A great read for those who mock the Ivy League

I already know you can't respond intelligently. Thanks for cementing the fact

Lol. You are a hypocrite that posted an article that somehow gives you a better sense of well being. It’s about what you feel and that’s all that matters. You’re offended by a hat but I guarantee you wouldn’t bat an eye if some had on a Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, or Black lives matter t shirt.
Lol. You are a hypocrite that posted an article that somehow gives you a better sense of well being. It’s about what you feel and that’s all that matters. You’re offended by a hat but I guarantee you wouldn’t bat an eye if some had on a Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, or Black lives matter t shirt.
I just said I feel the same way about left wingers doing the same thing. You know differently though don't you. Your problem is that anyone who disagrees with you or offers a valid point of view different from yours is automatically a left wing progressive. You've just stated as much. I just liked reading the article. I don't need a better sense of well being. I've have learned that you don't love your country very much and that's cool. I respect your POV
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Lol. You are a hypocrite that posted an article that somehow gives you a better sense of well being. It’s about what you feel and that’s all that matters. You’re offended by a hat but I guarantee you wouldn’t bat an eye if some had on a Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, or Black lives matter t shirt.

Isn't that what you do, though? Post things that give you a better sense of well being? It's almost as if that's what most people here do.

The question becomes what makes your practice of this behavior acceptable but others' practice unacceptable?
How? If a hat is offensive to the point you have to remove someone from anywhere or physically assault them then you are a snowflake.
I haven't read anyone's post here condoning physical violence. The professor has a right to ask his students not to wear such hats.
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I just said I feel the same way about left wingers doing the same thing. You know differently though don't you. Your problem is that anyone who disagrees with you or offers a valid point of view different from yours is automatically a left wing progressive. You've just stated as much. I just liked reading the article. I don't need a better sense of well being. I've have learned that you don't love your country very much and that's cool. I respect your POV

I don’t have a problem with anyone disagreeing with anything and again, how hypocritical of you. Your point isn’t valid it it just proves you posted an article because it resonated with you and who you are. You don’t like being labeled an intolerant snowflake or feeling you fall under that stigma so this made you feel better. Then you proceed to try and justify your intolerance, which is again hypocritical, by talking about people being triggered by a damn hat.
I don’t have a problem with anyone disagreeing with anything and again, how hypocritical of you. Your point isn’t valid it it just proves you posted an article because it resonated with you and who you are. You don’t like being labeled an intolerant snowflake or feeling you fall under that stigma so this made you feel better. Then you proceed to try and justify your intolerance, which is again hypocritical, by talking about people being triggered by a damn hat.
I don't care how you label me. My posting proves nothing that you've claimed. Usually you hear a differing point of view about Ivy League. You're assigning beliefs to me that I don't espouse. I do know that you don't love your country very much and that's cool. It's your right. Happy New Year!
I don't care how you label me. My posting proves nothing that you've claimed. Usually you hear a differing point of view about Ivy League. You're assigning beliefs to me that I don't espouse. I do know that you don't love your country very much and that's cool. It's your right. Happy New Year!

Lol 😂
I don’t have a problem with anyone disagreeing with anything and again, how hypocritical of you. Your point isn’t valid it it just proves you posted an article because it resonated with you and who you are. You don’t like being labeled an intolerant snowflake or feeling you fall under that stigma so this made you feel better. Then you proceed to try and justify your intolerance, which is again hypocritical, by talking about people being triggered by a damn hat.

You've sure gone off against him like a snowflake. What triggered you?
Bringing it back around to where it started:

Can we just get some people to admit that higher education is more complex and diverse a place than they originally gave it credit for, and that what is reported on are generally the more interesting groups on both sides of the political spectrum? That an individual's experience is largely what they make of things, for better or for worse? And that if you go into a situation looking for the good you're likely to find the good and if you go in looking for the bad you're likely to find the bad?
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