Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Female shooter, 28, armed with two assault rifles and pistol kills at least six in Nashville school massacre: Three children and three adults are gunned down at private Christian elementary before police took out shooter

Police say the shooter - who has not yet been named - killed three kids and three adults before being shot dead by police. Her identity has not yet been confirmed, but police said initially they believed she was a teenager.

Later, they confirmed she was a local 28-year-old.

Nashville school shooting: Female shooter kills 6 | Daily Mail Online
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No they absolutely wouldn't. The list of things you could institute to save more lives than guns take is quite long. Why not start there and work your way down?

What other rights of all citizens are you willing to give away in the name of "safety"?

which is it?

Keep leaning on your rights to justify school shootings, People have gotten really good at that after the first 100 or so.
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I'm not sure how 'normalizing all this gender crap' leads to school shootings. Pedophilia is one of so many issues that messes kids up clearly. Mental health care though just sucks (nice if you can afford it). One day, maybe we'll learn the value of prevention.
Let me preface this by saying this is only one issue of many. In regards to this issue, gender dysphoria, it has the highest suicide rate of any group. By pushing kids into this group by creating an environment that makes that normal, you are putting kids into that suicidal group that would otherwise not be in it this creating gender dysphoria rather than it being an occurrence that starts dependant of environment or chemical imbalance.

As that is the case, the higher rate of depression, anxiety, anger, etc naturally increases. 99% of these kids just need time and guidance, not quick/no questions asked affirmation into guaranteed mental illnesses as a product of environment.
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A female? bah, I have my doubts. I know this will cause consternation from our progressives but I cannot help but wonder if it was a trans teen.

Secondly, every blithering idiot wailing at the top of their lungs WHY ARE THEIR SO MANY GUNS!?!


It isntly like a greater percentage of the population have guns and it was much easier to get a gun (just walk into any store and buy one) than it is now. But it is unquestionable that a greater percentage of the population (though still very small) is willing to commit mass murder.

Is it drugs that teens are using? SSRIs, Ritalin, etc? is it hyper real violent gaming? is it the loss of faith that humanizes their fellow men/women? This is what we need to look at.

Now its coming out that it as a 28 year old. Lets see if it was personal or it was a political agenda.

Killer Karen or Tranny Terror? or someone who just hated the school for a personal reason, abuse, etc? But those people are not likely to go shoot it up and murder innocent people.

And btw - main reason I think it could be these above is because the left has so wound these people up against a Christian org. IF that that is a big if, it is a trans person or a pink haired Karen, they will def have targeted the school because it was Christian.
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The problem of school shootings is obviously multifaceted, so the solution has to be multifaceted too. There is no silver bullet (not meant to be a pun). There's plenty of room for solutions in all realms: school architecture, mental health, gun ownership law, etc. To fixate only on ONE solution as if it will cure THE problem is too simplistic and naive, imo. And keep in mind, that the idea is to solve THE problem, not shift the problem somewhere else or create a dozen new problems. That is a very difficult thing to sort out.

That requires nuance. Something sorely lacking in today's society...

As far as solving this issue, I've yet to hear of a solution that the government can't use to put citizens under its thumb. Solutions like armed guards in schools, school architecture/design changes, mental health reform, etc. all seem to be ignored and only guns are focused on by our government. Anyone ever wonder why that is, exactly? Seems to me as if it isn't their intention to stop incidents like this, rather, it's simply a way to infringe on fundamental rights and freedoms and "not letting a good crisis go to waste."
Nobody as far as I know.
I'm of the opinion that the threshold of feelings of shame do not begin with "shooting someone."
The shame should be with the person pairing the 2 unrelated images together to further an agenda
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