Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I think for myself. You are the one using talking points think for yourself!

And there are people that identify as both trans and non binary but yes I know the damn definition. Non Binary uses pronouns .
Everyone uses pronouns. You have zero clue what is going on. Let me know when Fox gives you your next dose of free thought
Well, the shooter girl person did back away from targets where there was what she perceived as good security...I am still of the mind that she did not anticipate the police taking her out, rather being able to stand trial...Surprise! Metro PD gives zero Fs, and I'm glad

Didn’t she text someone or post something about how she was going to “die today”?
We can argue as long as we want to about what the second amendment means. Does it mean that only a state sponsored militia may possess firearms? Or, does it mean that anyone may own any weapon up to and including nuclear weapons? But those arguments, as interesting and meaningful as they are, are irrelevant to discussing our country's school shootings. All, or virtually all, of our school shootings, at least so far, have been carried out with semiautomatic firearms. During my lifetime, the state of the law in the United States has been that, with a few exceptions, the citizenry may possess semiautomatic weapons. That is still the state of the law. So, anyone who screeches that semiautomatic weapons must be banned is either ignorant or intellectually dishonest. They can elect a sympathetic President and enough sympathetic Senators to change the composition of SCOTUS over time. Or, in addition to the President and the U.S. Senate, they can elect enough sympathetic state legislators across the country to ratify a constitutional amendment. I believe most of the screechers, including the adults protesting at the state capitol, understand this, but they have nothing intellectually honest to add to the discussion. Everyone believes we need to protect our students and teachers. My daughter is an elementary school teacher. I have two grandchildren in school. Everyone on VN probably has children or grandchildren in school. It is not a question of whether we want to protect students and teachers. It is a question of how. At least in the short term, banning semiautomatic weapons is not going to happen. Advocating for such a ban is nothing more than virtue signaling and detracts from constructive discussion. School hardening and mental health are the two most important issues. School hardening is probably the easiest to address. We send money all over the world for reasons far far less important than the safety of our students and teachers. If we are going to create and spend money, create and spend it for school safety.
Bravo. Very well said.
We can argue as long as we want to about what the second amendment means. Does it mean that only a state sponsored militia may possess firearms? Or, does it mean that anyone may own any weapon up to and including nuclear weapons? But those arguments, as interesting and meaningful as they are, are irrelevant to discussing our country's school shootings. All, or virtually all, of our school shootings, at least so far, have been carried out with semiautomatic firearms. During my lifetime, the state of the law in the United States has been that, with a few exceptions, the citizenry may possess semiautomatic weapons. That is still the state of the law. So, anyone who screeches that semiautomatic weapons must be banned is either ignorant or intellectually dishonest. They can elect a sympathetic President and enough sympathetic Senators to change the composition of SCOTUS over time. Or, in addition to the President and the U.S. Senate, they can elect enough sympathetic state legislators across the country to ratify a constitutional amendment. I believe most of the screechers, including the adults protesting at the state capitol, understand this, but they have nothing intellectually honest to add to the discussion. Everyone believes we need to protect our students and teachers. My daughter is an elementary school teacher. I have two grandchildren in school. Everyone on VN probably has children or grandchildren in school. It is not a question of whether we want to protect students and teachers. It is a question of how. At least in the short term, banning semiautomatic weapons is not going to happen. Advocating for such a ban is nothing more than virtue signaling and detracts from constructive discussion. School hardening and mental health are the two most important issues. School hardening is probably the easiest to address. We send money all over the world for reasons far far less important than the safety of our students and teachers. If we are going to create and spend money, create and spend it for school safety.

We’ve managed to get to a point where a boy can be called a girl. I think they’ll just continue the method of just turning everything to chaos.
You know what the hell I mean by the pronouns they use his her they them he him. And I don't watch fox dip ****.
I have no idea what you mean. You don't use pronouns? Lots of regular people use them too. I bet your tv has the Fox ticker burned into the screen. Your posts read like a true believer
We can argue as long as we want to about what the second amendment means. Does it mean that only a state sponsored militia may possess firearms? Or, does it mean that anyone may own any weapon up to and including nuclear weapons? But those arguments, as interesting and meaningful as they are, are irrelevant to discussing our country's school shootings. All, or virtually all, of our school shootings, at least so far, have been carried out with semiautomatic firearms. During my lifetime, the state of the law in the United States has been that, with a few exceptions, the citizenry may possess semiautomatic weapons. That is still the state of the law. So, anyone who screeches that semiautomatic weapons must be banned is either ignorant or intellectually dishonest. They can elect a sympathetic President and enough sympathetic Senators to change the composition of SCOTUS over time. Or, in addition to the President and the U.S. Senate, they can elect enough sympathetic state legislators across the country to ratify a constitutional amendment. I believe most of the screechers, including the adults protesting at the state capitol, understand this, but they have nothing intellectually honest to add to the discussion. Everyone believes we need to protect our students and teachers. My daughter is an elementary school teacher. I have two grandchildren in school. Everyone on VN probably has children or grandchildren in school. It is not a question of whether we want to protect students and teachers. It is a question of how. At least in the short term, banning semiautomatic weapons is not going to happen. Advocating for such a ban is nothing more than virtue signaling and detracts from constructive discussion. School hardening and mental health are the two most important issues. School hardening is probably the easiest to address. We send money all over the world for reasons far far less important than the safety of our students and teachers. If we are going to create and spend money, create and spend it for school safety.

A ban on semiautomatic weapons would essentially ban all guns. Nearly all guns are semiautomatic
You can be as skeptical as you want but I guarantee that if you go to bass pro tomorrow to buy an alleged fully automatic weapon you aren’t taking it home. I’m not sure you can take it right then even if you have a federal firearms license. That would be the only possible scenario I can think of though. Not sure what reading material to offer or what you’re looking for? Regulations? The 4473 background check form is readily available online if you want to check it out. Plenty of stuff on YouTube.

If I am not mistaken you have to have a class III Federal firearms license to transfer full auto weapons. The permit from the ATF usually takes 5 to 7 months to process. Beginning in 1986 it was against federal law to manufacture new full auto weapons for sale to the public even for permit holders and those with a class III FFL. There is a scarcity of available, legally transferable, full auto weapons because of this, making them very expensive. You can get parts, but not the receivers. A Thompson or Uzi will run you about 23K, belt fed machine guns around 30K, An A2 M16/Ar15 with the selector switch to full auto will run you about 25K.

The only exception that I know of for buying new full autos is for someone with a class III FFL to purchase a "Demo". I know someone with one of these that bought an MP5 for a very reasonable price of 1200.00 to 1500.00. The catch is that it can never, ever be transferred to another person. It belongs to you, and you alone.

Check these jewels out....if you have the cash and want the hassle:

Transferable Machine Guns in stock and for sale at OTB - Page 2
We can argue as long as we want to about what the second amendment means. Does it mean that only a state sponsored militia may possess firearms? Or, does it mean that anyone may own any weapon up to and including nuclear weapons? But those arguments, as interesting and meaningful as they are, are irrelevant to discussing our country's school shootings. All, or virtually all, of our school shootings, at least so far, have been carried out with semiautomatic firearms. During my lifetime, the state of the law in the United States has been that, with a few exceptions, the citizenry may possess semiautomatic weapons. That is still the state of the law. So, anyone who screeches that semiautomatic weapons must be banned is either ignorant or intellectually dishonest. They can elect a sympathetic President and enough sympathetic Senators to change the composition of SCOTUS over time. Or, in addition to the President and the U.S. Senate, they can elect enough sympathetic state legislators across the country to ratify a constitutional amendment. I believe most of the screechers, including the adults protesting at the state capitol, understand this, but they have nothing intellectually honest to add to the discussion. Everyone believes we need to protect our students and teachers. My daughter is an elementary school teacher. I have two grandchildren in school. Everyone on VN probably has children or grandchildren in school. It is not a question of whether we want to protect students and teachers. It is a question of how. At least in the short term, banning semiautomatic weapons is not going to happen. Advocating for such a ban is nothing more than virtue signaling and detracts from constructive discussion. School hardening and mental health are the two most important issues. School hardening is probably the easiest to address. We send money all over the world for reasons far far less important than the safety of our students and teachers. If we are going to create and spend money, create and spend it for school safety.
Now this is well thought out and reasoned post.

I will expand on your comments though because I think many don't know enough about firearms to add to this debate, this is not directed at you. Banning semi automatic weapons would encompass the vast majority of firearms sold in America and owned by responsible law abiding citizens. We would be left with only revolvers and bolt action firearms for all intents and purposes.
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Didn’t she text someone or post something about how she was going to “die today”?
She did, but she could have been seeking attention. It sounds like maybe she might have had a crush on the girl in question.

I believe she intended to die personally.
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Okay thanks. Still a little skeptical of that, but I won’t say you’re totally wrong.

Following up of any reading materials you would recommend?

He's not wrong at all.

You really want mind blown, find out how many registered automatic weapons have ever been used in a crime.
Mine too.. they have an SRO officer..he also breaks up fights, and handles various other "situations" as well.. it's been a pretty positive experience
That bolded part scares the piss out of the LG’s & Luther’s.

Best not to conflate protecting children with policing the hallways.

Policing the hallways becomes a distraction, and is given as reason not to protect children.
Even if they did that, the killers would just wait on ppl to come outside to open up on them. You can do all the gymnastics you want to avoid talking about the guns, but it’s always gonna come back to that. No matter what kind of solutions there are or aren’t.

Wrong guy, my frenetic, projecting friend; I've discussed them ad nauseum.

Sanity check #1: there are likely about 350 millions guns in circulation. What makes them good for defense makes them good for offense/crime. That vast pool of guns ensures anyone who wants one, will. The Bureau of Justice has found that nearly 1/2 of gun felons used straw purchases (someone who can buy legally is actually illegally buying for another person); those are entirely unstoppable, all you can do is prosecute after the fact AFTER the gun turns up in crime or felon possession. "But universal background check!"....yawn!...well, okay if I want to give a gun to my crazy sister I guess she should undergo the same check as anyone else buying a gun. Checks that are so ineffective now, that your insisting we merely expand them to these private transactions. Which criminal straw buyers, for example are already violating. So yes, let's fry all the little fish while ignoring the shark problem. Is this microphone on?

Anyone who is determined to shoot up a school likely can do so if schools are not hardened. It's not settled that even a majority of mass shooters are mentally-ill even if some spectacular examples of shooters were. The most lethal shooter in U.S. history, Stephen Paddock - the Vegas shooter - had no diagnosed illness and was a successful businessman. You will never identify people like this before they act.

"Okay! - people who are diagnosed then!" So anyone from those experiencing anxiety , non-violent benign phobias, or insecurity all the way to the schizophrenic - 50 million adults - are to be denied their right without due process? Tell me how this is supposed to work, even if it weren't such a fked horrible idea, when HIPAA laws & patient privacy are vigorously defended by "transparent gun lobby shills" (your words) like the ACLU and conscientious, constitutionally centered people on both sides - ?

Are you beginning to see the problem? With vapid comments like "killers will just wait outside" while accusing others of mental avoidance gyrations, I doubt it. No kidding Sherlock; hermetically seal your child away from the world if that is your primary concern, because a malevolent person can kill them ANYwhere. Will you protect your child as best you can and have them live in the world, or seal them away?

I'll frame it another way before you go. One thing and one thing only stops mass shooters; being shot by someone else. That's it. When all your fetish, prevention measures fail - and they always will - someone had better be prepared to defend your child with a gun. And in the moment they do, you won't give a shite whether they're police, armed guard, or a teacher who swore he/she would not stand by and took training to prepare for it. You'll simply thank the heavens they were there and didn't subscribe to your fetishes. A serious, caring person who took responsibility and action.
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I have several friends with a 50 cal. They aren't full auto, though. If anyone has seen a full auto weapon on display somewhere, they are for looks or for rent on a private range. If there's one at Bass Pro, I would be very surprised.

This conversation is so difficult, but also enlightening. I really had no idea that so many people were so clueless. I might feel a little differently if I really believed that anyone could stroll into Bass Pro and buy a full auto assault rifle with no background check today.
99% are.
Time to back off PJ. He knows what you mean and what he is trying to get across.
That's he's repeating words he heard on TV that he doesn't understand?

When's the last time you told anyone else to back off? The posts at lg, el, or Luther not ever cross that line for you?
The FFs weren't dumb and if you read their writings they imagined a whole lot of technical advances yet still worded it the way they did for a reason. They also were smart enough to provide future generations with a means to amend the constitution and I suggest anyone that doesn't agree with the wording get started on that amendment process.
You are indeed, a ray of sunshine.
If I am not mistaken you have to have a class III Federal firearms license to transfer full auto weapons. The permit from the ATF usually takes 5 to 7 months to process. Beginning in 1986 it was against federal law to manufacture new full auto weapons for sale to the public even for permit holders and those with a class III FFL. There is a scarcity of available, legally transferable, full auto weapons because of this, making them very expensive. You can get parts, but not the receivers. A Thompson or Uzi will run you about 23K, belt fed machine guns around 30K, An A2 M16/Ar15 with the selector switch to full auto will run you about 25K.

The only exception that I know of for buying new full autos is for someone with a class III FFL to purchase a "Demo". I know someone with one of these that bought an MP5 for a very reasonable price of 1200.00 to 1500.00. The catch is that it can never, ever be transferred to another person. It belongs to you, and you alone.

Check these jewels out....if you have the cash and want the hassle:

Transferable Machine Guns in stock and for sale at OTB - Page 2

It’s definitely not an easy process but so many ignorant people believe you can go to the gun store and buy an M60 or M249 SAW and walk out that day with loads of belt fed ammunition. Not only would that be virtually impossible but insanely expensive.
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