2024 Presidential Race

LOL! That is so delusional.

Why? What deterrent would Trump have been? He is a strict non-interventionist when it comes to foreign military entanglements.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Once again, a Trump cult member is making him out to be some sort of tough guy, when he is anything but that. Trump is a pacifist and proud of it. Remember Trump's "America First" doctrine? You can't have it both ways.
Didn't Trump drone strike a top Iranian general? Pretty sure LG still has shat stains in his underwear from it
those wars would be long over if Biden would have cut off the money especially the Ukraine one
There is no way the war in Gaza would be over, regardless of who was President of the United States. That is an ignorant thing to say. Israel has the resources and has had the resources to make the Gaza offensive for an indefinite period of time. You are talking out of your butt about something you clearly don't know the first thing about. This is typical of a Trump cultist.

The financial aid packages sent to the Ukraine have been done so with bi-partisan support in Congress. The United States has provided aid to an ally under attack from an authoritarian ruler ... which they also did while Trump was President.

Your critiques are transparently tribal.
There was general peace in the ME and countries that had always refused to recognize Israel as a legitimate nation were doing so while he was president. Iran was cowed and probably wouldn’t have approved it.

Trump didn’t have a lot of big accomplishments while in office but he deserved credit for his handling of the ME.
Ok, I can respect your opinion. What about Syria? The Kurds might have a differing opinion.
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Didn't Trump drone strike a top Iranian general? Pretty sure LG still has shat stains in his underwear from it
I think I remember what you're talking about .... but would Trump have ever been a threat to put troops on the ground in the Gaza strip or conduct an invasion of Iran? Not a chance.
I think I remember what you're talking about .... but would Trump have ever been a threat to put troops on the ground in the Gaza strip or conduct an invasion of Iran? Not a chance.
Of course not. He also wouldn't have put any constraints on Israel. I think he would sent them whatever they wanted and said have at it. He and Bibi are boys
LOL! That is so delusional.

Why? What deterrent would Trump have been? He is a strict non-interventionist when it comes to foreign military entanglements.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Once again, a Trump cult member is making him out to be some sort of tough guy, when he is anything but that. Trump is a pacifist and proud of it. Remember Trump's "America First" doctrine? You can't have it both ways.

Trump is no “tough guy” but it’s indisputable that his administration had gotten Arab nations that had never recognized Israel as a legitimate nation to do so. Iran was isolated and nobody was going to support Hamas attacking. It has nothing to do with Trump being a “tough guy” you simpleton.
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Trump is no “tough guy” but it’s indisputable that his administration had gotten Arab nations that had never recognized Israel as a legitimate nation to do so. Iran was isolated and nobody was going to support Hamas attacking. It has nothing to do with Trump being a “tough guy” you simpleton.
That is ridiculous.
Guess what it was funded anyway.
So. Maybe they shouldn't claim "it's a border bill" when it's not. You should be equally bothered by that crap as me. Even if you support foreign war funding. And you should be embarrassed that you actually thought it was about the border. It was purely a political move to make morons claim the "gop doesn't care about the border." When the truth is the GOP didn't want to pass a bill that was about funding Ukraine.
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I don't know why I am still surprised at some of the things I read here after all these years.

I understand that line of thought. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just so mind boggling and mind numbing that anyone could actually think much less post the sheer amount of unbridled stupidity that they do. You see it daily, but your sanity is telling you that there is no way someone is that epically ignorant. It’s hard to fathom.

Did we accomplish our mission of defeating ISIS? Did ISIS retake those areas? If not how did we betray them?

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