Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I politely ask everyone here to read the comments and replies to that garbage tweet..
They are accurate...unlike this incredibly deceptive lede, intentionally devoid of ANY details at all about the actual

Trans domestic terrorist murdered 6 Christians immediately prior to the designated 'Trans Vengeance Day'

^^^ THAT should have been the headline. Obvious spin was blatant and disgusting.
SIAP, the leftist media are minions of the demorats and have to protect their agenda
CBS News reportedly barring staff from using term 'transgender' to reference Nashville shooter
yeah, because this is all about them..Some people will do that though..omg

I'm referring to Orwell's '1984' in which the totalitarian government retroactively reformed, erased & inserted government propaganda into books, news, allowable speech to thought control the population.
Hell, who has time for retroactive propagandization when you can simply stand at the podium and modify language and facts in real time, and have reasonable expectation the bulk of journalists will not challenge it.



Andy Ngô 🏳
Mar 29
Adam "Kayla" Denker is the #trans person on the left side in Daily Mail's report. Denker is ex-military and is an #Antifa member.


Why hasn't there been an FBI raid of where this guy lives?
Why is it okay to send all this money to Ukraine but we can't find funding to harden our schools.

Security doors and guards won't be invented for at least another 100 years, silly.
About the time we might have sustainable green energy.
Reliably propped up by earth fuels, hydro, and nuclear.
I do not believe citizens should have access to automatic weapons and/or military grade weapons -
outside of the context of a well regulated militia

I'm all for citizens having access within the context of a well regulated militia,

Automatic weapons are military grade weapons and I covered them extensively in another post. In the civilian market they're prohibitively expensive, a limited pool confined to those manufactured before 1986, and aren't even an infinitesimal crime stat.

And since the 2A simply ensures the states can raise the militia by protecting the right of individual citizens being armed and showing up with their own guns, virtually no one answering that call will have auto weapons since the state doesn't have them and won't be supplying them.

But your well wishes are appreciated.
I have several friends with a 50 cal. They aren't full auto, though. If anyone has seen a full auto weapon on display somewhere, they are for looks or for rent on a private range. If there's one at Bass Pro, I would be very surprised.

This conversation is so difficult, but also enlightening. I really had no idea that so many people were so clueless. I might feel a little differently if I really believed that anyone could stroll into Bass Pro and buy a full auto assault rifle with no background check today.
I'm with you no way Bass Pro sells full-auto center-fire or rim-fire guns. I honestly don't know if that 50 was fully auto, but it was big and stood out. There are however plenty of places to purchase a fully automatic gun if you have the money and can pass the background check.
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Who said it ONLY has something to do with militias?
NOT ME.....
But it obviously has SOMETHING to do with militias. Seeing as how they included that all...

Gun nuts ignore that part far more often than reasonable people highlight it.

Because the most uneducated 'gun nut' can read at least plain language, unlike some of our (heee hee...haw!) 'educators' on this forum.
I'm with you no way Bass Pro sells full-auto center-fire or rim-fire guns. I honestly don't know if that 50 was fully auto, but it was big and stood out. There are however plenty of places to purchase a fully automatic gun if you have the money and can pass the background check.

According to ATF, there are 175,977 autos made before May 18 1986 that can be can be purchased/transferred to civilian hands. There are 17,020 non-transferable sale sample autos that predate 1986. There are 297,667 post-1986 autos that may not be transferred to civilian hands. ATF Reveals The Number of Registered Machine Guns - The Truth About Guns

There are Class 3 dealers/SOTs (Special Occupational Taxpayers) involved in the manufacture or importation of new autos but these are only for federal and state government purchase, without exception.

Now everyone can hit the brakes on wild speculation about acquiring autos. The pool is quite small and not expanding. The transfer (purchase) is stringent. Looking at current prices, my earlier estimate low-end estimate of $12K-$25K doesn't get you in the door except maybe to purchase a sear, the small trigger engagement part that allows auto fire. The sear would have to have been manufactured before 1986.


Andy Ngô 🏳
Mar 29
Adam "Kayla" Denker is the #trans person on the left side in Daily Mail's report. Denker is ex-military and is an #Antifa member.


Why hasn't there been an FBI raid of where this guy lives?

I'm moved by this plaintive cry and want to help, but need assurance of an ROI on my investment that this woman project will be completed.
If the pecker is already gone, I'm in.
That bolded part scares the piss out of the LG’s & Luther’s.

Best not to conflate protecting children with policing the hallways.

Policing the hallways becomes a distraction, and is given as reason not to protect children.
let's also not forget that the left wing defund the police kooks lobbied to not have police officers at schools at all. I sure won't.


Andy Ngô 🏳
Mar 29
Adam "Kayla" Denker is the #trans person on the left side in Daily Mail's report. Denker is ex-military and is an #Antifa member.


Why hasn't there been an FBI raid of where this guy lives?
He did a great job in Braveheart as Longshanks son Prince Edward.
My favorite thing I’ve heard recently is that TN is engaged in “trans genocide”

Trans people are the first people in history to ever argue that refusing to castrate them is genocide

Nice. True story.

For those who don’t want to discuss mental health:

Children hospitalized for suicide attempts has seen a 4 fold increase over the last decade, female anxiety and depression rates amongst teens is up over 150%, and male rates are up over 100%.

Next to the orchestrated destruction of the nuclear family, the correlated mental health crisis in this country is our 2nd worst issue IMO. Great post.

And what's to stop them from mowing them down with a car? You can do all the mental gymnastics you want to avoid talking about EVIL PEOPLE but it's always going to come back to that. No matter what kind of solutions there are or aren't.

Yep. People kill people. Not knives, guns, forks, spoons, or hand grenades.

Even if they did that, the killers would just wait on ppl to come outside to open up on them. You can do all the gymnastics you want to avoid talking about the guns, but it’s always gonna come back to that. No matter what kind of solutions there are or aren’t.

Saying that GUNS KILL PEOPLE!! is the same as saying PENCILS MISSPELL WORDS!!! In both cases, obviously, it is the moron using the tool...not the tool itself. This is not a difficult concept to grasp...unless one is sick with the Woke Mind Virus. See next quote below.

To me, it really highlights how many people have bought into the lefts scare tactics surrounding ars. They’ve been hearing “weapons of war” and see its look, and now they’ve got all these people thinking they’re full auto. They are clueless of the current laws and processes, and yet want to make new laws and restrictions and debate a subject on which they have zero knowledge. It’s crazy.

Arguing from a position of complete ignorance on the subject matter, with emotions cranked up to 11 and blatant hostility!!! Something you would think only a petulant child would ever do....until you engage a liberal in debate lmao

Wrong guy, my frenetic, projecting friend; I've discussed them ad nauseum.

Sanity check #1: there are likely about 350 millions guns in circulation. What makes them good for defense makes them good for offense/crime. That vast pool of guns ensures anyone who wants one, will. The Bureau of Justice has found that nearly 1/2 of gun felons used straw purchases (someone who can buy legally is actually illegally buying for another person); those are entirely unstoppable, all you can do is prosecute after the fact AFTER the gun turns up in crime or felon possession. "But universal background check!"....yawn!...well, okay if I want to give a gun to my crazy sister I guess she should undergo the same check as anyone else buying a gun. Checks that are so ineffective now, that your insisting we merely expand them to these private transactions. Which criminal straw buyers, for example are already violating. So yes, let's fry all the little fish while ignoring the shark problem. Is this microphone on?

Anyone who is determined to shoot up a school likely can do so if schools are not hardened. It's not settled that even a majority of mass shooters are mentally-ill even if some spectacular examples of shooters were. The most lethal shooter in U.S. history, Stephen Paddock - the Vegas shooter - had no diagnosed illness and was a successful businessman. You will never identify people like this before they act.

"Okay! - people who are diagnosed then!" So anyone from those experiencing anxiety , non-violent benign phobias, or insecurity all the way to the schizophrenic - 50 million adults - are to be denied their right without due process? Tell me how this is supposed to work, even if it weren't such a fked horrible idea, when HIPAA laws & patient privacy are vigorously defended by "transparent gun lobby shills" (your words) like the ACLU and conscientious, constitutionally centered people on both sides - ?

Are you beginning to see the problem? With vapid comments like "killers will just wait outside" while accusing others of mental avoidance gyrations, I doubt it. No kidding Sherlock; hermetically seal your child away from the world if that is your primary concern, because a malevolent person can kill them ANYwhere. Will you protect your child as best you can and have them live in the world, or seal them away?

I'll frame it another way before you go. One thing and one thing only stops mass shooters; being shot by someone else. That's it. When all your fetish, prevention measures fail - and they always will - someone had better be prepared to defend your child with a gun. And in the moment they do, you won't give a shite whether they're police, armed guard, or a teacher who swore he/she would not stand by and took training to prepare for it. You'll simply thank the heavens they were there and didn't subscribe to your fetishes. A serious, caring person who took responsibility and action.

Good Lawd!!! Preach it brother. Is this dude gonna be OK after getting his azz handed to him like that? Hahahaha


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He did a great job in Braveheart as Longshanks son Prince Edward.

Hahahaha!!! Nailed it! I just watched that last weekend for about the 37th time. Great flick...I actually like the Patriot better . Particularly when he catches up to the Regulars that massacred his wife and kids in the forest with his hatchet. I actually carry a quite keen hatchet that belonged to my Dad in my drivers door rather than a pistol in the car....I can empathize with the protagonist in that vengeance exchange next to the path. Which is why I do not carry a gun lol
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Nice. True story.

Next to the orchestrated destruction of the nuclear family, the correlated mental health crisis in this country is our 2nd worst issue IMO. Great post.

Yep. People kill people. Not knives, guns, forks, spoons, or hand grenades.

Saying that GUNS KILL PEOPLE!! is the same as saying PENCILS MISSPELL WORDS!!! In both cases, obviously, it is the moron using the tool...not the tool itself. This is not a difficult concept to grasp...unless one is sick with the Woke Mind Virus. See next quote below.

Arguing from a position of complete ignorance on the subject matter, with emotions cranked up to 11 and blatant hostility!!! Something you would think only a petulant child would ever do....until you engage a liberal in debate lmao

Good Lawd!!! Preach it brother. Is this dude gonna be OK after getting his azz handed to him like that? Hahahaha

And that folks, was Marcus' Daily Wrap.
For those who don’t want to discuss mental health:

Children hospitalized for suicide attempts has seen a 4 fold increase over the last decade, female anxiety and depression rates amongst teens is up over 150%, and male rates are up over 100%.

Who doesn't? I'm asserting it isn't the priority in school shootings. Prioritize the henhouse, then - or while doing so - pursue other measure. We can walk & chew gum, but one thing is more important than another.

You'll fix most psychological distress in children by not letting system...mind-screw them with ideology. This is government doing this, but now more gov will say "sorry; we going back to fundamental education. Your child isn't a white supremacist, and we won't feed them porn anymore or recruit them into alt-sex/gender lifestyles" - ? I don't think so. They will have to be brought to heel. And let's not forget the science and medical communities, nor corporate America in promoting this destruction.
Who doesn't? I'm asserting it isn't the priority in school shootings. Prioritize the henhouse, then - or while doing so - pursue other measure. We can walk & chew gum, but one thing is more important than another.

You'll fix most psychological distress in children by not letting system...mind-screw them with ideology. This is government doing this, but now more gov will say "sorry; we going back to fundamental education. Your child isn't a white supremacist, and we won't feed them porn anymore or recruit them into alt-sex/gender lifestyles" - ? I don't think so. They will have to be brought to heel. And let's not forget the science and medical communities, nor corporate America in promoting this destruction.

33% of mass shooters are bipolar or schizophrenic and 8% are autistic. Others in this thread have stated that mental health is just used as a diversion from guns. But if we could reduce the number of shootings from those massively over represented groups, it would go a long way
Who doesn't? I'm asserting it isn't the priority in school shootings. Prioritize the henhouse, then - or while doing so - pursue other measure. We can walk & chew gum, but one thing is more important than another.

You'll fix most psychological distress in children by not letting system...mind-screw them with ideology. This is government doing this, but now more gov will say "sorry; we going back to fundamental education. Your child isn't a white supremacist, and we won't feed them porn anymore or recruit them into alt-sex/gender lifestyles" - ? I don't think so. They will have to be brought to heel. And let's not forget the science and medical communities, nor corporate America in promoting this destruction.

I agree with all of this. Pretty sure 8188 does also... yall are just using different examples of what are the actual roots of the school shootings and the remedies to this terrible problem....instead of calling for more laws that the criminals and mentally ill folks would never for a second acknowledge or be deterred by.

Doc had a salient post regarding his realization of just how ignorant of actual gun laws as well as the guns themselves most people are....a testament to the intense disinformation campaign by the Dimwits and MSM. Apparently a good portion of these liberals truly believe you can walk into a gun store and walk out armed like Rambo with full auto machine guns, grenades etc same day at point of sale!!! That is eye opening. Very few, VERY FEW people in this country have $30k or more in play money and a perfect intensive background check to be able to legally own a fully automatic weapon. Of course gangbanger criminal teens in Chicago, Detroit, and other major cities have converted their Glock pistols to full auto now with " Glock Switches" to the extent that new laws are being created up there at the state level to put harsher felony penalties on the guys who get caught with them. 1 article i read from Kansas City IIRC said they are confiscating several modified Glocks every week now...and locking up those who posess them. Theres a good bit of info online about them now, if you are interested. 3D printers have some unintended consequences to go with their obvious great benefits.

As always...making new gun laws only restricts law abiding citizens fŕom having what they need to defend themselves and others!!! Criminals do not give a damn about laws...they are Criminals! Why this is so hard for liberals to understand, I have no idea.
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Hahahaha!!! Nailed it! I just watched that last weekend for about the 37th time. Great flick...I actually like the Patriot better . Particularly when he catches up to the Regulars that massacred his wife and kids in the forest with his hatchet. I actually carry a quite keen hatchet that belonged to my Dad in my drivers door rather than a pistol in the car....I can empathize with the protagonist in that vengeance exchange next to the path. Which is why I do not carry a gun lol
The Patriot is one of my favorite movies . I’m a big Revolutionary War nerd.
33% of mass shooters are bipolar or schizophrenic and 8% are autistic. Others in this thread have stated that mental health is just used as a diversion from guns. But if we could reduce the number of shootings from those massively over represented groups, it would go a long way

So, 60% aren't. And the 40% can acquire weapons in a number of ways not subject to the NICS system; in fact some of them have.
It's not nothing, but you'll never stop the attempt of the majority even if we simply sack privacy rights and blanket ban anyone diagnosed from anxiety to schizo. Which I'm against.
The Columbine shooters used two shotguns, a 9mm carbine and 9mm handgun. A girlfriend purchased the first three, and the handgun was purchased black market.
Other shooters have stolen weapons or taken them from family.

Again, I think you stop almost none of these shootings by adding mental consideration to the NICS system, but even a few aren't nothing. It just shouldn't be the priority.
Soooooo when will the FBI release the manifesto?

I’m sure they won’t sit on it for a year or so. Right?

As soon as they finish investigation Hunter's laptop, an all-hands-on-deck endeavor that has strained resources.
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So, 60% aren't. And the 40% can acquire weapons in a number of ways not subject to the NICS system; in fact some of them have.
It's not nothing, but you'll never stop the attempt of the majority even if we simply sack privacy rights and blanket ban anyone diagnosed from anxiety to schizo. Which I'm against.
The Columbine shooters used two shotguns, a 9mm carbine and 9mm handgun. A girlfriend purchased the first three, and the handgun was purchased black market.
Other shooters have stolen weapons or taken them from family.

Again, I think you stop almost none of these shootings by adding mental consideration to the NICS system, but even a few aren't nothing. It just shouldn't be the priority.

What should?
And what's to stop them from mowing them down with a car? You can do all the mental gymnastics you want to avoid talking about EVIL PEOPLE but it's always going to come back to that. No matter what kind of solutions there are or aren't.
You can’t stop them if they’re hellbent on it, but you can make it harder.

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