2024 Presidential Race

I'm voting for Biden despite my very serious misgivings about his mental acuity because preventing Trump from being POTUS again is a categorical imperative.

And its not so much what policies Trump would adopt or what would happen to my taxes if he won, as much as it is time to tell the resentment class in this country that the demographics of the country have changed and they cannot stop it. That they no longer have a lock on moral high ground. That their vision of a religious-oriented country (as warped as their version of Christianity is) is outdated, stale. Obsolete.
Hey, loser .... keep drinking that poisoned Kool-Aid the Dems keep serving up for ya.
I don't understand how anyone can look at one side and say "that's the path to certain, inevitable destruction". And people on both sides do it.

If anything our country has a slow, incremental creep towards socialism regardless of who sits on the toilet in the residence of the White House.

Regardless of the chicken littles on either side our lives will once again be barely if at all affected directly by whoever wins the presidency
Regardless of the chicken littles on either side our lives will once again be barely if at all affected directly by whoever wins the presidency
That's my conclusion, too. And since the only qualities i want to see in a candidate are smaller gov, fiscal responsibility, and more personal freedom, I have been without a viable candidate for a long time.
That's my conclusion, too. And since the only qualities i want to see in a candidate are smaller gov, fiscal responsibility, and more personal freedom, I have been without a viable candidate for a long time.

The train is rolling at top speed and it takes thousands of conductors working in unison just to keep it on the tracks. One president isn't ever going to be able to steer it alone.

I'll keep throwing my vote to a third party candidate and hopefully others will too before I'm dead. I'm not holding my breath though.
I'm voting for Biden despite my very serious misgivings about his mental acuity because preventing Trump from being POTUS again is a categorical imperative.

And its not so much what policies Trump would adopt or what would happen to my taxes if he won, as much as it is time to tell the resentment class in this country that the demographics of the country have changed and they cannot stop it. That they no longer have a lock on moral high ground. That their vision of a religious-oriented country (as warped as their version of Christianity is) is outdated, stale. Obsolete.

President Kamala Harris is what you are choosing because of an irrational hatred of Trump
The train is rolling at top speed and it takes thousands of conductors working in unison just to keep it on the tracks. One president isn't ever going to be able to steer it alone.

I'll keep throwing my vote to a third party candidate and hopefully others will too before I'm dead. I'm not holding my breath though.
I don't think it is physically possible to hold your breath when you're dead???
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One thing I notice is no Biden signs anywhere, no bumper stickers on people’s cars. Doesn't seem there is an election going on.

I'd say the DNC know Biden wins, they'll cheat again, that's why they're not worried or campaigning. They have the ballot dump playbook down.
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One thing I notice is no Biden signs anywhere, no bumper stickers on people’s cars. Doesn't seem there is an election going on.

I'd say the DNC know Biden wins, they'll cheat again, that's why they're not worried or campaigning. They have the ballot dump playbook down.
Now that you mention it, I don't see any paraphernalia for neither Mr Mumbles, nor Mr Orange.
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I'm voting for Biden despite my very serious misgivings about his mental acuity because preventing Trump from being POTUS again is a categorical imperative.

And its not so much what policies Trump would adopt or what would happen to my taxes if he won, as much as it is time to tell the resentment class in this country that the demographics of the country have changed and they cannot stop it. That they no longer have a lock on moral high ground. That their vision of a religious-oriented country (as warped as their version of Christianity is) is outdated, stale. Obsolete.

I’m voting against the racists!
- LG
If the Trump tax cuts expire and Biden gets what he wants on capital gains it could cost me many thousands/mo
Without divulging anything you are uncomfortable with, are you getting income from dividends or structured payments from the sale of an asset(s)?

I’m voting against the racists!
- LG
He’s gotten insufferable.

Start with the premise that Trump and Putin are in bed together with a plan to take over the world to finish Hitlers grand plan. Add in the idea that Trump supporters hate anyone that isn’t white. Lastly, finish it off with a willingness to be brainwashed by liberal talking heads. And you get LG.
He’s gotten insufferable.

Start with the premise that Trump and Putin are in bed together with a plan to take over the world to finish Hitlers grand plan. Add in the idea that Trump supporters hate anyone that isn’t white. Lastly, finish it off with a willingness to be brainwashed by liberal talking heads. And you get LG.
Did he really say Trump and Putin had a plan to finish Hitler's work?

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