$3 Trillion Infrastructure and Jobs Plan Coming

Manchin raises red flag on carbon tax

Centrist Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Monday raised a red flag over his Democratic colleagues’ push to include a carbon tax in the reconciliation package they will need his vote to pass later this year.

A plan to tax carbon as a way to combat climate change and raise revenue for the reconciliation package is gaining momentum, and some Senate Democrats think that Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) is open to the idea after she raised global warming as a key concern during an interview with the Arizona Republic last week.

But Manchin, who represents coal-rich West Virginia, is not a fan of the idea.

“I just heard about that,” he told reporters Monday when asked about the new push for the carbon tax. “Any type of a tax is going to be passed on to the people.”

Manchin raises red flag on carbon tax
Dems may Drop Debt Fight to avoid shutdown

Democrats are scrambling to get a plan B in place to keep the government open past Thursday after Republicans blocked their initial proposal.


House Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) said Monday night Democrats will now try to fund the government without raising the debt limlit. | (J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo)

Democrats are hinting they’re willing to drop the debt ceiling from their government funding package this week in order to avoid a government shutdown, a sign that their slim majorities are eager to avoid a shuttered federal government on their watch.

Senate Republicans sank Democrats’ plans to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling together on Monday evening, sending Democratic leaders scrambling to avoid a government shutdown that would kick in Friday morning. They have several options, Democrats said in the aftermath, but a government shutdown is not one.

But Democrats are adamant that despite the GOP position, they will not allow a shutdown even though it certainly means yanking the debt ceiling from their spending bill. The debt ceiling deadline is several weeks away, and the more immediate deadline is on funding the government past Thursday.

The quick movement away from a shutdown fight demonstrates Democrats’ distaste for injecting more drama into their attempts to execute President Joe Biden’s agenda. But they haven’t decided whether to simply kick the can on the debt fight with Republicans to October or separate it from the spending bill altogether. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has kept his endgame closely-held over the past few days, instead seeking to thrash the GOP as “the party of default,” as he declared on Monday.

Dems may drop debt fight to avoid shutdown
AOC says she will vote NO on the $550 Billion infrastructure bill: Progressive Democrats go to war with Nancy Pelosi after telling colleagues Biden's $3.5T budget could wait

Progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said on Tuesday she will vote no on a bipartisan $550 billion infrastructure bill that's crucial to President Joe Biden's ambitious Build Back Better agenda 'unless I get some new information.'

AOC says she will vote NO on bipartisan infrastructure bill: Progressive Dems go to war with Pelosi | Daily Mail Online
Democrats’ Budget ‘Plan B’ Would Give Amnesty to at Least 7M Illegal Aliens

A plan being worked on by Senate Democrats would slip amnesty for roughly seven million illegal aliens into a filibuster-proof budget reconciliation package, a new analysis finds.

Democrats' Budget 'Plan B' Would Give Amnesty to At Least 7M Illegals

What the government knows is that if it does actually shut down the average working American who doesn’t rely on gov assistance doesn’t even notice it.

Once that gets realized by the general populace the whole smoke and mirrors game is over.
AOC says she will vote NO on the $550 Billion infrastructure bill: Progressive Democrats go to war with Nancy Pelosi after telling colleagues Biden's $3.5T budget could wait

Progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said on Tuesday she will vote no on a bipartisan $550 billion infrastructure bill that's crucial to President Joe Biden's ambitious Build Back Better agenda 'unless I get some new information.'

AOC says she will vote NO on bipartisan infrastructure bill: Progressive Dems go to war with Pelosi | Daily Mail Online
Good. Let’s have gridlock.
Dems may Drop Debt Fight to avoid shutdown

Democrats are scrambling to get a plan B in place to keep the government open past Thursday after Republicans blocked their initial proposal.

House Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) said Monday night Democrats will now try to fund the government without raising the debt limlit. | (J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo)

Democrats are hinting they’re willing to drop the debt ceiling from their government funding package this week in order to avoid a government shutdown, a sign that their slim majorities are eager to avoid a shuttered federal government on their watch.

Senate Republicans sank Democrats’ plans to fund the government and raise the debt ceiling together on Monday evening, sending Democratic leaders scrambling to avoid a government shutdown that would kick in Friday morning. They have several options, Democrats said in the aftermath, but a government shutdown is not one.

But Democrats are adamant that despite the GOP position, they will not allow a shutdown even though it certainly means yanking the debt ceiling from their spending bill. The debt ceiling deadline is several weeks away, and the more immediate deadline is on funding the government past Thursday.

The quick movement away from a shutdown fight demonstrates Democrats’ distaste for injecting more drama into their attempts to execute President Joe Biden’s agenda. But they haven’t decided whether to simply kick the can on the debt fight with Republicans to October or separate it from the spending bill altogether. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has kept his endgame closely-held over the past few days, instead seeking to thrash the GOP as “the party of default,” as he declared on Monday.

Dems may drop debt fight to avoid shutdown

Looking more like actual clowns by the day
That is some ugly
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Biden to Huddle with Sinema and Manchin in bid to save spending package

President Joe Biden will meet Tuesday with two key Senate Democrats in a bid to pave the way for a deal on a social welfare spending package by a critical Thursday deadline.

Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona will meet with the president in separate meetings to discuss what it will take for them to back the massive spending package, aides confirmed.

Biden to huddle with Sinema and Manchin in bid to save spending package
Kyrsten Sinema Target of more Progressive Media Ire for opposition to Build Back Better

All 50 Senate Democrats would have to vote for budget reconciliation bill for it to pass

The media renewed their attacks on Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., this week following her opposition to President Biden's $3.5 trillion spending package and for reports of her holding a fundraiser with business lobbying groups who oppose the social policy and climate bill.

Between her opposition and news of her reported fundraiser Tuesday, several media figures have suggested she's not being guided by a moral code, but by greed and corruption.

Kyrsten Sinema target of more progressive media ire for opposition to Build Back Better
Absolutely incredible. The democrats want to suspend the debt limit. These people are crazed. Voted down.

GOP blocks debt limit hike, government funding

Dude, the debt ceiling gets busted every year, what rock have you been under? The problem is what comes next.

The debt ceiling would be a slam dunk if'n it weren't for the Dems looking to cram a massive spending bill right after it.

The spending bill is an outrageous waste of tax dollars that will do NOTHING but sink us further into debt. These BS promises of it being paid for by taxing the wealthy is a pick up line to make the far left feel good about it. Every single time they tell us a spending bill will be paid for by doing "X", it never f**ing works out that way. It's the reason this country has added what ~$22B to the deficit in the last 20 years?

I hope the R's stand firm and allow the country to default, getting this country back to being fiscally sound is going to be painful for everyone.

Sadly, we all know that Mitch "the human turtle" McConnell is just posturing and will roll over and all this will go through... Sad.
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Dude, the debt ceiling gets busted every year, what rock have you been under? The problem is what comes next.

The debt ceiling would be a slam dunk if'n it weren't for the Dems looking to cram a massive spending bill rifgt after it.

The spending bill is an outrageous waste of tax dollars that will do NOTHING but sink us further into debt. These BS promises of it being paid for by taxing the wealthy is a pick up line to make the far left feel good about it. Every single time they tell us a spending bill will be paid for by doing "X", it never f**ing works out that way. It's the reason this country has added what ~$22B to the deficit in the last 20 years?

I hope the R's stand firm and allow the country to default, getting this country bac to being fiscally sound is going to be painful for everyone.

Sadly, we all know that Mitch "the human turtle" McConnell is just posturing and will roll over and all this will go through... Sad.

I know but for them to suggest they create a free check to write checks is ridiculous.
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Sanders: No bipartisan infrastructure deal unless $3.5T spending bill passes first

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for a Thursday vote on the bipartisan deal

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., urged House Democrats to reject a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package later this week unless the Senate first passes the $3.5 trillion spending bill favored by progressive lawmakers.

"Let’s be crystal clear. If the bipartisan infrastructure bill is passed on its own on Thursday, this will be in violation of an agreement that was reached within the Democratic Caucus in Congress," Sanders said. "More importantly, it will end all leverage that we have to pass a major reconciliation bill. That means there will be no serious effort to address the long-neglected crises facing the working families of our country, the children, the elderly, the sick and the poor."

Sanders: No bipartisan infrastructure deal unless $3.5T spending bill passes first
Sanders: No bipartisan infrastructure deal unless $3.5T spending bill passes first

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for a Thursday vote on the bipartisan deal

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., urged House Democrats to reject a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package later this week unless the Senate first passes the $3.5 trillion spending bill favored by progressive lawmakers.

"Let’s be crystal clear. If the bipartisan infrastructure bill is passed on its own on Thursday, this will be in violation of an agreement that was reached within the Democratic Caucus in Congress," Sanders said. "More importantly, it will end all leverage that we have to pass a major reconciliation bill. That means there will be no serious effort to address the long-neglected crises facing the working families of our country, the children, the elderly, the sick and the poor."

Sanders: No bipartisan infrastructure deal unless $3.5T spending bill passes first

But Biden said he was fine with it. Remember?
Wait until everyone making under 400,000 that he said he wouldn't tax, gets taxed. Fun times ahead.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
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Omar on Manchin, Sinema: We ‘Didn’t Envision Having Republicans as Part of Our Party’ – They’re Using GOP Talking Points on Reconciliation

While speaking to reporters on Monday, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said that she is saddened that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) are using “Republican talking points” on the reconciliation bill and Democrats “obviously didn’t envision having Republicans as part of our party.”

Omar on Manchin, Sinema: We 'Didn't Envision Having Republicans as Part of Our Party' - They're Using GOP Talking Points on Reconciliation
Exclusive – Heritage Action Issues Key Vote Against $1.2 Trillion So-Called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

Heritage Action for America issued a key vote against the $1.2 trillion so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

The House will likely vote Thursday on the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, otherwise known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (H.R. 3684).

Jessica Anderson, the executive director of Heritage Action, told Breitbart News that Heritage Action opposes the bipartisan infrastructure bill because it would add to the deficit while Americans grapple with inflation.

Heritage Action said in their release that voting for the bill would only enable President Joe Biden’s even more radical $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.

Exclusive - Heritage Action Urges GOP Against $1.2T Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
your best bud The Human Turtle will speak for you
At :40, Jen Psaki flies off the reservation. Believe in higher taxes or don’t, but don’t insult everybody’s intelligence with the fantasy that a business doesn’t pass along increased costs to the consumer.


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