Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

It’s a valid question and possible. The complete opposite is possible too, that it had nothing to do with protocol, but rather bravery. Idk.

I can say during my brief time subbing (while on terminal leave before I got my first teaching job), we did have to do a training course that covered local protocols for fire, natural disaster, lockdown, etc. But you’re still doing that training less frequently than the typical teacher.

Either way what you’re asking is a fair question
Yeah, when I subbed I got very minimal training on anything.. I think we watched a video and had a packet, but I do not remember them going over any emergency procedures, which is scary.. we went over a lot of don’t hug kids 😂 it was 2017
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I think an anti-aircraft missile would be a weapon, not a gun.
I think a land mine is a weapon but not a gun.
I think a grenade is a weapon but not a gun.
I think a nuclear warhead is a weapon but not a gun.
So an assault weapon is a weapon but not a gun.
Is that it?
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100% agree. I'm just asking what is currently believed to be protected by 2A.

Some parts of that are open ended I suppose. All firearms should be protected for certain, even full auto. You could buy dynamite up until the 1950s or 60's, and grenades aren't that different from that. RPG's? TOW missiles? I mean if you have the money to burn, then sure. Buy it and go waste your bucks. Go to a big range and pay to blow up an old car or something. You can legally own a tank if you want btw.
I have been wondering about this. The school must have done something extraordinary to keep the children safe.

I have also wondered if those children who were murdered were ones who happened to be outside of the classrooms at the time (bathroom, office, etc.)
You are definitely on the right track with both. Again, I'm trying to respect those involved, so I will refrain from details. But, pray for the families and community. This is hitting hard, but God is working in wondrous ways.
Watching the police go thru the building and no one around impressed upon me that the children were herded and secured (as much as possible).
Wait for details.

On a side note: my 16 year old son told me two days ago:

"If I know there is a person shooting people in my school, I'm running out the nearest door as fast as I can.'
LOL....Which means that if you had your way, in all of the instances in which an AR 15 was used, the person would have had a fully automatic firing 800 rounds per minute.

Step back and behold how absolutely asinine that position is..........

All it really proves is how essential rational and reasonable limitations and restrictions are........and how the gun nuts on the extreme will fight even the most rational and reasonable.

It's on the borderline of suggesting the gun nut right should not even be considered, because they are against it all.

What's asinine is giving up freedoms for perceived safety.

I'm not completely against the ban on fully automatic firearms.

I do however see the creep, even more we're taking about restricting access even further...... At a time where government has shown willingness to neglect the will of it's people and constrict their freedoms.

Question. If Trump had lead an insurrection in January and been successful with support of at least some portion of the military would you have considered there to be a need for us to take up arms to stop him?

If the means were taken away how could we?

The point being there are any number of reasons the people should be armed, our founding fathers lived through this and afforded us the means. We'd be foolish to give that up for a false sense of security.

And to your last statement the vast majority on the right aren't against it all any more than the majority on the left are for abolishment. The question is where does it end? And why punish law abiding citizens and turn them into criminals for exercising their rights afforded by the constitution?
Wait for details.

On a side note: my 16 year old son told me two days ago:

"If I know there is a person shooting people in my school, I'm running out the nearest door as fast as I can.'
I’m with him.. they tell the kids to stay inside under desks (because someone could be waiting for them outside to shoot them as they come out) but to me they seem like easier targets being inside hunkered down.. this school had a lot of other safety measures in place from what I’ve heard, so they could do that and it not be a disaster by doing so..I mean if the shooter is inside.. go outside especially if you’re by a door and there aren’t security measures in place (as a teenager plus) .. little kids are gonna follow adults as they should
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"Former Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Warren Burger argues that the sale, purchase, and use of guns should be regulated just as automobiles and boats are regulated; such regulations would not violate the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. " I tend to agree with Warren Burger on this.
So then you agree I should be able to buy a gun with no background check, registration, or licensing, gift it to my brother with no background check, registration or licensing and my brother or even my 13 year old niece can shoot it on my brother’s land all she wants with no background checks, registration, or licensing?

Cause I can do that with a truck this weekend if I wanted.
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I have been wondering about this. The school must have done something extraordinary to keep the children safe.

I have also wondered if those children who were murdered were ones who happened to be outside of the classrooms at the time (bathroom, office, etc.)
I read somewhere that the school master who was killed had sought and paid for top tier training for an event like this last year and had plans and training for their staff.

From what I understand she hit a panic button and that's what sounded the alarms.

I think you're spot on in regards to the children who were killed.
I don't know. What does 2A protect? All weapons? Anything available to the military? Anything that fires projectiles?
The founders weren't really very specific.....I guess that was intentional.
The founders intent was obvious. The reason for the 2nd amendment wasn't for hunting, it wasn't for home defense. The second amendment was to keep government in check. It was to have a populace that could fight back against a tyrannical government, a government similar to that they fought for independence. So given that intent, it only makes sense that they meant weapons similar to what the government had at the time. AR15s don't even come close to that standard today.
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I read somewhere that the school master who was killed had sought and paid for top tier training for an event like this last year and had plans and training for their staff.

From what I understand she hit a panic button and that's what sounded the alarms.

I think you're spot on in regards to the children who were killed.
I heard that too.. they had a lot of extra safety stuff above and beyond
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And I'm glad criminals can't easily get their hands on full auto firearms.
(which would be the case if law abiding citizens could own them)
There all fully automatic weapons all over the place, mainly in large metropolitan areas in the possession of criminals. There is audio from police in Chicago on July 4th last year. In every direction within ear shot is automatic weapon fire.

There are a select few that can possess these weapons legally I'm told.
The founders intent was obvious. The reason for the 2nd amendment wasn't for hunting, it wasn't for home defense. The second amendment was to keep government in check. It was to have a populace that could fight back against a tyrannical government, a government similar to that they fought for independence. So given that intent, it only makes sense that they meant weapons similar to what the government had at the time. AR15s don't even come close to that standard today.
They wrote more than the founding documents. They wrote extensively, in depth.

Their thoughts are well known to any that have looked.
100% agree. I'm just asking what is currently believed to be protected by 2A.
Based on how it was written? Everything. This isn't hard. Read it as written. Read what the founders said in context. Yes they wanted the populace to be able to go toe to toe with the government. And yes they provided a mechanism to change it. Anything outside of that is a dishonest approach.
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I read somewhere that the school master who was killed had sought and paid for top tier training for an event like this last year and had plans and training for their staff.

From what I understand she hit a panic button and that's what sounded the alarms.

I think you're spot on in regards to the children who were killed.
If only she or the facilities worker could have been equipped to do more than simply run to the danger. They were brave souls.
Based on how it was written? Everything. This isn't hard. Read it as written. Read it what the founders said in context. Yes they wanted the populace to be able to go toe to toe with the government. And yes they provided a mechanism to change it. Anything outside of that is a dishonest approach.
From one of my DAR lunches (yeah, I know lol)…we have speakers (yeah, I know, 😂).. a big problem the colonists had was getting arms and ammunition.. their experiences that they had with the British influenced a lot of how they wanted the country to be.. I actually have ancestor who was on the House of Burgesses (which was basically practice Congress, before there was a United States), so I’ve always been interested.. a lot of Tennesseans have roots in the Carolinas and Virginia if they go back far enough
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That's fine.

I guess I'm just not sated enough with my travels to even consider it.
I waited until I was 34 before having kids. I have 2 boys now. It took a minute to adjust. I remember my wife telling me “Well that’s just too f’ing bad!!” when I was complaining about how little I was getting to golf after we had our first son.

Although there are plenty of times I want to punch both of them in the face, the last 5 years surpass anything and everything I did in my 20s and early 30s. These little dudes are crazy fun! Just throwing that out there.

Now, if you will excuse me, I’m gonna search the sites for one of those guns that I can shoot 800-1200 rounds per minute!

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