Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Fighting Fentanyl: The Federal Response to a Growing Crisis | 2022 Congressional Testimony from CDC

"The latest provisional mortality data from CDC indicate that more than 107,000 Americans died from a drug overdose in the 12-months ending in January 2022. Of these deaths, it is estimated that 80,590 of these deaths, or 75%, involved at least one opioid, with 71,450 (66.5%) involving synthetic opioids, primarily illicitly manufactured fentanyl or fentanyl analogs."

Fentanyl seizures at the border continue to spike, shatter records in 2022

"Border officers at Arizona's Nogales Port of Entry seized 1.5 million fentanyl pills in a single week, according to an announcement by Port Director Michael Humphries earlier this month."

holy pivot batman
I refuse to believe that somebody can suppress that kind of crazy. The government might not have known it but his family and friends, if he has any, knew there were marbles loose. I see a path where a red flag system manages this while protecting against government abuse.

There might be a place for well regulated (government being regulated) red flag laws but that would require uncompromising limits on the government to ensure rights are protected.
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I agree with the original poster in that all we seemed to do tragedy after tragedy was to send 'thoughts and prayers'. But, yes, please do keep sending thoughts, prayers, well wishes, etc. As for our politicians...please do even more.
The sad reality is. There is nothing we can do but get rid of guns. And that’s not 100% effective. More stringent background checks? Yes it will make it harder.
The consitution was meant to be a working document. We have 27 amendments. Why people are so gung ho on it being some sacred thing that can transcend the centuries amazes me.

I've always said that if you want to amend or even eliminate the 2A go through the process, I can respect that. Just stop with the end-a-rounds.
So if someone steals your car/hammer/nine iron/pocket knife/etc and harms someone with it, you want to be liable for it? Some stole a lawnmower from me. Am I culpable should one of their children cut their foot off with it?

Hate to be this direct, but that is stupid as hell.

The purpose for what the item is designed has relevance. So, your comparison are stupid as hell. Sorry to be that direct.
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Sure but that's not the answer. Something has changed over the last 40 or so years, buying a semi-automatic firearm was easier in the 60s than it is today yet these events were almost unheard of. What's changed with the people of this country, when we find that answer we will find the answer to these mass killings.
Just come out and say it, the moral decline and lack of a family unit has destroyed this country. Add in legalizing drugs, not prosecuting criminals, zero mental health, and letting kids watch endless hours of violent movies and video games and we've found the nirvana we were looking for.
Don't tell me anything then? The hypocrisy of telling someone else "nobody believes like you, so don't share your opinion" while also trying to defend someone for sharing THEIR belief is pretty wild.

First amendment is freedom of more than just religion and if newt wants to complain any/every time someone says "thoughts and prayers" he has as much right as the person saying thoughts and prayers to begin with.
Then so do I. So go jump all over him, brother.
Yeah he has the right of course. I think the issue is it’s the same old tired act with him. We get he doesn’t pray. That’s cool but why make comments about people who do?

Not my comment to defend, but as with most things on a forum if you reply to it you're just going to drag it out. Some people see someone do something they don't like, they comment on it and if you don't go at them for sharing their thoughts on it that's usually where it ends.
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Path of least effort.

I'm done making this about guns. It's not the guns. The discussion should be about how we identify and treat the people who do these things BEFORE they do these things. Mental health is the problem we really need to confront.
We started identifying likely school shooters the year after Columbine. The issue is/was, what can you do once they are identified.
I distinctly remember sitting in one meeting with an identified student, his parents, and a number of others. At one point the conversation (questions) moved to guns. The dad aggressively and proudly stated that the house contained many guns and was very clear that he would do nothing to secure those guns more safely. (The boy's uncle was convicted of murder a couple of years later) Not sure whatever happened to the boy, but I would guess he is either dead or in jail.
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I am not going to know for sure until the reporting is more complete, but initial media reports are that she had two assault rifles and a handgun. As far as I can tell, 98 % of the time when in the hands of civilians these assault rifles (let's call then a style of firearm) has two functions:

1) to look cool in social media posts; and

2) to kill more people, faster.

I have yet to hear of people routinely using such weapons to hunt.

And it sure seems like the coolness factor plays a role in some of these people arming themselves and emboldening them to such action. So, I am pretty well convinced at this point that the value of # 1 is easily outweighed by the losses in # 2. But people confuse the right to bear arms with the right to bear any arm.

You say you want common sense? How about we see if we can't make some common sense distinctions where people own firearms for utility, not facebook posts.

Who are you to determine what "utility" is valid or not? It seems to me the utility was laid out for us years ago. Perhaps if government hadn't abused the rights of it's people so often they would be more willing to collectively give up those rights. Unfortunately many still feel the need, and more people across the political spectrum believe this right to be of the utmost importance for a variety of reasons.

It was clear the founding fathers approach to guns and ownership. That ownership was tied to military need, and the possibility that those guns might be needed to defend themselves from states foreign and domestic. They knew a government without fear of it's people would likely become totalitarian and oppressive.
Yeah he has the right of course. I think the issue is it’s the same old tired act with him. We get he doesn’t pray. That’s cool but why make comments about people who do?

Good grief. Pray! I have no problem with you praying. That is a different action than typing thoughts and prayers on a message board. How is that so hard to grasp?
I've always said that if you want to amend or even eliminate the 2A go through the process, I can respect that. Just stop with the end-a-rounds.
Rational and reasonable restrictions are constitutional.
We started identifying likely school shooters the year after Columbine. The issue is/was, what can you do once they are identified.
I distinctly remember sitting in one meeting with an identified student, his parents, and a number of others. At one point the conversation (questions) moved to guns. The dad aggressively and proudly stated that the house contained many guns and was very clear that he would do nothing to secure those guns more safely. (The boy's uncle was convicted of murder a couple of years later) Not sure whatever happened to the boy, but I would guess he is either dead or in jail.
Did the kid shoot the school up?
If the idea is to make this harder for shooters, maybe we should ban schools? Maybe it's a bad idea to have a gathering of the most vulnerable in society as a target for nutjobs?

I don't use blue font.
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Need to try. We are at that point.
I challenge you to go back and see what of these new laws you propose would have prevented those particular shootings.

Also, do you propose that we use the same laws you propose on alcohol? I know you're a proponent for legalization of marijuana, if it is legalized should we place those same laws on purchasing/using that as well? 400 children are killed on average in car accidents due to intoxicated drivers.
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Don’t throw rocks when you live in a glass house. You are CONSTANTLY letting everyone know how righteous you are.

You are always there to show how you are more righteous than I. Its comical how you complain about me complaining.
We've had our house broken into. First question the cop asked me was "are there guns in the house?". There were, but they are in a gun safe. The thieves did try to take the whole gun safe though. It was on it's back on the basement floor so I suppose they thought they could just carry the whole thing out. Tells me they must have been driving a truck, desperate and probably high. Anyways, I'm very thankful that they were locked up and didn't find their way out on the streets.
Yep, the reason I asked was a friend of mine had guns stolen in a safe, much as the attempt played out at your house.
Not my comment to defend, but as with most things on a forum if you reply to it you're just going to drag it out. Some people see someone do something they don't like, they comment it on it and if you don't go at them for sharing their thoughts on it that's usually where it ends.
And that’s where I usually am but comments about other peoples beliefs are bullish.
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