40% of San Francisco residents plan to leave due to quality of life

Mea culpa. I should have emphasized that my response was concerning the nationwide polls.
So explain your response that a poll of 500 supposedly random San Francisco residents is not valid for a San Francisco issue, yet a sample size of 1,000 to 1,500 non-randomly selected respondents to a national poll is valid. If there is any validity to the national polls at all (there isn’t), then a random sample size of 500 for the comparatively miniscule population of San Francisco should be extremely accurate.
It is. Not sure if you consider Lake Hartwell upstate but the only other major ones I can think of are Keowee and Jocassee up near the mountains. They are nice, Jocasse is gorgeous.

Love Hartwell.
I just saw a story that Target, 7-11, and several other businesses are pulling out due to the record high retail crime and the lack of support to prosecute and lack of police support. Good for them. Liberal cities always have the same issues
I just saw a story that Target, 7-11, and several other businesses are pulling out due to the record high retail crime and the lack of support to prosecute and lack of police support. Good for them. Liberal cities always have the same issues

What cities aren't liberal? Even Knoxville is blue.
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What cities aren't liberal? Even Knoxville is blue.
Knoxville is blue downtown and east knoxville and on campus. Everywhere else is not. However the same liberal problems affect the city. Homeless everywhere, drug and gang activity at all time highs due to the mayor and her predecessor’s grip on KPD.
Wat is your gauge of “blue” a Democrat mayor? Ft Worth Texas has a Republican Mayor and look how well it’s managed as compared to its dipshit mentally challenged sister city Dallas.

Generally how the people of the city vote (not counting the rest of the metro area). Ft. Worth apparently has a republican mayor but, according to Dr. Google, Biden and Clinton got more votes there in the past two presidential elections.
Generally how the people of the city vote (not counting the rest of the metro area). Ft. Worth apparently has a republican mayor but, according to Dr. Google, Biden and Clinton got more votes there in the past two presidential elections.
So what? So the residents vote for a different party nationally but change their party vote at home on what affects them directly? That’s stupid as hell
That's called a question. Surely you've seen one before.
And I answered it.

You are basically saying most all of our large metropolitan areas are Democrat. I’ll agree with that. However the way you asked your question I specifically brought up Ft Worth. Ft Worth is not blue and you should have just let that lie. But with Dallas and Ft Worth you have a fantastic example of how ****** Democrats run cities as compared to Republicans. I’m sure a specific couple of others will trip over themselves to try and attack Ft Worth now and that should be enjoyable to watch. Because whatever bad you find on Ft Worth, Dallas has always done worse. Always. And it’s a fantastic direct comparison of contrasting political ideologies in large city management
And I answered it.

You are basically saying most all of our large metropolitan areas are Democrat. I’ll agree with that. However the way you asked your question I specifically brought up Ft Worth. Ft Worth is not blue and you should have just let that lie. But with Dallas and Ft Worth you have a fantastic example of how ****** Democrats run cities as compared to Republicans. I’m sure a specific couple of others will trip over themselves to try and attack Ft Worth now and that should be enjoyable to watch. Because whatever bad you find on Ft Worth, Dallas has always done worse. Always. And it’s a fantastic direct comparison of contrasting political ideologies in large city management

Ft. Worth has always done better--have they always had a republican mayor?
At what point in time of your life do you look around about how things are and say to yourself "Yeah, this is where I want to live forever"?
Ft. Worth has always done better--have they always had a republican mayor?
Nope. Remember Texas used to be Democrat. Era of LBJ and all. Then we drove the racist Democrats out of power. Ft Worth recently had a Democrat mayor a couple back. But largely Republican in recent times.

The question you are desperately avoiding is has Ft Worth always had a centrist moderate/left moderate/right mayor. To the best of my knowledge the answer is yes. Along largely with the city council. Now go read up on Dallas’s city council. You can find a few on the former residents of the state Huntsville lockup
The sad state of affairs is that the people moving into Tennessee are from blue states and they are happy to bring their politics with them from where they left. They like the small town atmosphere, the low taxes but they want crap done their way and a few more dollars for taxes doesn't seem to bother them.
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