Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

So if you take guns from everyone, the nutjobs just move on to the next easiest method. Meanwhile, the non-nutjobs pay the price and people still die.

That next easiest method would be knives if Japan is any indication. Tougher and more personal method. Fewer would die as a result.
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No, that's what people with agenda do to stir up support for a knee jerk reaction that likely wouldn't have stopped this person from hurting others.

We can't ban guns.

The left uses it as a wedge issue, so does the right.

Common sense is the victim.

I am not going to know for sure until the reporting is more complete, but initial media reports are that she had two assault rifles and a handgun. As far as I can tell, 98 % of the time when in the hands of civilians these assault rifles (let's call then a style of firearm) has two functions:

1) to look cool in social media posts; and

2) to kill more people, faster.

I have yet to hear of people routinely using such weapons to hunt.

And it sure seems like the coolness factor plays a role in some of these people arming themselves and emboldening them to such action. So, I am pretty well convinced at this point that the value of # 1 is easily outweighed by the losses in # 2. But people confuse the right to bear arms with the right to bear any arm.

You say you want common sense? How about we see if we can't make some common sense distinctions where people own firearms for utility, not facebook posts.
Too vague. Let's use an example that we know who the shooter was, the Las Vegas massacre. That guy had no documented prior episodes of mental health issues, no arrests and no reports to authorities about him yet something drove him to commit the largest mass shooting in our history. What "rehaul" of our mental health system would have stopped that? We have to go deeper.
That's an outlier though. We generally find out that the shooter was on an FBI list, spoke with authorities several times and has had violent episodes.
Your libertarian is showing again.

Oh you didnt get the newsletter...Im pretty much apolitical now. Libertarians arent the answer and in a broken two party system they will never have a chance. I just use common sense at this point, politics are a man-created evil.
But...why aren't you saying this to folks that want to give "thoughts and prayers" I mean even as a faith believer myself it's the same thing.
If you think someone saying “thoughts and prayers” is equivalent to someone knocking someone because they don’t agree with their way of dealing with a tragedy then idk what to tell you.
I am not going to know for sure until the reporting is more complete, but initial media reports are that she had two assault rifles and a handgun. As far as I can tell, 98 % of the time when in the hands of civilians these assault rifles (let's call then a style of firearm) has two functions:

1) to look cool in social media posts; and

2) to kill more people, faster.

I have yet to hear of people routinely using such weapons to hunt.

And it sure seems like the coolness factor plays a role in some of these people arming themselves and emboldening them to such action. So, I am pretty well convinced at this point that the value of # 1 is easily outweighed by the losses in # 2. But people confuse the right to bear arms with the right to bear any arm.

You say you want common sense? How about we see if we can't make some common sense distinctions where people own firearms for utility, not facebook posts.
you don't have the right to be so careless with your firearms as to allow your child or others to use them to kill third parties. There is some culpability there. Gun liability insurance is fairly inexpensive, as well.
So if someone steals your car/hammer/nine iron/pocket knife/etc and harms someone with it, you want to be liable for it? Some stole a lawnmower from me. Am I culpable should one of their children cut their foot off with it?

Hate to be this direct, but that is stupid as hell.
I am not going to know for sure until the reporting is more complete, but initial media reports are that she had two assault rifles and a handgun. As far as I can tell, 98 % of the time when in the hands of civilians these assault rifles (let's call then a style of firearm) has two functions:

1) to look cool in social media posts; and

2) to kill more people, faster.

I have yet to hear of people routinely using such weapons to hunt.

And it sure seems like the coolness factor plays a role in some of these people arming themselves and emboldening them to such action. So, I am pretty well convinced at this point that the value of # 1 is easily outweighed by the losses in # 2. But people confuse the right to bear arms with the right to bear any arm.

You say you want common sense? How about we see if we can't make some common sense distinctions where people own firearms for utility, not facebook posts.
You have heard of these weapons being used to hunt. It's mentioned every time guns are brought up in various mediums. It's one of the main arguments with the AR-15. I don't give a damn about what's hunt worth or not because that's not the purpose of the 2a anyways. It's bigger than that.
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That's an outlier though. We generally find out that the shooter was on an FBI list, spoke with authorities several times and has had violent episodes.

Ok. I'm good with digging into why these people were not investigated further. What were their triggers, what medications were they on? ext
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So we are on the same page now. He didn't kill anyone therefore why would he be ashamed? Happy we agree.
Seems you skipped right over the page.

But I'm going to bow out for now.....

Prayers to the ones directly impacted.....prayers to us all who are indirectly impacted.......hope for a long overdue awakening.
Just my pet peeve of people typing "thoughts and prayers" after tragedies as if that does anything, its a "look at me" action that excused any real action. That's all.
Go be miserable elsewhere. Some on here feel like that’s how they can help. I’m sure the mothers and fathers of the dead of a Christian private school believe in prayer.
the important thing is the horrible tragedy about these children getting murdered for doing nothing not who prays and don't pray
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Oh you didnt get the newsletter...Im pretty much apolitical now. Libertarians arent the answer and in a broken two party system they will never have a chance. I just use common sense at this point, politics are a man-created evil.
Can't disagree with most of that but your views are gun control are right out of the liberal playbook. None of your "solutions" will prevent anything.
I have yet to hear of people routinely using such weapons to hunt.
Do you hunt? I've posted a few times that they were very useful guns when I hunted out west. They still are in Florida as well.

You've yet to hear it because either you've never asked or waited for the answer

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