2024 Presidential Race

If we're lucky neither Trump nor Biden will have a next term
No other options really. Only possible differing outcome would be if the Dems somehow convince Jill Biden to let Joe step aside at the Convention.
None of the third parties or independents have any chance at all


“There’s still a path to win this, but they don’t look like a campaign that’s embarking on that path right now,” said Pete Giangreco, a longtime Democratic strategist who’s worked on multiple presidential campaigns. “If the frame of this race is, ‘What was better, the 3.5 years under Biden or four years under Trump,’ we lose that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.”
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“There’s still a path to win this, but they don’t look like a campaign that’s embarking on that path right now,” said Pete Giangreco, a longtime Democratic strategist who’s worked on multiple presidential campaigns. “If the frame of this race is, ‘What was better, the 3.5 years under Biden or four years under Trump,’ we lose that every day of the week and twice on Sunday.”

See we were reading the same article, haha.
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If he doesn't run this go around as Plan B he definitely will in 4 years, not sure when his term is up in Cali but i bet he takes a back seat and disappears then magically reappears in time for the next Presidential election.
He is atrocious..If our nation is Calified, our nation is cooked. Just look at all the national leadership from Cal and NY..
See we were reading the same article, haha.
I like to see what Politico is saying. That headline certainly caught my attention lol.
I read the article. That was a lot of words to say trying to run Biden will be Elder Abuse.

When Trump makes an a$s of himself, I don't really feel sorry for him. He puts himself in the position and brings it on himself.

When I call trying to trot Biden out on the campaign trail Elder Abuse, I'm not be snarky.

I can't say I won't laugh or make a tasteless joke the next time Biden babbles incoherently, but part of me will feel sorry for him. I hold Biden's past against him, but not much of the present.
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I read the article. That was a lot of words to say trying to run Biden will be Elder Abuse.

When Trump makes an a$s of himself, I don't really feel sorry for him. He puts himself in the position and brings it on himself.

When I call trying to trot Biden out on the campaign trail Elder Abuse, I'm not be snarky.

I can't say I won't laugh or make a tasteless joke the next time Biden babbles incoherently, but part of me will feel sorry for him. I hold Biden's past against him, but not much of the present.

Biden is far more coherent than the gangster--a man who waves to a nonexistent crowd, a man who salutes for no reasons and babbles idiotically every day. If Biden were completely incapacitated like Woodrow Wilson--and he's perfectly fine---he and his administration would be 1000 times more professional, more competent, more American than the the gangster and his next gang of corrupt crazies. Fact. A list of the reasons that the gangster is unfit for dogcatcher, much less president, would go to 100 pages---an adjudicated rapist, convicted of tax fraud, twice impeached, deeply corrupt, tried to overthrow the U.S. government and got police officers killed, on and on and on----and against this the Earls hang onto the fact that Biden is old. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 . The Earls are truly funny.
Best post ever by you.

Only you forgot "fact" at the end.

Which of course is ironic since hog is full of nonsense and the other times you post the word "fact" it's nowhere near factual.

I'm happy to exchange "facts" with you on any topic, at any time. You up for it? You pick the topic....

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