2024 Transfer Portal Thread

The name Darlinstone Dubar doesn't strike fear in the hearts of opponents but he looks the part. I hope he has a good visit this weekend. 6'8. shooting close to 40% from three and averging 7 boards a game.

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Why is there so much animosity on this board? I’ve had shots take me at me and I’ve responded to some, which was a mistake. I’ve also made stupid, emotional comments during a game- that’s on me! But I wish we could discuss opinions and/or facts rather than spend time ridiculing one another.
Why is there so much animosity on this board? I’ve had shots take me at me and I’ve responded to some, which was a mistake. I’ve also made stupid, emotional comments during a game- that’s on me! But I wish we could discuss opinions and/or facts rather than spend time ridiculing one another.
Burn him! He’s a witch!
FYI, my son is a jr at UT and ran into DK and others recently at a bar call “beans or cool beans” since the season ended.

I don’t think Barnes was surprised about the transfer portal news. Also, DK, Santi, and JJJ will help recruit those visiting over the next few weekends. Time will tell.
Basilio not panicking. Says Tennessee has cards up their sleeve.
That’s the thing, most reasonable adults aren’t panicking. Barnes and his staff have planned for all scenarios. They’re not panicking, plenty of options. I like this transfer window because it’s entertaining but man the meltdowns are something…
Basilio had the Awaka/Aidoo info before I saw anything posted here.

Also was hinting at the Mashack rumors over a month ago.
Not to discount your personal experience, but the possibility of Aidoo leaving was discussed exactly a year ago by CNCChris, and ongoing since, and Mashack and Awaka since before the holiday. The Awaka possible return was brought up two days ago by BTO, and Basilio today. Basilio gets things from everywhere, but I’m positive from past experience, that this is one of those sources.

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