2024 Presidential Race

He’s going to go on vacation with the Clinton’s to talk about his future and never return. That’s why they want us to know he has a “cold”

100% lies. The poll numbers before the debate is the only thing that changed. The excuse is that he is now all of sudden unfit.

They are more worried about who will be running for President than the most obvious question - who is the President right now?

Pure lies, hyperbole so they can complete a coup.
From a Democrat and former democratic chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee. Nails it.

Spot on take. It’s not like it wasn’t already known to anybody paying attention, but to see a true leftist put it in print is at least maybe a start to others coming around to not just accepting the truth, but also publicly acknowledging the truth.
From a Democrat and former democratic chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee. Nails it.

Excellent opinion piece. I passed on it until I saw other comments about it.

"Like Soviet commissars, the liberal cable network hosts, Biden administration officials and liberal pundits kept telling us Biden was better than ever."

"Meanwhile Russia, Iran, and China — the revisionist axis that keeps chipping away the well-documented decline of American deterrence — are encouraged by a belief that American leadership has suffered a deafening blow.

Thank you, my fellow Democrats! "
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Spent decades supporting people and policies that are bankrupting the country without repercussions? Definitely passing the "do without" on to future generations
Both parties are the same. Republicans harp on being conservative and they spend just as much.

Notice how both parties can agree on giving themselves pay raises and gold star benefits. Only job in America where you are almost guaranteed to be a millionaire by the time you leave.

Why not cut the benefits of politicians past and present as a starting point?
LGs go to has been to pretend Trump is someone equally feeble.

Turbo has just ignored it all together and pretends it’s not happening.

Luther doesn’t care because he thinks the people around Biden who have clearly been running the country, have done a solid job
Luth is a psychopath lmao
LG is simply in denial still.
both of them have cognitive decline issues. I mean, 83. That's not young.
There's not only a clear difference but a substantial one. Any other conclusion is delusional. Fighting it or claiming its comparable is silly. If I could vote in primaries in FL, I would have chosen DeSantis. But you have to be a part of the party and most Republicans are trash like Democrats.
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