2024 Presidential Race

Whoever is running this account is an absolute joke. Between this and the “no one left behind” tweet from a few weeks ago they are incredibly tone deaf.

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Who is sending billions of dollars to fund the wars ? 1 guess
The United States was sending billions of dollars in support of the Ukraine and Israel throughout Donald Trump's presidency as well. It is well-documented that Trump authorized sending javelin missiles to the Ukraine in their fight against Russia.

Do you honestly think that the United States wouldn't still be sending financial aid packages to Israel if Donald Trump was President? Get real. Netanyahu and Trump were besties. As a matter of fact, the Trump Administration authorized even more financial aid to Israel, than the Biden Administration has. There is nothing wrong with that position, however. It is what the United States has always done for Israel, especially whenever they have been at war or whenever they have faced the likelihood of war.

So, why are you only making an issue of this, now that a Democrat is the President of the United States?
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Whoever is running this account is an absolute joke. Between this and the “no one left behind” tweet from a few weeks ago they are incredibly tone deaf.

Only a Trump supporter would have that perspective. He is right. Nobody is above the law .... not Biden and not Trump.

Do you honestly think that the United States wouldn't still be sending financial aid packages to Israel if Donald Trump was President? Get real. Netanyahu and Trump were besties. As a matter of fact, the Trump Administration authorized even more financial aid to Israel, than the Biden Administration has. There is nothing wrong with that position, however. It is what the United States has always done for Israel, especially whenever they have been at war or whenever they have faced the likelihood of war.

So, why are you only making an issue of this, now that a Democrat is the President of the United States?
Because inflation is so high the last 3 years and this Biden idiot keeps the money flowing to Foreign countries anyway & dont even mention the Illegals getting handouts while Americans struggle
Because inflation is so high the last 3 years and this Biden idiot keeps the money flowing to Foreign countries anyway & dont even mention the Illegals getting handouts while Americans struggle
You don't think Trump would have kept the aid packages going as well? That is ridiculous. Of course, he would have.

However, we are getting off the point just a bit here .... Biden is not to blame for the wars in Gaza or the Ukraine. The United States has had very little to do with those conflicts. It's a silly thing to blame him for.
Trump campaigned aggressively on a border wall. He had his 4 years and couldn't get it done along with most of his other campaign promises. He is a con, a fraud, a criminal, a geriatric, narcissistic man-child. How he has so many supporters truly boggles the mind.
Trump also famously said (many times) that Mexico would even pay for the wall.
You don't think Trump would have kept the aid packages going as well? That is ridiculous. Of course, he would have.

However, we are getting off the point just a bit here .... Biden is not to blame for the wars in Gaza or the Ukraine. The United States has had very little to do with those conflicts. It's a silly thing to blame him for.
those wars would be long over if Biden would have cut off the money especially the Ukraine one
Trump campaigned aggressively on a border wall. He had his 4 years and couldn't get it done along with most of his other campaign promises. He is a con, a fraud, a criminal, a geriatric, narcissistic man-child. How he has so many supporters truly boggles the mind.
Forget him. What has Biden done to secure the border?
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Do you honestly think that the United States wouldn't still be sending financial aid packages to Israel if Donald Trump was President? Get real. Netanyahu and Trump were besties. As a matter of fact, the Trump Administration authorized even more financial aid to Israel, than the Biden Administration has. There is nothing wrong with that position, however. It is what the United States has always done for Israel, especially whenever they have been at war or whenever they have faced the likelihood of war.

So, why are you only making an issue of this, now that a Democrat is the President of the United States?

I doubt Hamas would have conducted the attack if Trump were president..
Trump campaigned aggressively on a border wall. He had his 4 years and couldn't get it done along with most of his other campaign promises. He is a con, a fraud, a criminal, a geriatric, narcissistic man-child. How he has so many supporters truly boggles the mind.
Not to mention the fact that parts of the wall that were actually built, are no real deterrent to illegal invaders
Trump campaigned aggressively on a border wall. He had his 4 years and couldn't get it done along with most of his other campaign promises. He is a con, a fraud, a criminal, a geriatric, narcissistic man-child. How he has so many supporters truly boggles the mind.
That’s what happens when someone outside of the political establishment runs for office without approval and wins.
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There was general peace in the ME and countries that had always refused to recognize Israel as a legitimate nation were doing so while he was president. Iran was cowed and probably wouldn’t have approved it.

Trump didn’t have a lot of big accomplishments while in office but he deserved credit for his handling of the ME.
I doubt Hamas would have conducted the attack if Trump were president..
LOL! That is so delusional.

Why? What deterrent would Trump have been? He is a strict non-interventionist when it comes to foreign military entanglements.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Once again, a Trump cult member is making him out to be some sort of tough guy, when he is anything but that. Trump is a pacifist and proud of it. Remember Trump's "America First" doctrine? You can't have it both ways.
There was general peace in the ME and countries that had always refused to recognize Israel as a legitimate nation were doing so while he was president. Iran was cowed and probably wouldn’t have approved it.

Trump didn’t have a lot of big accomplishments while in office but he deserved credit for his handling of the ME.
That is an outright lie. All of it.
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