2024 Presidential Race

You want to know who really betrayed the Kurds? That would be your boi Clinton.
Didn't the 2022 polls forecast a "red wave" for Republicans ..... which didn't come to fruition? Not the best example to use, if you're defending the reliability of polling.
I’m saying you’ve been screaming about nobody believed the polls when you were posting them “back then” (maybe it was 2020, idk) - but now here you are lol.

"President Biden has come to recognize that the surge of undocumented immigration during his presidency is a threat to his re-election," the lead sentence of an article by The New York Times' David Leonhardt reads. "The administration is now considering policies that would undo some of its initial loosening of immigration rules."
LOL! That is so delusional.

Why? What deterrent would Trump have been? He is a strict non-interventionist when it comes to foreign military entanglements.

That doesn't make any sense at all. Once again, a Trump cult member is making him out to be some sort of tough guy, when he is anything but that. Trump is a pacifist and proud of it. Remember Trump's "America First" doctrine? You can't have it both ways.
The deterrent would be that Hamas would have known that Trump would have given Israel a blank check to respond however they wished and the war would have been over quickly and decisively. None of the guardrails and endless conditions that Biden is always holding over their head.
Is Trump/Biden a new low for choices on the main tickets? Has it ever been worse than this?

Yes it’s a new low and politics in general has never been worse than this. Politics and government aren’t anything like what the forefathers founded and envisioned for the country.
Yes it’s a new low and politics in general has never been worse than this. Politics and government aren’t anything like what the forefathers founded and envisioned for the country.
It's always been bad, even with best friends

Things got ugly fast. Jefferson's camp accused President Adams of having a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman."

In return, Adams' men called Vice President Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father."
I took the new low as an indictment on the quality of candidates and not about the lack of mudslinging. 🤷‍♂️
He mentioned the ff and it doesn't look like they had much respect for their opponents or the office.

I also doubt many bemoaning the candidate choices are going to do anything but vote for one of them. You don't get better candidates by showing the parties you support any trash they offer
He mentioned the ff and it doesn't look like they had much respect for their opponents or the office.

I also doubt many bemoaning the candidate choices are going to do anything but vote for one of them. You don't get better candidates by showing the parties you support any trash they offer
From your shared quotes, I suspect they didn't have much respect for each other.

Doesn't mean the candidates weren't far superior back then to our candidates today.
From your shared quotes, I suspect they didn't have much respect for each other.

Doesn't mean the candidates weren't far superior back then to our candidates today.
They were best friends for much of their life.
You don't think Trump would have kept the aid packages going as well? That is ridiculous. Of course, he would have.

However, we are getting off the point just a bit here .... Biden is not to blame for the wars in Gaza or the Ukraine. The United States has had very little to do with those conflicts. It's a silly thing to blame him for.

I tend to agree with you but I think you misunderstand the argument about these wars. MAGA supporters argue that Trump was tougher and that Hamas/Putin would be too afraid to start stuff with Trump in the office. There isn't any real data to either support or refute that argument.
He mentioned the ff and it doesn't look like they had much respect for their opponents or the office.

I also doubt many bemoaning the candidate choices are going to do anything but vote for one of them. You don't get better candidates by showing the parties you support any trash they offer
The best route to better choices is by always selecting the least bad candidate in the primaries.

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