2024 Transfer Portal Thread

Tennessee listed as a possible landing spot
There maybe isn't a great basketball reason to not want this kid, but I just don't want someone as goofy looking as him in a Tennessee uniform. Shallow, I know, but we like what we like.
I would have gladly taken Ballo, but like I posted before, when you have a guy who's a sub 50% FT shooter that becomes one more thing you have to gameplan around. He would be an absolute monster if he could get his FT% up to around 70% or so. But he's gotten worse at it every year for the last 3 years, so I'm not sure I see that happening.
He has a no contact tag on him which typically means he knows where he’s going already, which is expected to be following his coach to SLU.
If he was available do you think there would be interest?

Edit. Nm just say your post..

Followup is it his athleticness or lack of it that you think would hurt him in a the SEC?

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