Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Feds, if you’re watching, keep an eye on this one ^^^. He’s big mad.

He’s right…your observation is ridiculous. While it is possible for the two statements to be mutually exclusive, it’s not really the right time to say it.

A trans murders nine year old children, and the statement appears to make an excuse for her actions.

Moreover, trans people aren’t really under attack, but they are getting their own group of vocal militants who appear to be threatening the rest of society.
Feds, if you’re watching, keep an eye on this one ^^^. He’s big mad.
This is their tactic. Threats. Still no proof of anything that they said was true, But "Feds check out this guy"...

Not mad at all. I called you out for your asinine post and your response was "Huh".

It's fun making fun of losers like you. You have no idea what the f*** you are talking about, but are more than happy to regurgitate the talking points that you are told to recycle.
This take is beyond dumb. The two ideas aren’t mutually exclusive.

To put it in a perspective most here would understand, raise your hand if you’re conservative and think the “American Way of life” is under attack. Now, let me completely invalidate your feelings because some racist/xenophobic nut job hunts down black folks in a grocery store, or Mexicans at Walmart. Am I correct to invalidate your perspective based on the extreme actions of someone that you don’t know or relate to? Nope.
This is the post I've commented on..........
Some of the solutions given:

1 door in and out. Fire marshal gonna poo on that real quick

Every teacher with a gun. 35k a year to wrangle kids and be armed guards?! Sign me up!

Multiple armed guards- fine, if it can be funded. Education funding not exactly a red state strong point.

This fantasy of a James Bond around every corner waiting to neutralize would-be killers only makes sense when you realize the Republicans are just transparent shills for the gun lobby.

Idrgaf about people owning guns but the pile of dead school kiddies is getting rather large. It’s unconscionable in a civilized country.

Universal background checks would be a start.
Some of the solutions given:

1 door in and out. Fire marshal gonna poo on that real quick

Every teacher with a gun. 35k a year to wrangle kids and be armed guards?! Sign me up!

Multiple armed guards- fine, if it can be funded. Education funding not exactly a red state strong point.

This fantasy of a James Bond around every corner waiting to neutralize would-be killers only makes sense when you realize the Republicans are just transparent shills for the gun lobby.

Idrgaf about people owning guns but the pile of dead school kiddies is getting rather large. It’s unconscionable in a civilized country.

Universal background checks would be a start.

Find anyone who has said every teacher should have a gun in this thread. I’ll wait…

Also find me where teachers only make 35k

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