2024 Presidential Race

Well, if Trump wins then Ukraine is pretty much f'd in the A. I think we can all safely assume that.

With Israel, Trump may well get the US back into a deepwater situation in the ME, over time. He'll align himself 100 % with Netanyahu and the wheels will come off any sort of diplomatic solution.
I'm not sure how Trump would have responded to the Israeli Rafah offensive. His foreign policy positions have formed a strange dichotomy of neutral non-interventionism and steadfast Israeli support. You can't always have it both ways.
Well, if Trump wins then Ukraine is pretty much f'd in the A. I think we can all safely assume that.

With Israel, Trump may well get the US back into a deepwater situation in the ME, over time. He'll align himself 100 % with Netanyahu and the wheels will come off any sort of diplomatic solution.
Trump was nominated for multiple Nobel Peace Prizes for the Abraham Accords which normalized relations between Israel and surrounding Middle East Countries. Mainly the ones that don't shout "Death to America" as they fund terrorism throughout the Middle East.
Trump = 0 Wars
Biden = 2 Wars(So Far)
Trump was nominated for multiple Nobel Peace Prizes for the Abraham Accords which normalized relations between Israel and surrounding Middle East Countries. Mainly the ones that don't shout "Death to America" as they fund terrorism throughout the Middle East.
Trump = 0 Wars
Biden = 2 Wars(So Far)
Yea we totally weren't engaged in any wars during the Trump years
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Marsha is full of $hit.

Polling data clearly shows that opinions of Trump's prosecution fall completely down party lines. I do not believe for one minute that there are Democrats who voted against Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, but are going to vote for him now, just because he was convicted in New York.

If you want to say that Independents have been swayed over to Trump's side because of this? I might accept that ... but it is ridiculous to suggest that Democrats will turn to Trump over it. This is exactly what we have been waiting and hoping 3 years for.
Trump was nominated for multiple Nobel Peace Prizes for the Abraham Accords which normalized relations between Israel and surrounding Middle East Countries. Mainly the ones that don't shout "Death to America" as they fund terrorism throughout the Middle East.
Trump = 0 Wars
Biden = 2 Wars(So Far)
Ehhh ..... This isn't like what the George W. Bush Administration did in 2001 and 2003. Joe Biden did not order the invasion of other countries. The United States has not deployed any soldiers into battle in either the Ukraine or Gaza.

.... and Russia had troops fighting in the Donbas region of the Ukraine while Donald Trump was President. They only expanded their incursion into the Ukraine 2 years ago. Also, there has been fighting among Israel and other middle eastern nations for 60 years now. Is that Biden's fault as well?
Marsha is full of $hit.

Polling data clearly shows that opinions of Trump's prosecution fall completely down party lines. I do not believe for one minute that there are Democrats who voted against Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, but are going to vote for him now, just because he was convicted in New York.

If you want to say that Independents have been swayed over to Trump's side because of this? I might accept that ... but it is ridiculous to suggest that Democrats will turn to Trump over it. This is exactly what we have been waiting and hoping 3 years for.

the dems who voted for him in 2016 and switched to Biden in 2020 might come back to him - they were enough last time
the dems who voted for him in 2016 and switched to Biden in 2020 might come back to him - they were enough last time
I don't believe that there were any Democrats who voted for him in 2016 .... There were a lot of Democrats who abstained from voting in 2016 - and they might again. The popular vote totals in 2016 didn't reflect any such shift. Hillary Clinton received close to 3 million more total votes than Trump. Now, Trump did win Independents in 2016.
Marsha is full of $hit.

Polling data clearly shows that opinions of Trump's prosecution fall completely down party lines. I do not believe for one minute that there are Democrats who voted against Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, but are going to vote for him now, just because he was convicted in New York.

If you want to say that Independents have been swayed over to Trump's side because of this? I might accept that ... but it is ridiculous to suggest that Democrats will turn to Trump over it. This is exactly what we have been waiting and hoping 3 years for.

Marsha Blackburn is a massively ignorant rube. She's a joke. Trump will lose more swing/moderate votes because of this....

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