$3 Trillion Infrastructure and Jobs Plan Coming

LOL🤣😂😉🤪🤡 Clown Show

Not sure why I am bothering, but here goes:

Original video posted at 3 pm yesterday:

Tim dude posts identical video at 6pm as his own with his commentary.

Not sure this is the "gotcha!" moment you all want it to be. If Tim is right that this is some sort of scandal, why would Pete retweet the same exact video last night?

Anyways, carry on.
The need for infrastructure repair and renewal is well known. It has been well known for twenty years.
No kidding, Sherlock. It’s fine if ALL of that money gets spent on infrastructure. But everyone knows there’s a lot of crap spending in this bill. Racial justice is not infrastructure. Nor is climate change garbage.
The need for infrastructure repair and renewal is well known. It has been well known for twenty years.
Its also well known that we pass bills for problems like this one and the bill gets loaded down with money going many other directions.

Its akin to me needing 500$ worth of roof repair and buying a new flat screen. In the end I have to put a tarp over the roof.

The biggest difference being where the money comes from.
Is there any money for a sea wall to protect the country from massive sea level increases? Oh I forgot walls are racist.
If the Republican Party is a criminal organization, why should McConnell support spending on infrastructure if Republicans cannot squeeze the contractors for contributions and kickbacks?
Have they been this bill down yet? Curious to see exactly what percentage of this bill is actual infrastructure...... It if that was the convenient title given to shame opposition. Have I mentioned I hate politicians?
If the Republican Party is a criminal organization, why should McConnell support spending on infrastructure if Republicans cannot squeeze the contractors for contributions and kickbacks?

When you pass bills with as many zeros on the end as we typically do, there are plenty on both sides getting their piece.
If the Republican Party is a criminal organization, why should McConnell support spending on infrastructure if Republicans cannot squeeze the contractors for contributions and kickbacks?
Both parties steal trillions and continue to be sent back to do it again
Uh oh. Rumblings on the Dem side of the aisle that if the SALT caps aren’t removed they are a no vote on this plan. Shockingly the rep authoring the bill is from New York State!

If he can back up his claims there are 8-10 no votes without SALT. Let’s see if the dementia patient caves.
Gonna fix all that crumbling infrastructure that dems have pointed out...which all belongs in dem controlled towns. That'll teach em! lol
I’m not an economist but I would think all this spending increases inflation which is really a regressive tax that hits the middle and lower class the hardest.

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