2024 Presidential Race

I understand some hating Trump but I don't know how anyone can vote for Biden..... knowing he's one health issue away from handing the office to Kamala.
...and that health issue already occurred a few years ago, the Democrats just haven't chosen to call him out on it and invoke the 25th Amendment yet.
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The left doesn't care....they'll vote for a rock as long as it's a Democrat rock.
It's about power, no matter how it's obtained.
Republicans are more likely to cross over? 🤭🤭🤭 Observing the last ten years of politics in Tennessee, the opposite could be said. This state elected Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty. The reps are just as extreme.

Thanks for the afternoon laugh!😉
Had the Republicans been smart enough to nominate Haley or Liz Cheney, they probably would have won the Nov. election easily. But
Republican voters are too stupid and lacking in personal integrity to see the obvious....and instead have chosen to go again with fascism and an abject loser. Losers backing losers....

Now that you mention it, I don't see any paraphernalia for neither Mr Mumbles, nor Mr Orange.
I should leave early tomorrow and take a photographic journal of my drive in to work. I pass more Trump flags, MAGA signs, etc now than I did a year ago. There's a big "Jesus is my Savior, Trump is my President" billboard on Hwy 11, and a new inverted American flag since the "court" ruling last week.
Had the Republicans been smart enough to nominate Haley or Liz Cheney, they probably would have won the Nov. election easily. But
Republican voters are too stupid and lacking in personal integrity to see the obvious....and instead have chosen to go again with fascism and an abject loser. Losers backing losers....

Liz Cheney? Ok, Luther…

That woman is despised lol.
I should leave early tomorrow and take a photographic journal of my drive in to work. I pass more Trump flags, MAGA signs, etc now than I did a year ago. There's a big "Jesus is my Savior, Trump is my President" billboard on Hwy 11, and a new inverted American flag since the "court" ruling last week.
That's weird. Theres nothing in my area.
Liz Cheney? Ok, Luther…

That woman is despised lol.
Despised by who? Dumb rural people? She's conservative, smart, articulate, puts country before party. And that makes her
unpopular why? Because she's a woman? It's well known that rural men are put off by strong, smart women, perhaps for obvious reasons.
Despised by who? Dumb rural people? She's conservative, smart, articulate, puts country before party. And that makes her
unpopular why? Because she's a woman? It's well known that rural men are put off by strong, smart women, perhaps for obvious reasons.

Preach it, dumb rural people are ruining this country. But isn't "dumb rural people" a tautology? If they're rural aren't they automatically dumb?
Despised by who? Dumb rural people? She's conservative, smart, articulate, puts country before party. And that makes her
unpopular why? Because she's a woman? It's well known that rural men are put off by strong, smart women, perhaps for obvious reasons.
I'm a rural man. I like strong women. I mean the plow ain't gonna pull itself.
Daytona might as well be MAGA capital. They've got Maga superstores, and the flea market is basically the MAGA mall of america. Can't go anywhere without seeing some wild ass signs lol
Despised by who? Dumb rural people? She's conservative, smart, articulate, puts country before party. And that makes her
unpopular why? Because she's a woman? It's well known that rural men are put off by strong, smart women, perhaps for obvious reasons.
Rural…… odd there’s been an influx of them thar city folk into the rural areas getting away from all you city slickers!
I had been off the board for almost a week since before the Trump verdict. I know I've missed a lot. So I'm sorry in advance if I repost some reports.

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