2024 Presidential Race

Do you compare that to Hunter boning his brothers wife after he died of cancer and she was vulnerable? He got her hooked on crack and in the middle of criminal activity. Her kids walked around saying mommy's boyfriend is their uncle.

Would knowing Joe was in tidy whitey's make you feel better about the showers? Would they have been see thru once they got wet?
No, I don't make such simplistic, generalized comparisons. The context of the post I was responding to was a Trumper asking for proof the Donald was active at an Epstein orgy.

Bless your heart. I know you mean well
No, I don't make such simplistic, generalized comparisons. The context of the post I was responding to was a Trumper asking for proof the Donald was active at an Epstein orgy.

Bless your heart. I know you mean well

I know you're struggling with prioritizing seriousness of accusations. You're worried about if Trump thinks his daughter is beautiful and he says things to make her beauty sound elite, but show me a post where you were concerned about Joe potentially showing pubic hair or a hard on while showering with his daughter. She wrote she was highly sexualized.

How about Hunter humping his brothers widow? Have you commented on that?

Maybe you'd rather duck and dodge my questions.
I know you're struggling with prioritizing seriousness of accusations. You're worried about if Trump thinks his daughter is beautiful and he says things to make her beauty sound elite, but show me a post where you were concerned about Joe potentially showing pubic hair or a hard on while showering with his daughter. She wrote she was highly sexualized.

How about Hunter humping his brothers widow? Have you commented on that?

Maybe you'd rather duck and dodge my questions.
You are way out of your element. You have no freaking idea about my thoughts. 🤭🤭 The last thing I am worried about are those things you're dumbass is rambling on about. I have no worries. The main CONCERN for ME right now is what I'm grilling this weekend for my guests😁 I'm slowly building a list for shopping tomorrow. Only tribal clowns get worked up over that shat you're spewing
I was a lifeguard for years. I didn't, and don't know anyone personally, who saved someones life. Half a dozen? Sure
I never was a lifeguard, but we lived at the pool every summer.

I only ever saw a lifeguard dive off the chair 1 time - a fat little toddler had gotten loose from his mother and bellyflopped into the deep end.

Kid came out chuckling like a jolly, mini-St Nick 😂
You are way out of your element. You have no freaking idea about my thoughts. 🤭🤭 The last thing I am worried about are those things you're dumbass is rambling on about. I have no worries. The main CONCERN for ME right now is what I'm grilling this weekend for my guests😁 I'm slowly building a list for shopping tomorrow. Only tribal clowns get worked up over that shat you're spewing
Well then which is it?

Are concerned about Trump and his Ivanka comments, or are you concerned about grilling tomorrow?

Cause right now it sounds like both 🤷‍♀️
Well then which is it?

Are concerned about Trump and his Ivanka comments, or are you concerned about grilling tomorrow?

Cause right now it sounds like both 🤷‍♀️
You sure are a testy bunch. It was one comment responding to another comment in a specific context. I'm certainly more concerned about grilling. Why in the F would you care? 🤡
You sure are a testy bunch. It was one comment responding to another comment in a specific context. I'm certainly more concerned about grilling. Why in the F would you care? 🤡
Maybe I’m phishing for an invite?
Maybe I was puzzled by your statement that “only tribal clowns get worked up over this shat”?

Could be both…
You are way out of your element. You have no freaking idea about my thoughts. 🤭🤭 The last thing I am worried about are those things you're dumbass is rambling on about. I have no worries. The main CONCERN for ME right now is what I'm grilling this weekend for my guests😁 I'm slowly building a list for shopping tomorrow. Only tribal clowns get worked up over that shat you're spewing

Don't get upset and emotional because I called you out. You now realize a man with some loose nuts in the shower is greater than a man talking about his daughter is fine.
Don't get upset and emotional because I called you out. You now realize a man with some loose nuts in the shower is greater than a man talking about his daughter is fine.
You're another one I ALMOST feel sorry for, and do so.quite often. I truly believe you are a great guy.
You're another one I ALMOST feel sorry for, and do so.quite often. I truly believe you are a great guy.

Nice try instead of a response to explain why you think Trump's comments about his daughter are reprehensible.

I think Trump has a humility problem but that's not the hill to target.
Hunter Biden helped get Beau Biden's ex wife addicted to crack while he was having a sexual relationship with her. To her kids he was their uncle and their mom boyfriend.

We can't rule out Joe being aroused when he was taking those showers referenced in the diary.
Trump, BreathUT, and everybody else, he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. I once worked with youth of various ages. I saw the children of cops, [preachers, teachers, local politicians, fervent anti-drug crusaders, and others fall into the trap of drug use. You want to blame somebody? Blame USA citizens in general for being stupid enough to poison their bodies (and it's still ongoing) by buying and using it. No business can continue if the product has no market. We point at Mexico, Colombia, China, and so on. I say Look In The Dayum Mirror. Users are the market, no matter what social standing you are. Don't like it? Stop buying it. Hunter was/is just another dumb ****er too stupid to appreciate the life the Creator gave him. Druguse infects every strata of our society, it doesn't care what political affiliation you are. Unfortunately, toooo many Americans are too stupid to understand or accept that pitiful reality. And so, prefer to insultingly blame each other on the basis of one social, political, or ethnical label or another. Look In The Dayum Mirror.
Trump in January: "We have to get rid of mail in ballots."

Trump today: vote for me by mail in ballot.

Thought you guys hated lying politicians.
Realism. If we aren’t going to be able to get rid of mail in ballots before Election Day, Republicans would be fools to not utilize them.
Before WWI, the Brits argued that submarines and mines were ungentlemanly and cowardly weapons. But that didn’t stop the Brits from producing and using both.
You fight with whatever weapons are available, especially those that your opponent has chosen.

Nice little read this morning.

Very detailed and succinct. Level headed and as objective as possible. Fact based empirical evidence to support his decision.

It has become increasingly clear for many respected fence sitters what Americans have to do in November because there has been an escalation in burning the country to the ground over the last several years.
Realism. If we aren’t going to be able to get rid of mail in ballots before Election Day, Republicans would be fools to not utilize them.
Before WWI, the Brits argued that submarines and mines were ungentlemanly and cowardly weapons. But that didn’t stop the Brits from producing and using both.
You fight with whatever weapons are available, especially those that your opponent has chosen.

Rationalize much?

He said we have to get rid of them. Can't square that with what he's saying now.

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