Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

What does AR stand for?
It sounds like you are claiming there may be different types. semi and fully. Why in the world would anyone think the conversation was restricted to semi's? (I know....I know....I know)

You guys can be so transparent.

Man, you just keep embarrassing yourself. You should really try to educate yourself on the topic.
What does AR stand for?
Anthony Richardson? He wore #15


This was yesterday. Notice anything?

I did notice in the initial video sequence that the playground to the right of the shooters vehicle had 20 kids in it and was ignored. The shooter was walking around forever inside and couldn’t find anyone. Totally ignored the church for children and didn’t enter the either.
Armalite rifle

Because selective fire weapons aren't readily available to the public. Semiautos are the discussion by default
I would think the opposite. If semiautos all fire at the same rate, and it is completely dependent on the operator, then the whole discussion would move to clips and loading and cartridges and that type of stuff.
That is one of their fundamental defenses.

It's the whole "slippery slope" fear mongering. "You can't regulate any, because if you regulate one, you will not stop until you regulate all."

It's about as stupid as saying .........................
"you cannot assign a legal speed limit, because if you set a limit, you will not stop until the limit is zero."

Yet some are already regulated and now you want to regulate more. Yea that’s no “slippery slope”.
I would think the opposite. If semiautos all fire at the same rate, and it is completely dependent on the operator, then the whole discussion would move to clips and loading and cartridges and that type of stuff.

Guess we all need to hurry and get those 100 round drum mags.
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If semiautos all fire at the same rate, and it is completely dependent on the operator, then the whole discussion would move to clips and loading and cartridges and that type of stuff.
Ok, you got the first part down now. So, semi autos are OK?

What do you want to go after now?

Before you answer "cartridges," read up on rifle calibers, including the famous M1 Garand, used in WW2 and beyond (.30-06 caliber). Let us know where the dreaded AR-15 .223 falls in the spectrum.
If you remove all the AR platforms, and by function of that removal make school shootings “less lethal” - what will your proposal be when the next school shooting (though “less lethal”) occurs?
Who knows. But I will think, and probably even say, thank god it wasn't worse.
There have been and will always be crazy (evil) people intent on inflicting as much pain and suffering on others as possible.
I'm for continually searching for ways to reduce that number, and for reducing the amount of pain and suffering they can easily inflict.
My belief is that they are intentionally being disingenuous. They don't actually believe what they claim. If they did then they don't know how commas work, what our founders said regarding citizens freedoms, and foolishly think a group of men, who felt the need to over throw an oppressive government, would turn around and create a government that they themselves could not overthrow should they deem it necessary. They just know that if they admit the 2A is what it actual is then they can never achieve their actual intent. The bar to change the 2A is too high of one for them to achieve. It's easier to lie, be disingenuous, and attempt to actually subvert our founders intent.

I’m sure the line of thinking by people like luther is we have come far enough where we would never have to worry about defending ourselves against the government therefore the right to arm ourselves isn’t important.
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I would think the opposite. If semiautos all fire at the same rate, and it is completely dependent on the operator, then the whole discussion would move to clips and loading and cartridges and that type of stuff.
Why would you discuss the capabilities of an action no one is using? What more control do you want on auto weapons?

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