Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Wrong guy, my frenetic, projecting friend; I've discussed them ad nauseum.

Sanity check #1: there are likely about 350 millions guns in circulation. What makes them good for defense makes them good for offense/crime. That vast pool of guns ensures anyone who wants one, will. The Bureau of Justice has found that nearly 1/2 of gun felons used straw purchases (someone who can buy legally is actually illegally buying for another person); those are entirely unstoppable, all you can do is prosecute after the fact AFTER the gun turns up in crime or felon possession. "But universal background check!"....yawn!...well, okay if I want to give a gun to my crazy sister I guess she should undergo the same check as anyone else buying a gun. Checks that are so ineffective now, that your insisting we merely expand them to these private transactions. Which criminal straw buyers, for example are already violating. So yes, let's fry all the little fish while ignoring the shark problem. Is this microphone on?

Anyone who is determined to shoot up a school likely can do so if schools are not hardened. It's not settled that even a majority of mass shooters are mentally-ill even if some spectacular examples of shooters were. The most lethal shooter in U.S. history, Stephen Paddock - the Vegas shooter - had no diagnosed illness and was a successful businessman. You will never identify people like this before they act.

"Okay! - people who are diagnosed then!" So anyone from those experiencing anxiety , non-violent benign phobias, or insecurity all the way to the schizophrenic - 50 million adults - are to be denied their right without due process? Tell me how this is supposed to work, even if it weren't such a fked horrible idea, when HIPAA laws & patient privacy are vigorously defended by "transparent gun lobby shills" (your words) like the ACLU and conscientious, constitutionally centered people on both sides - ?

Are you beginning to see the problem? With vapid comments like "killers will just wait outside" while accusing others of mental avoidance gyrations, I doubt it. No kidding Sherlock; hermetically seal your child away from the world if that is your primary concern, because a malevolent person can kill them ANYwhere. Will you protect your child as best you can and have them live in the world, or seal them away?

I'll frame it another way before you go. One thing and one thing only stops mass shooters; being shot by someone else. That's it. When all your fetish, prevention measures fail - and they always will - someone had better be prepared to defend your child with a gun. And in the moment they do, you won't give a shite whether they're police, armed guard, or a teacher who swore he/she would not stand by and took training to prepare for it. You'll simply thank the heavens they were there and didn't subscribe to your fetishes. A serious, caring person who took responsibility and action.
You’ve obviously done some soul searching on this topic. I probably would too if I held a conviction that
allowed me to look past a pile of dead children and shrug.

Your NRA pamphlet bulls!t might make sense if mass gun violence weren’t a unique American problem. Western Civilization has like 50 countries where it just almost never happens. And the people there are happy too, happier than us on just about every index you can find. I’m not even saying we should be that stringent, but you absolutists won’t give any ground (funny now that you’re threatened by trans people that’s starting to waver).

Spare me the nothing can be done spiel. There’s too many places out there where it is done. Thanks for your service tho. I hope I’m not around when you and all the other badasses out there start firing in 18 different directions trying to find the bad guy.
Which is why we should be talking about the fact that zero armed guards were in that school. Yet I’m pretty sure you mocked the idea of allowing teachers to carry and making all schools have at least one armed guard
You’re wrong. Most schools have an armed SRO anyway which is fine.

I mocked the idea that teachers should be expected to confront an armed, deranged gunman on a Walmart cashier’s salary.

Any more of my points you wanna dishonestly misconstrue?
What should?

On topic, hardening schools. Period.

Outside schools, it's equal treatment under the law to have background checks for private transactions. If my sane self has to pass it, then so should your nutty brother. We already exclude felons, who get them anyway. Blatantly mentally-ill who have not the capacity to handle weapons or are demonstrably violent, sure, exclude them.
There's not much else.
Faced with randomness of public shootings large or small, the best damned thing we could do is for national/state/local officials to encourage broad concealed carry. The reason we don't have more citizen stops is because very few carry. OTOH, anyone who carries and doesn't spend the $$ for defensive training, doesn't maintain training, and doesn't have carry insurance against criminal/civil suit, is an idiot who better have some luck and a sympathetic DA.
You’re wrong. Most schools have an armed SRO anyway which is fine.

I mocked the idea that teachers should be expected to confront an armed, deranged gunman on a Walmart cashier’s salary.

Any more of my points you wanna dishonestly misconstrue?

Yet this one and Uvalde did not. Okay hays a problem.

No one has said any teacher should be expected to do so, but why would you deny the teachers who want to do so?

You can’t come in here with “they want to arm all teachers” (something noones claimed) and then pretend you’re the one being misrepresented
You’ve obviously done some soul searching on this topic. I probably would too if I held a conviction that
allowed me to look past a pile of dead children and shrug.

Your NRA pamphlet bulls!t might make sense if mass gun violence weren’t a unique American problem. Western Civilization has like 50 countries where it just almost never happens. And the people there are happy too, happier than us on just about every index you can find. I’m not even saying we should be that stringent, but you absolutists won’t give any ground (funny now that you’re threatened by trans people that’s starting to waver).

Spare me the nothing can be done spiel. There’s too many places out there where it is done. Thanks for your service tho. I hope I’m not around when you and all the other badasses out there start firing in 18 different directions trying to find the bad guy.

Shrugging? Nothing can be done spiel? "There too many places!" - ?
I'm dubbing you Projection Ben, because this is your imagination.

I told you what can be done, you're just too ignorant to eat from the tree of knowledge. I can cure you, but you have to want to stop.

I say harden schools and you know it's the right thing but you fight it because you care more about the nonsense you've invested yourself in, than another "pile of dead children", you mothershrugger, you.

I haven't belonged to the NRA for nearly three decades because I disagree with them on some fundamental things. I don't care about "Western civilization", just this one. I like being able to speak without being criminally charged with hate speech in those "Western civilizations" and am happy those cucks are happy being subjugated in my stead. I like having an inalienable right to defend myself as I see fit.

And how often has this mythical "badasses firing in 18 directions" scenario occurred outside of your paranoia?

I'll put it to you more directly: if your child's school is under assault and a couple of "badasses" manage to shoot in one direction, end the assault, and your daughter gets to come home, are you going to lecture them on NRA gun craziness or kiss their azz in gratitude?

Probably the former; how pathetic and indifferent to the life of your own child can a person be? Sigh...
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It does. I was simply pointing out how antithetical the response would be from the Left if a measure was passed that would limit the rights of a transgender person on "gender affirming" steroids to purchase a firearm.

All this talk about playing with gender transition and sanity requires is being a husband of a wife who has gone through menopause ... or hormone replacements following menopause. It can be like going from peace and tranquility to total war in 10 seconds flat; and that's not the drama that would likely be part of going from one gender to the other with hormones to make the transition. As a doc, you'd know all about induced bodily changes far better than the rest of us, but mind and body altering drugs are not to be taken lightly. Even stuff considered benign can be questionable. I took Topamax for migraines until one day on the way home I missed a turn - didn't even recognize it; I figured the headaches were less threatening than being in a stupor. Since that episode, I've really wondered about the safety of a lot of drugs on the market.
I'm referring to Orwell's '1984' in which the totalitarian government retroactively reformed, erased & inserted government propaganda into books, news, allowable speech to thought control the population.
Hell, who has time for retroactive propagandization when you can simply stand at the podium and modify language and facts in real time, and have reasonable expectation the bulk of journalists will not challenge it.
Gotcha..I have not read 1984..since 1995 lol...but it is very timely..we probably all need to read it
That bolded part scares the piss out of the LG’s & Luther’s.

Best not to conflate protecting children with policing the hallways.

Policing the hallways becomes a distraction, and is given as reason not to protect children.
Even though they really do help and are a 'resource'? That makes no sense...I don't think they cruise the hallway, but even if they did, if you're behaving, it shouldn't matter lol
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I don't think they have released that information.

I think the number itself is a red flag because who buys that many guns in a short period of time? And why? Murderers in most cases. Let's use common sense.

Every time dems get stirred up on gun control and stopping the sale of some guns, the demand goes up. So if someone goes out and preemptively buys a few guns and ammunition, what drove the buying? A lust to go on a killing spree, or buying something before it was potentially no longer available. Your side is just like Pootin selling NATO to ex-Soviet states; you create gun and ammo demand. And you talk of common sense.
Even though they really do help and are a 'resource'? That makes no sense...I don't think they cruise the hallway, but even if they did, if you're behaving, it shouldn't matter lol
Going to have to disagree. Patrolling the hallways discussion would be a welcome distraction to them.
I have several friends with a 50 cal. They aren't full auto, though. If anyone has seen a full auto weapon on display somewhere, they are for looks or for rent on a private range. If there's one at Bass Pro, I would be very surprised.

This conversation is so difficult, but also enlightening. I really had no idea that so many people were so clueless. I might feel a little differently if I really believed that anyone could stroll into Bass Pro and buy a full auto assault rifle with no background check today.
So many pantywaist with that soft as butter handshake are now gun experts.🙄
That will likely happen. But they don't want to release it for a reason and I think they are right.

I'm pretty sure we can all probably guess the basic gist.
How do they expect to suppress it? There will be overwhelming pressure.
Soooooo when will the FBI release the manifesto?

I’m sure they won’t sit on it for a year or so. Right?

If they don't, then all manifestos by mass killers need to remain under wraps. How can one justify not releasing this one while Elliot Roger's was published? Or the Virginia Tech killer's?
If they don't, then all manifestos by mass killers need to remain under wraps. How can one justify not releasing this one while Elliot Roger's was published? Or the Virginia Tech killer's?
They are already squawking that it shouldn’t be released - could lead to “disinformation”.

I’m much more interested in her security assessment of multiple schools and why she ultimately chosen the target she did.
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Yet this one and Uvalde did not. Okay hays a problem.

No one has said any teacher should be expected to do so, but why would you deny the teachers who want to do so?

You can’t come in here with “they want to arm all teachers” (something noones claimed) and then pretend you’re the one being misrepresented

No Uvalde had cops that sat on their hands for an hour outside.

And yes, plenty of people have suggested arming some or all teachers. Again you're being dishonest.

I really don't mind a few well-trained staff members packing at a school.

And @NCFisher, who isn't in the universe of intellect he believes he is, just wants to turn every public place into a max security fortress. That's fine. Fund it. It's still not going to eliminate opportunity.

I wonder if those kids muttered "well at least we're not oppressed" with their dying breaths. Easy sacrifice to stomach when it ain't your baby. But that's a common symptom of some of your ilk. Can't find a heart until it happens to you.
All this talk about playing with gender transition and sanity requires is being a husband of a wife who has gone through menopause ... or hormone replacements following menopause. It can be like going from peace and tranquility to total war in 10 seconds flat; and that's not the drama that would likely be part of going from one gender to the other with hormones to make the transition. As a doc, you'd know all about induced bodily changes far better than the rest of us, but mind and body altering drugs are not to be taken lightly. Even stuff considered benign can be questionable. I took Topamax for migraines until one day on the way home I missed a turn - didn't even recognize it; I figured the headaches were less threatening than being in a stupor. Since that episode, I've really wondered about the safety of a lot of drugs on the market.
Amen brother. My wife actually began menopause at 48 per her gyno. That was 15 years ago.
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