2024 Presidential Race

There's a reason pretty much the whole campaign is just anti-Trump. There is basically no reason, outside of hyper-mega-uber-ultra-partisan Dems, to vote for Biden. Near as makes no difference there basically is no "Biden base" of voters. There's plenty of "anybody but Trump" out there and the Dems goal now is to foment and hold onto those votes as best they can.
Coupled with their ability to mass produce mail-in ballots, it will take a landslide of historic proportions for Trump to prevail.
I would disagree given the thresholds put in place for 3rd parties to be included in the future. It may not do much for the current election but could affect future ones. That's how I see my vote and laugh at anyone dumb enough to call utva throwaway when they support a completely rigged process

I don't disagree with this. And I'm not writing in Tim Tebow so I reckon I'll pull the lever for the Ls.

I’m wondering what this was yesterday? I wonder if it skyrocketed today due to what we have seen in France?

Gonna make the call down to the bullpen... Get the lefty Big Mike warming up.... and the super lefty Gavin as well.
If that happens, I’m afraid there may be an actual revolt and insurrection. Anyone with a brain can see Biden and Harris are horrible candidates.

Partisan hacks still think or try to convince people there is a level of competence with those two. We can see they've condensed a crowd in a high school basketball gym made up of paid lobbyists, local politicians, state-run media and bureaucrats and they still had to add black curtains like it's a UT basketball game during the Buzz Peterson and Kevin O'Neill eras.

The liberal left see the train wreck so they hurl insults at Trump supporters for having a candidate that excites them to go out and hear him speak. This wasn't an issue for them during Obama but now they have a myriad of insults when the shoe is on the other foot.
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Partisan hacks still think or try to convince people there is a level of competence with those two. We can see they've condensed a crowd in a high school basketball gym made up of paid lobbyists, local politicians, state-run media and bureaucrats and they still had to add black curtains like it's a UT basketball game during the Buzz Peterson and Kevin O'Neill eras.

The liberal left see the train wreck so they hurl insults at Trump supporters for having a candidate that excites them to go out and hear him speak. This wasn't an issue for them during Obama but now they have a myriad of insults when the shoe is on the other foot.

Democrats have always insulted their opposition. It was pretty bad during W. Bush, Mitt Romney, and John McCain runs as well.
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Democrats have always insulted their opposition. It was pretty bad during W. Bush, Mitt Romney, and John McCain runs as well.
Repubs did the same when the shoe was on the other foot. They even distributed fake two dollar bills with Clinton's picture on it. You MAGA-gots just can't admit, Repubs are just as bad as Dems, you both do the same things, and your constituents remain gullible or knowingly willing enough to swallow the self-righteous lies you both spew.
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He looks like he's dreaming of all the prepubescent girls hair that he has sniffed.
Maybe. Trump probably dreams about teenyboppers he and his pal Epstein pumped. You MAGA-gots really crack me up. You can't see both guys are more the same than you can or want to admit. Hey Mulder! you were right, the truth is out there.

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