Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Okay thanks. Still a little skeptical of that, but I won’t say you’re totally wrong.

Following up of any reading materials you would recommend?

Skeptical or not doesn't change the fact that to obtain an automatic weapon, you will undergo a far more detailed, fingerprinted background check than the NICS system which all FFL dealers must use for every gun purchase, and pay a $200 tax stamp. Any transfers can only be made through a Class 3 licensed FFL dealer. Aside from the enormous cost of ammo to even run the gun, the gun itself will cost anywhere from $10K to multiples of that number. An M-16 - an actual assault weapon actually used by military as a 'weapon of war', is probably a minimum of $30K. Owners must designate an FFL dealer who will take possession in the event of owner death. Before transfer, the gun must be registered with & approved by the Treasury Secretary.

Only auto weapons made before May 19 1986 can be transferred in the civilian market; that's when the GCA - expanding upon the 1934 NRA - closed the registry to new manufacture auto weapons. Even owning a select-fire sear is considered an auto weapon. If in possession of such an auto weapons made before 1986 that did not adhere to that process, say hello to prison. If possessing one made after that date, hello prison. The high prices are due to the fact no more are made for the civilian market for nearly 40 years now and and an expanding population of well-off buyers have reduced the supply.

Those weapons are invisible in criminal statistics; the cost and process of acquiring them and their scarcity ensure Mr. Street Hood doesn't have one.
What Mr. Hood might have is a a semi-auto that is illegally converted to auto, made on the black market. Hello prison.

I'll guarantee you Bass Pro shops neither have Class 3 weapon (auto) on display or for sale, and are not Class 3 dealers.
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I think everything you said is very reasonable, and a great start. Thank you for sharing.

I will push back a little on your registration concern. Voting is a right that should also not be infringed upon, but we all still have to register to vote.

Getting off subject a little here but I think it ties in. We give much more data and info on ourselves than we should to much more than just the US government by simply searching the web.

Because non-citizens can't vote in federal elections (nor states according to their constitutions); thus the registration that you may identified as a citizen and to protect voting integrity. Under the Firearm Owner's Protection Act of 1968, it is illegal for the fed to have a gun registry. There is a process for tracing *crime* guns back to the selling FFL dealer. There is no evidence that a registry would prevent any crime; note - murder is already illegal.

Searching the web is a voluntary activity and has no correlation to guns being registered even as an esoteric point.
Then educate me - don’t get defensive. Do you have any reading materials you would recommend to help understand your perspective better? Or anything that would help me know more about the subject?

There are fully automatic weapons on display at Bass Pro Shops. How difficult is it to buy them from a retailer or at a gun show? Again I’m not trying to be a smart ass and am genuinely asking - what is stopping me from throwing down a credit card and walking out with one tomorrow?

I know semi-autos are covered legally, and I think it should stay that way.

What Bass Pro Shop is displaying automatic weapons? I highly doubt this is true.

I think you might be mistaking a scary looking semi auto rifle for a fully automatic one.
This part will work. Bullet proof glass box with metal detectors for entry. Doors automatically lock with detection of metal. a single armed guard would have to have to open the doors if locked, or call the police if there is a real threat. Fire doors only open outward. You can have multiple of these and satisfy fire code. Hopefully if a suspected shooter is caught in the box, trying to enter, they will just kill themselves.

Secure doors??!!?
Impossible...who ever heard of such a futuristic, Jetson thing?
Secure doors??!!?
Impossible...who ever heard of such a futuristic, Jetson thing?
Even if they did that, the killers would just wait on ppl to come outside to open up on them. You can do all the gymnastics you want to avoid talking about the guns, but it’s always gonna come back to that. No matter what kind of solutions there are or aren’t.
Okay thanks. Still a little skeptical of that, but I won’t say you’re totally wrong.

Following up of any reading materials you would recommend?

You can be as skeptical as you want but I guarantee that if you go to bass pro tomorrow to buy an alleged fully automatic weapon you aren’t taking it home. I’m not sure you can take it right then even if you have a federal firearms license. That would be the only possible scenario I can think of though. Not sure what reading material to offer or what you’re looking for? Regulations? The 4473 background check form is readily available online if you want to check it out. Plenty of stuff on YouTube.
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Even if they did that, the killers would just wait on ppl to come outside to open up on them. You can do all the gymnastics you want to avoid talking about the guns, but it’s always gonna come back to that. No matter what kind of solutions there are or aren’t.
And what's to stop them from mowing them down with a car? You can do all the mental gymnastics you want to avoid talking about EVIL PEOPLE but it's always going to come back to that. No matter what kind of solutions there are or aren't.
Mahoney 's in Johnson city used to have a 50 cal hanging above their handgun case.
I have several friends with a 50 cal. They aren't full auto, though. If anyone has seen a full auto weapon on display somewhere, they are for looks or for rent on a private range. If there's one at Bass Pro, I would be very surprised.

This conversation is so difficult, but also enlightening. I really had no idea that so many people were so clueless. I might feel a little differently if I really believed that anyone could stroll into Bass Pro and buy a full auto assault rifle with no background check today.
I have several friends with a 50 cal. They aren't full auto, though. If anyone has seen a full auto weapon on display somewhere, they are for looks or for rent on a private range. If there's one at Bass Pro, I would be very surprised.

This conversation is so difficult, but also enlightening. I really had no idea that so many people were so clueless. I might feel a little differently if I really believed that anyone could stroll into Bass Pro and buy a full auto assault rifle with no background check today.
The media and the democrats have demonized guns for so long. It's been an effective strategy. Many people have moved away from firearms because of their "Tabboo" persona. As a result you've got people that have no idea what they're talking about suggesting "solutions ". They read their internet propaganda, watch their DNC propaganda on TV and suddenly think they're a gun expert when in reality they're just propaganda arms to the DNC. What they don't realize is the DNC, (this is has been on display for the last couple of days with the victimization narrative of the Trans community) don't care about people. All they care about is power. The 2nd amendment is all that stands in the way of the rest of the BOR.
I have several friends with a 50 cal. They aren't full auto, though. If anyone has seen a full auto weapon on display somewhere, they are for looks or for rent on a private range. If there's one at Bass Pro, I would be very surprised.

This conversation is so difficult, but also enlightening. I really had no idea that so many people were so clueless. I might feel a little differently if I really believed that anyone could stroll into Bass Pro and buy a full auto assault rifle with no background check today.

To me, it really highlights how many people have bought into the lefts scare tactics surrounding ars. They’ve been hearing “weapons of war” and see its look, and now they’ve got all these people thinking they’re full auto. They are clueless of the current laws and processes, and yet want to make new laws and restrictions and debate a subject on which they have zero knowledge. It’s crazy.
I have several friends with a 50 cal. They aren't full auto, though. If anyone has seen a full auto weapon on display somewhere, they are for looks or for rent on a private range. If there's one at Bass Pro, I would be very surprised.

This conversation is so difficult, but also enlightening. I really had no idea that so many people were so clueless. I might feel a little differently if I really believed that anyone could stroll into Bass Pro and buy a full auto assault rifle with no background check today.

I blame the media and their dishonest reporting. Last night on the 10:00 news the local ABC was interviewing one of our state reps about yesterday’s insurrection. He said “I understand why they’re mad, you can buy a fully automatic AR out of a truck in the Kroger parking lot”. The media does nothing to challenge idiots like that and sadly people still take the news as gospel.
I blame the media and their dishonest reporting. Last night on the 10:00 news the local ABC was interviewing one of our state reps about yesterday’s insurrection. He said “I understand why they’re mad, you can buy a fully automatic AR out of a truck in the Kroger parking lot”. The media does nothing to challenge idiots like that and sadly people still take the news as gospel.
In fairness, he's probably right, if you know the right (wrong) people. But, you would be committing a felony offense. You can buy heroin and Fentanyl, as well.
Even if they did that, the killers would just wait on ppl to come outside to open up on them. You can do all the gymnastics you want to avoid talking about the guns, but it’s always gonna come back to that. No matter what kind of solutions there are or aren’t.

I agree we should be talking about guns. The lack of guns inside of this school and Uvalde is 100% a problem and the reason this school was selected.

Why do you refuse to acknowledge this obvious problem
While I agree that we need to improve security in our schools I also don't want them turned into baby prisons or fortresses. That IMO is just teaching fear.
Children at this point are used to seeing armed security everywhere and it should make them feel safer. Hell I go to Aldi and see armed guards and even Kroger gas station. It's par for the course these days. There is no excuse for not having armed security at every school at this point.
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