2024 Transfer Portal Thread

He played better against tougher competition as well.

- NCST: 44% FG, 66% 3PT. 30 points
- UK: 40% FG, 33% 3PT. 17 points
- Dayton: 44% FG, 0-1 3PT. 21 points
- Michigan St: 43% FG, 50% 3PT. 17 points
- Xavier: 61% FG, didn’t shoot a 3. 28 points
- Illinois: 39%, FG, 0-1 3PT. 19 points
- OSU: 44% FG, 50% 3PT. 17 points
That’s impressive.
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My statement yesterday was that both Aidoo and Mashack are making hard decisions. I also said that all our core players have offers from other places. If you follow Meika, she’s said both of those things too. I have not said he’s leaving. It seems others may have amplified that to say he’s leaving. You can also read what I’ve said about the integrity and character of both Meika and Jahmai. They are stellar people. At 21, I would not have been strong enough to say no to the money these kids are being offered. It’s hard and it isn’t set up to help them make the best choices. Frankly, I really like Jonas, Tobe, DJ and Freddie. If I had my wish, they’d all stay. I really hope Mashack stays. He’s part of our DNA.
Not mad at you. Just mad that Twitter randos take everything and run with it and take it further than just “listening to offers”.
It’s not done directly that way, but you’re naive if you don’t think that’s very much at play.
I’m curious about the process as there’s been a lot of info on the NCAA rules concerning NIL and now a lot of inferences of the coaches being heavily involved or possibly completely in charge of specific NIL allocations to players. You often have some knowledge of the inner workings of the program so I asked - don’t think that makes me naive as I always suspected the coaches had to be involved since they build the rosters. It can’t be the collectives are now the general managers who build rosters with coach’s input but ultimately the coaches coach whoever they’re given like the professional model.
I’m curious about the process as there’s been a lot of info on the NCAA rules concerning NIL and now a lot of inferences of the coaches being heavily involved or possibly completely in charge of specific NIL allocations to players. You often have some knowledge of the inner workings of the program so I asked - don’t think that makes me naive as I always suspected the coaches had to be involved since they build the rosters. It can’t be the collectives are now the general managers who build rosters with coach’s input but ultimately the coaches coach whoever they’re given like the professional model.
I can see a benefit of having the coach separated from the money issue. Disparities will always lead to jealousy and the further the coach is from that aspect of the college game the better in terms of how he relates to his players. I have to wonder just how much of what we paid Knecht is influencing some of the thought processes for some of our current players who don't have near the talent, but overestimate their value nonetheless?
Do you really not see the irony in that question, or are you really that blind to how your supersonic aggressive responses to posters come across?
The irony that I was right? Lol is it ideal someone took Stoener’s words out of context and we now have randoms on Twitter asking Mashack’s mom if her son transferring?

Why is it such a bad thing to let insiders on the board know to choose their wording more carefully so that ppl don’t take what they say out of context? You guys want me to take an L over what? Lol im so confused because I literally predicted this was going to happen…and I am not blaming anybody here in fact the ppl who took it out context are clearly at fault
The irony that I was right? Lol is it ideal someone took Stoener’s words out of context and we now have randoms on Twitter asking Mashack’s mom if her son transferring?

Why is it such a bad thing to let insiders on the board know to choose their wording more carefully so that ppl don’t take what they say out of context? You guys want me to take an L over what? Lol im so confused because I literally predicted this was going to happen…and I am not blaming anybody here in fact the ppl who took it out context are clearly at fault
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The irony that I was right? Lol is it ideal someone took Stoener’s words out of context and we now have randoms on Twitter asking Mashack’s mom if her son transferring?

Why is it such a bad thing to let insiders on the board know to choose their wording more carefully so that ppl don’t take what they say out of context? You guys want me to take an L over what? Lol im so confused because I literally predicted this was going to happen…and I am not blaming anybody here in fact the ppl who took it out context are clearly at fault
Why can't you understand that it it's your delivery that is being criticized?

You were immediately a complete a-hole about it the same way you were with me a week or two ago before you walked it all back and eventually agreed with me.

I personally think it's silly that you are so concerned with how people interpret the message because you can't control that. Like, who do you think you're saving? And what are you saving them from? You've exerted so much effort to control that narrative, but to what end?

Yet, while I think that aspect of your position is ridiculous, it's the way you address people with instant aggressiveness that has made you the target at this point. I've noted that numerous times, but it seemingly just bounces off of you for some reason, never being absorbed and considered. You need to learn how to have a civil discussion before you come back here seeking validation from the very posters you've routinely reprimanded. That's the irony.
Why can't you understand that it it's your delivery that is being criticized?

You were immediately a complete a-hole about it the same way you were with me a week or two ago before you walked it all back and eventually agreed with me.

I personally think it's silly that you are so concerned with how people interpret the message because you can't control that. Like, who do you think you're saving? And what are you saving them from? You've exerted so much effort to control that narrative, but to what end?

Yet, while I think that aspect of your position is ridiculous, it's the way you address people with instant aggressiveness that has made you the target at this point. I've noted that numerous times, but it seemingly just bounces off of you for some reason, never being absorbed and considered. You need to learn how to have a civil discussion before you come back here seeking validation from the very posters you've routinely reprimanded.
I will work on that…that’s valid I prob was a little harsh but never used profanity or name calling

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