Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

It may have been ugly(probably unavoidable) but he got us out of someplace we should have never been. One of the only things the guy did right.
Plans were in place to withdraw troops before he took office. I agree we shouldn't have been there as long as we were, not that we should never have been there. Should have left once OBL was killed IMO. Wasn't our place to nation build either. But who pulls out the security BEFORE evacuating everyone else?
It's just that the exercising of your right makes it more probable that others will be harmed. But hey, "don't tread on me."

Just give the government all your weapons. That's been a KILLER success in our historical references. Aren't you a teacher?
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Not sure how that is antagonizing. Thoughts and Prayers are good but the poster is right. We need finite actions that will actually help prevent so many school shootings.
Bad choice of word. Doesn’t change the fact nobody looks at things exactly like you and until you realize that you should probably just keep your “pet peeve” to yourself.
That’s precisely what you’re doing, though. I agree, can’t be too sure of anyone’s motives, but in this moment that is all one can do.

You saying it on a board is not doing it. You get that right? Why not just pray. Why must one post it? Because they want attention.
Bad choice of word. Doesn’t change the fact nobody looks at things exactly like you and until you realize that you should probably just keep your “pet peeve” to yourself.

Thank goodness you are always here to personally keep me in check.
I believe many on here have proposed a rehaul and emphasis on the mental health system.

Too vague. Let's use an example that we know who the shooter was, the Las Vegas massacre. That guy had no documented prior episodes of mental health issues, no arrests and no reports to authorities about him yet something drove him to commit the largest mass shooting in our history. What "rehaul" of our mental health system would have stopped that? We have to go deeper.
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I believe many on here have proposed a rehaul and emphasis on the mental health system.
On this we can agree. I think we also must consider how we collectively, as a society, raise children. I'm not familiar with any statistics but it just seems kids, young adults and adults aren't as stable and adjusted members of society as they used to be.
What needs to be done is figure out what drives people to commit these acts and fix that. Nothing you or anyone else have put forth as a solution will do anything to stop mass killings.
I'll give you a really good starting point. America has far more of these acts than anywhere else, which would lead most to conclude.......................
Bad choice of word. Doesn’t change the fact nobody looks at things exactly like you and until you realize that you should probably just keep your “pet peeve” to yourself.

But...why aren't you saying this to folks that want to give "thoughts and prayers" I mean even as a faith believer myself it's the same thing.
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