Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Some of the solutions given:

1 door in and out. Fire marshal gonna poo on that real quick

Every teacher with a gun. 35k a year to wrangle kids and be armed guards?! Sign me up!

Multiple armed guards- fine, if it can be funded. Education funding not exactly a red state strong point.

This fantasy of a James Bond around every corner waiting to neutralize would-be killers only makes sense when you realize the Republicans are just transparent shills for the gun lobby.

Idrgaf about people owning guns but the pile of dead school kiddies is getting rather large. It’s unconscionable in a civilized country.

Universal background checks would be a start.
I don’t think you need to arm teachers either. And I don’t think you need multiple armed guards.
And they certainly will not be 00 agents.

You just need a single individual who cares, armed with more than a set of keys and a phone.

And you’ve made that schoolhouse a much less tempting target for the next madman.
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This was yesterday. Notice anything?

I politely ask everyone here to read the comments and replies to that garbage tweet..
They are accurate...unlike this incredibly deceptive lede, intentionally devoid of ANY details at all about the actual

Trans domestic terrorist murdered 6 Christians immediately prior to the designated 'Trans Vengeance Day'

^^^ THAT should have been the headline. Obvious spin was blatant and disgusting.
Some of the solutions given:

1 door in and out. Fire marshal gonna poo on that real quick

Every teacher with a gun. 35k a year to wrangle kids and be armed guards?! Sign me up!

Multiple armed guards- fine, if it can be funded. Education funding not exactly a red state strong point.

This fantasy of a James Bond around every corner waiting to neutralize would-be killers only makes sense when you realize the Republicans are just transparent shills for the gun lobby.

Idrgaf about people owning guns but the pile of dead school kiddies is getting rather large. It’s unconscionable in a civilized country.

Universal background checks would be a start.

This part will work. Bullet proof glass box with metal detectors for entry. Doors automatically lock with detection of metal. a single armed guard would have to have to open the doors if locked, or call the police if there is a real threat. Fire doors only open outward. You can have multiple of these and satisfy fire code. Hopefully if a suspected shooter is caught in the box, trying to enter, they will just kill themselves.
As someone who isn't opposed to common sense laws I feel this must be said.

If you think one would have prevented the other you're just delusional.

What are the common sense laws that you would not be opposed to? Registration, background checks, red flag laws, bans on certain weapons? Where is your line?

I’m genuinely interested in your opinion. I approached this thread with a lot of anger and frustration, and perhaps my original comment was made out of those feelings. Can yah give me a pass considering the circumstances??[/QUOTE]
You do realize that the gun she was seen carrying in the security footage and that she was using to fire at the police was neither an "assault rifle" nor an AR platform, correct?

Thanks for the insight. What was the platform? Why should whatever she used be available to buy publicly? Why not a RPG? Where do you draw the line between what she used and a RPG?

Would you be open to just having automatic weapons (or wherever you draw the line between automatic weapons and RPGs) available to rent when you want to hunt in addition to having them available to rent at a gun range? With that available would you consider banning all automatic weapons, and keeping the non auto (I think you guys call that semi-auto?) within the same laws we have currently?
If you have to wear skimasks in 80 degree weather to cover up every square inch of your hide your identity...then whatever the Hell you're doing is clearly reprehensible. I dont care which side of this garbage 2 party system you fall on.

If you are too ashamed to show your damn face when doing something....then you SHOULD NOT BE DOING THAT.

It really is that simple. Clan meeting? Garbage. Antifa domestic terrorism? Garbage. Bank robbers? Garbage. Embedded FBI agents, antifa losers etc that encouraged AND participated in the very few violent acts which took place on jan6th??? Garbage. Far right losers who wear masks etc because they know their hateful words and actions would DESTROY their lives and reputations if their identity was known??? Garbage.

Its waaay past time to take out the trash, too. I wholeheartedly
support the right to bear arms legally as laid out in the Constitution and honed in each individual state.

Do i believe we should have the right to assemble as a militia in public armed to the teeth and completely disguised from head to toe in an attempt to remain anonymous OR to avoid prosecution and arrest for ones crimes committed while in disguise???

Hell no I do not.

And what's the thing about gloves and guns. Have any of these people actually tried using a gun with gloves on?
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Lol, criminals do have full auto firearms.

...and NOT just some mythical huge narco cartels from down south. Broke arse regular street corner criminals and teenagers have them!!!

Yall look up "glock switch" today can use a $200 3D printer and make their own switches for regular 9mm Glock pistols!! With these in place, pulling the trigger ONCE will empty the ENTIRE magazine (clip) in about 1 second. Thats 15 or so 9mm rounds in the air at once and headed at whoever the poor bastard was they pointed their extremely popular glock towards...see below


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Thanks for the insight. What was the platform? Why should whatever she used be available to buy publicly? Why not a RPG? Where do you draw the line between what she used and a RPG?

Would you be open to just having automatic weapons (or wherever you draw the line between automatic weapons and RPGs) available to rent when you want to hunt in addition to having them available to rent at a gun range? With that available would you consider banning all automatic weapons, and keeping the non auto (I think you guys call that semi-auto?) within the same laws we have currently?
It was a 9 mm pistol caliber carbine. Basically a common pistol with a longer barrel and stock.

The rest of your reply was jibberish. It's already nearly impossible for civilians to acquire full- auto firearms, and the vast majority of rifles, pistols, and probably half the shotguns bought in the last several decades are semi-auto (meaning that you pull the trigger and they shoot, without requiring a manual bolt or hammer reset).

Where exactly did the RPG issue come from?
Thanks for the insight. What was the platform? Why should whatever she used be available to buy publicly? Why not a RPG? Where do you draw the line between what she used and a RPG?

Would you be open to just having automatic weapons (or wherever you draw the line between automatic weapons and RPGs) available to rent when you want to hunt in addition to having them available to rent at a gun range? With that available would you consider banning all automatic weapons, and keeping the non auto (I think you guys call that semi-auto?) within the same laws we have currently?

What are you talking about? It’s difficult to have these conversations with someone who knows absolutely nothing about the subject and then start throwing in rpg references. Then you double down and start talking about fully automatic weapons. Fully auto weapons can be obtained but it isn’t easy. Semiautomatic weapons ARE already covered under the laws we have now. The vast majority of guns produced are semiautomatic. So you’re envisioning a problem that doesn’t really exist and offer a solution to something that isn’t even relevant. You may as well just say let’s do something about the “scary” looking guns.
What are the common sense laws that you would not be opposed to? Registration, background checks, red flag laws, bans on certain weapons? Where is your line?

I’m genuinely interested in your opinion. I approached this thread with a lot of anger and frustration, and perhaps my original comment was made out of those feelings. Can yah give me a pass considering the circumstances??
I'm not opposed to limiting access to people who aren't mentally stable, those who have demonstrated they can't be trusted with weapons, violent felons etc. But you must give them a path back to good standing. For instance a person in their late teens who caught a charge for assault. Then many years later matured and demonstrated they were a productive member of society.

I'm not sure how all that would work but we should start with common sense. I'm not sure I trust requiring guns to be registered, simply because I don't think the federal government has demonstrated they can be trusted with such information.

I'm ok with banning fully auto weapons, though the reasoning behind doing so is flawed. They are less deadly in that capacity than their semi auto counterparts in reality They just sound scarier.
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Agreed.. they are all hate inspired crimes when you think about it

The "hate crime" concept is nothing more than dems buying votes from minorities. It's theoretically stupid, but a political goldmine. Funny how congress had to make lynching a separate crime ... apparently it wasn't already a homicide like murder or something. Who knew that for all these years we could have just been hanging people up in trees and walking away free.
What are you talking about? It’s difficult to have these conversations with someone who knows absolutely nothing about the subject and then start throwing in rpg references. Then you double down and start talking about fully automatic weapons. Fully auto weapons can be obtained but it isn’t easy. Semiautomatic weapons ARE already covered under the laws we have now. The vast majority of guns produced are semiautomatic. So you’re envisioning a problem that doesn’t really exist and offer a solution to something that isn’t even relevant. You may as well just say let’s do something about the “scary” looking guns.

Then educate me - don’t get defensive. Do you have any reading materials you would recommend to help understand your perspective better? Or anything that would help me know more about the subject?

There are fully automatic weapons on display at Bass Pro Shops. How difficult is it to buy them from a retailer or at a gun show? Again I’m not trying to be a smart ass and am genuinely asking - what is stopping me from throwing down a credit card and walking out with one tomorrow?

I know semi-autos are covered legally, and I think it should stay that way.
Then educate me - don’t get defensive. Do you have any reading materials you would recommend to help understand your perspective better? Or anything that would help me know more about the subject?

There are fully automatic weapons on display at Bass Pro Shops. How difficult is it to buy them from a retailer or at a gun show? Again I’m not trying to be a smart ass and am genuinely asking - what is stopping me from throwing down a credit card and walking out with one tomorrow?

I know semi-autos are covered legally, and I think it should stay that way.

If there’s a fully auto weapon on display at bass pro that’s probably where it will stay. Fully auto weapons are far from being an issue and very hard to obtain as well as expensive. If you throw out a credit card for it tomorrow I promise you won’t be walking out with it.
I'm not opposed to limiting access to people who aren't mentally stable, those who have demonstrated they can't be trusted with weapons, violent felons etc. But you must give them a path back to good standing. For instance a person in their late teens who caught a charge for assault. Then many years later matured and demonstrated they were a productive member of society.

I'm not sure how all that would work but we should start with common sense. I'm not sure I trust requiring guns to be registered, simply because I don't think the federal government has demonstrated they can be trusted with such information.

I'm ok with banning fully auto weapons, though the training behind doing so is flawed. They are less deadly in that capacity than their semi auto counterparts on reality They just sound scarier.

I think everything you said is very reasonable, and a great start. Thank you for sharing.

I will push back a little on your registration concern. Voting is a right that should also not be infringed upon, but we all still have to register to vote.

Getting off subject a little here but I think it ties in. We give much more data and info on ourselves than we should to much more than just the US government by simply searching the web.
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If there’s a fully auto weapon on display at bass pro that’s probably where it will stay. Fully auto weapons are far from being an issue and very hard to obtain as well as expensive. If you throw out a credit card for it tomorrow I promise you won’t be walking out with it.

Okay thanks. Still a little skeptical of that, but I won’t say you’re totally wrong.

Following up of any reading materials you would recommend?
This part will work. Bullet proof glass box with metal detectors for entry. Doors automatically lock with detection of metal. a single armed guard would have to have to open the doors if locked, or call the police if there is a real threat. Fire doors only open outward. You can have multiple of these and satisfy fire code. Hopefully if a suspected shooter is caught in the box, trying to enter, they will just kill themselves.
How long does it take each day for an armed guard to escort every student and faculty member through metal detectors at a single entry point? For a larger school, 1500 enrollment or so? I would imagine a long time. Also the outwardly opening fire doors could theoretically be opened at any time by anyone, knowingly or unknowingly letting in a dangerous person.

Also what is the cost of retrofitting already low-funded schools with metal detectors, bulletproof glass, safety locking tech, bespoke fire doors, etc.

Seems like a sh!t load of time and resources diverted from, idk… learning??

Maybe we could just be more selective about who we sell deadly weapons to.
I'm sorry that's a term that my sister uses for the new administrators that don't actually teach the students but make believe they are teaching the teachers all about how to handle the kids. It's mostly the inclusion diversity BS. However, if you are offended by that term, maybe you should do a self check and leave the name calling at the door.

Your ideas in the last part of your post are spot on. However, I think that certain teachers are cut out for the difficult or learning disabled students while some teachers are cut out to teach the accelerated classes. Unfortunately where my sister taught (AL) and my SIL taught (TN) they make them take some of both classes or even mix the kids into one class. My sister has about 8 weeks to go and she is free. SIL quit several years ago simply because the students no longer were required to learn. If they showed up, they were passed. The administrations are the issue, from city to county to state to Fed. It needs to be wiped and restarted fresh. Liberals are producing kids that they want now. Uneducated, social media addicted and isolated. Soon to be fully government dependent. Both of the school systems that I mentioned were at one time some of the mostly highly accredited systems in their states. No longer.

Back in the bad old days we had tracking. That meant kids who were more capable were put in one class, normal kids went in another, and ones who struggled with the subject went in another, and all progressed at a rate that most suited their capability. There might be several levels for each school year. The school I attended in Maine (when my dad was stationed there) did multiple levels (7-1, 7-2, ...) - all 7th grade with 7-1 being the most demanding level. By HS you might be in an accelerated math class but not an accelerated English class, or the other way around - my HS in Nashville handled accelerated classes in the same manner.

Personally I think that was the highpoint of public education in the US. Once we got to inclusion and the concept of not segregating according to ability, it all went to crap. It's not a matter of fairness; it's a matter of keeping kids engaged by ensuring they are progressing at a rate that best suits them, and seeing that an educational system turns out the most successful students. Countries that are eating us alive educationally don't care about inclusion or "fairness"; they simply want the best graduates they can produce.

I agree with you. It's "educators" and administrators rather than teachers who are destroying our education. For an engineer, the best thing I can say about what happens in a university is that math and sciences are pretty stable and can't be as easily tweaked by somebody's hot new thoughts on a way of doing things as opposed to courses like education, business, and humanities.
I think everything you said is very reasonable, and a great start. Thank you for sharing.

I will push back a little on your registration concern. Voting is a right that should also not be infringed upon, but we all still have to register to vote.

Getting off subject a little here but I think it ties in. We give tons data and info on ourselves than we should to much more than just the US government by simply searching the web.

A gun registry kind of undermines the main purpose of the 2nd amendment and we’ve already conceded more than we should’ve.
I think everything you said is very reasonable, and a great start. Thank you for sharing.

I will push back a little on your registration concern. Voting is a right that should also not be infringed upon, but we all still have to register to vote.

Getting off subject a little here but I think it ties in. We give much more data and info on ourselves than we should to much more than just the US government by simply searching the web.
Ok, pre register then..... But would you require a state issued id to purchase that weapon or just take their word they are who they say they are?

Our federal government scares me much more than Google or Facebook. They just want to make money off us. The federal government does much worse.

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