hurtful.” “It was not only that, but you also worked with them to oppose busing,” Harris continued. “And you know, there was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.”

Kamala called Joe a racist in their debates and they kissed and made up and all the Democrats fell in line...........
That being said, I firmly believe we need to require 2 years of mandatory service.
Not even the Redcoats are asking for 2 years service. WTF is in the water with you people?

UK's Sunak Vows Mandatory Conscription For 18-Year-Olds If Elected

The plan would involve 18-year-olds working closely with the professional armed forces on a 12-month rotation or a 'community work' basis.

Sunak framed it in terms of civic duty and a matter of national patriotism...

"Generations of young people have not had the opportunities or experience they deserve and there are forces trying to divide our society in this increasingly uncertain world," he said.
Not even the Redcoats are asking for 2 years service. WTF is in the water with you people?

UK's Sunak Vows Mandatory Conscription For 18-Year-Olds If Elected

The plan would involve 18-year-olds working closely with the professional armed forces on a 12-month rotation or a 'community work' basis.

Sunak framed it in terms of civic duty and a matter of national patriotism...
Why is national pride bad to you??
Do you believe it possible that it more people had to earn the ability to vote thru conscription that maybe those we elected to represent us would be less likely to be bought out as easy as they are now by corporations and foreign enemies?
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Dont forget your boy xiden has let in so many military age chinese men into this country in the last 3 yrs. He's helping out by doing his part. You keep voting for dems you libby twerp
Generous joe isn't my boy by any stretch. Trump will fix the problem by ending our current form of government. We need a third candidate desperately.
Hell man, I don't know why Trump does this or that. They're all ******* liars dude.
Y'all act like Trump can't sneeze right without saying he lied about that.
Agree. This is not the time to search for perfection in our candidates and purity in the party to go against the democrats. They will be in lock-step this November. The ones in battleground states are saying "non-democrat" things now but if they are elected they are back in the corral till next time.
Agree. This is not the time to search for perfection in our candidates and purity in the party to go against the democrats. They will be in lock-step this November. The ones in battleground states are saying "non-democrat" things now but if they are elected they are back in the corral till next time.
We're not asking for perfection just basic competency and above average intelligence. Seems neither party is concerned with that as long as the guy wearing their jersey wins
We're not asking for perfection just basic competency and above average intelligence. Seems neither party is concerned with that as long as the guy wearing their jersey wins
Unfortunately that is where we are. One team in red and the other in blue.
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Why so angry? And why did trump love her ass right up until she ran against him? Can you admit he's a lying POS? No excuses. Just yes. He's a scumbag liar.
What has he lied about? Politics is a messy game. I'm fine with him shaking hands and making a coalition with a former competitor if it achievers the goal of getting back to the WH. YOU are lying if you say you feel differently
Why so angry? And why did trump love her ass right up until she ran against him? Can you admit he's a lying POS? No excuses. Just yes. He's a scumbag liar.
Next to his total refusal to listen to anyone who disagrees with him; the way Trump either supports or trashes someone solely based on that person’s praise (or lack thereof) of Trump is his single greatest character flaw. It is an immature and childish trait that most of us outgrown by second or third grade.
That is also the reason why Trump did such and absolutely horrendous job of staffing his first administration.
Unfortunately I don’t see him having learned his lesson yet and I fear we will get a crew of spineless sycophants in his next term as well.
Next to his total refusal to listen to anyone who disagrees with him; the way Trump either supports or trashes someone solely based on that person’s praise (or lack thereof) of Trump is his single greatest character flaw. It is an immature and childish trait that most of us outgrown by second or third grade.
That is also the reason why Trump did such and absolutely horrendous job of staffing his first administration.
Unfortunately I don’t see him having learned his lesson yet and I fear we will get a crew of spineless sycophants in his next term as well.
If we're lucky neither Trump nor Biden will have a next term
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Don’t usually like Posobiec, but it’s from CBS. How much more popular will Trump be if this happens?
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