2024 Presidential Race

GOP pols like to complain about government spending and the deficit--but they're A-OK with wealthy tax cheats and want
to starve the IRS of money--which of course is both surpassingly stupid and hypocritical.

We really throwing stones? Obama put a tax cheat in charge of the treasury.
The country is failing under Biden!! Oh, my!! Wait: Unemployment is at a 50-year low, but massive job growth....More distasteful facts for the Earls
to digest...
Despised by who? Dumb rural people? She's conservative, smart, articulate, puts country before party. And that makes her
unpopular why? Because she's a woman? It's well known that rural men are put off by strong, smart women, perhaps for obvious reasons.
Your shtick is old, tiresome and downright stupid.
So you are okay with cheating to win? Interesting.
I'm in the " if you can't beat em, join em " camp. You must be okay with it since you're such a liberal. You're supportive of the biggest cheating organization in the free world known as the democratic party. They're against voter ID's, paper ballots, and same day voting. These are ways to help curb cheating. But they are for mail in voting and ballot harvesting, 2 of the easiest ways to cheat.

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