2024 Presidential Race

Had the Republicans been smart enough to nominate Haley or Liz Cheney, they probably would have won the Nov. election easily. But
Republican voters are too stupid and lacking in personal integrity to see the obvious....and instead have chosen to go again with fascism and an abject loser. Losers backing losers....

Liz Cheney? Damn son you are on some serious mind altering drugs.
No doubt the Democrats want our tax dollars (yours and mine) to pay for women’s birth control pills. However, guys are on their own for condom purchases. Nobody panders and outright purchases votes like liberals.
The Democrats want our tax dollars to pay for abortions.
Here's a good nugget from the bill:
(22) As of 2022, at least 4 States tried to ban access to some or all contraceptives by restricting access to public funding for these products and services.

The bill, in part, is about taxpayers paying for contraception. Bump that noise. Like Dave Chappelle says, we broke!
Hmmm….just as I predicted.
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I noticed on the news (fwiw) that Trump is still considering Doug Burgum as his VP. If I remember correctly, there were quite a few here 4 years ago that really wanted him to run for POTUS. My question is, if he does pick Burgum as his VP, does that change anyone's vote? Specifically for the ones that wanted Burgum to run last cycle.
Not yet, best believe it's coming if DT wins the election. Abortion was just the tip of the iceberg. Republicans will come after birth control and marriage equality next.
Just wait until we reverse Suffrage and put the minorities back in chains!

Edit: I posted before reading through the rest of the nonsense. I find it helpful to spend limited amounts of my time reading that people who believe this $#!+ actually walk among us (especially since they still wear masks and want to put us in "designated areas").
I really do. I find strong women make me feel safe and protected. Plus, I need someone to kill the spiders.

Can't tell you why she's despised. The information is proprietary and until you are a member of MAGA nation...which requires testing, hazing, and a creepy initiation ceremony...you must never know what we know.
I’m dead! Lulz!
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I am fairly certain that the democrat governor and SoS in Arizona can account for the 500K voters on the rolls.

What will probably happen is this will bounce around in courts up till right before the election, then a liberal-loon judge will make a last second ruling that keeps the voter rolls from being purged, no time for appeals, and then the magic occurs.

From the article:

Research into the state’s voter rolls discovered that Arizona allegedly has between 500,000 and 1.27 million invalid registrations, including deceased people and those who have left the state, according to the lawsuit. Additionally, some counties were found to have “outrageous voter registration rates,” with some having a total list of voter names that exceeded “100% of eligible voters.”

I noticed on the news (fwiw) that Trump is still considering Doug Burgum as his VP. If I remember correctly, there were quite a few here 4 years ago that really wanted him to run for POTUS. My question is, if he does pick Burgum as his VP, does that change anyone's vote? Specifically for the ones that wanted Burgum to run last cycle.

He’d probably be fine as VP, I don’t know much about him though. However, optics wise he’d be a terrible pick. Trump needs a woman or minority.
You mean the States are free to act in accordance with the will of their people, as long as they don’t run afoul of the BoR?

I don’t know. Sounds kinda sketch…

Scary stuff. We’d probably be better off having a small group of people isolated from the public in a central place making all the decisions.
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Scary stuff. We’d probably be better off having a small group of people isolated from the public in a central place making all the decisions.
That sounds like a much better way to keep everyone safe.

Would probably be best if that small group of people were insulated from the whims of an ever changing, and sometimes irrational, electorate too.
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