Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I really don't mind a few well-trained staff members packing at a school.

just wants to turn every public place into a max security fortress. That's fine. Fund it. It's still not going to eliminate opportunity.
I would like to see a couple per school too.
I agree we don’t need to fortify schools.

Can you say more about what you mean by eliminate opportunity?
No Uvalde had cops that sat on their hands for an hour outside.

And yes, plenty of people have suggested arming some or all teachers. Again you're being dishonest.

I really don't mind a few well-trained staff members packing at a school.

And @NCFisher, who isn't in the universe of intellect he believes he is, just wants to turn every public place into a max security fortress. That's fine. Fund it. It's still not going to eliminate opportunity.

I wonder if those kids muttered "well at least we're not oppressed" with their dying breaths. Easy sacrifice to stomach when it ain't your baby. But that's a common symptom of some of your ilk. Can't find a heart until it happens to you.

I learned something today. Thanks. I was going off memory and thought they didn’t have one. Double checked and you’re right
You’ve obviously done some soul searching on this topic. I probably would too if I held a conviction that
allowed me to look past a pile of dead children and shrug.

Your NRA pamphlet bulls!t might make sense if mass gun violence weren’t a unique American problem. Western Civilization has like 50 countries where it just almost never happens. And the people there are happy too, happier than us on just about every index you can find. I’m not even saying we should be that stringent, but you absolutists won’t give any ground (funny now that you’re threatened by trans people that’s starting to waver).

Spare me the nothing can be done spiel. There’s too many places out there where it is done. Thanks for your service tho. I hope I’m not around when you and all the other badasses out there start firing in 18 different directions trying to find the bad guy.
What's wrong with looking at statistics to come up with solutions that might actually work? Many children die every year in DUI car accidents. Many children die every year in pool drownings. Why don't we ban pools? Alcohol? Why are you stepping over these children's bodies?
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No Uvalde had cops that sat on their hands for an hour outside.

And yes, plenty of people have suggested arming some or all teachers. Again you're being dishonest.

I really don't mind a few well-trained staff members packing at a school.

And @NCFisher, who isn't in the universe of intellect he believes he is, just wants to turn every public place into a max security fortress. That's fine. Fund it. It's still not going to eliminate opportunity.

I wonder if those kids muttered "well at least we're not oppressed" with their dying breaths. Easy sacrifice to stomach when it ain't your baby. But that's a common symptom of some of your ilk. Can't find a heart until it happens to you.

1) Let's see: armed security sounds like trained, armed staff - CHECK! I and others proposed that.

2) No one has proposed turning public places into supermax fortresses; the discussion is a SCHOOL shooting, and hardening SCHOOLS. Try to keep up. What I/others have proposed is hardening entrances so they can simply be shot out and walked through. You seem to be fine with that, so what is your disconnect?

"Will not eliminate opportunity" - yeah, I said that, too, so again what is your disconnect? You want perfect (the impossible elimination of opportunity) to be the enemy of good (hardening the school environment)?
This school had a plan even thought it had no armed security. NPD also had a well-trained group of officers. Both probably save lives; more can be done.

These are concrete measures to improve school safety and have armed people - on premise - run to the danger when it occurs.

You're a foolish person who thinks emotional bribery makes you a more caring person, or that you're shaming people with your wild extrapolations. That's the refuge of sleazy character. You should take a breath and understand the argument before entering a discussion.
So you admit you're not going to stop them but you're going to infringe on law abiding citizens just for the feels of it?
Just for the feels of it... at least argue in good faith man.

I don't see registration/background checks as infringement. Even the first amendment has caveats. "Fire!" in a crowded theater, threats... all that.

"Constitutional originalism" if that's what some use to buttress their anti-gun control agenda, and I'm not accusing you or anyone here of that, but I've heard it.... is a wildly idiotic notion. It was a document made to evolve with society, or some ppl would still be property.
Just for the feels of it... at least argue in good faith man.

I don't see registration/background checks as infringement. Even the first amendment has caveats. "Fire!" in a crowded theater, threats... all that.

"Constitutional originalism" if that's what some use to buttress their anti-gun control agenda, and I'm not accusing you or anyone here of that, but I've heard it.... is a wildly idiotic notion. It was a document made to evolve with society, or some ppl would still be property.
What good are registrations? So you can ID the dead scum that killed the kids? We do background checks now. This scum went through background checks. All your solutions are for the feels. They do nothing.
Just for the feels of it... at least argue in good faith man.

I don't see registration/background checks as infringement. Even the first amendment has caveats. "Fire!" in a crowded theater, threats... all that.

"Constitutional originalism" if that's what some use to buttress their anti-gun control agenda, and I'm not accusing you or anyone here of that, but I've heard it.... is a wildly idiotic notion. It was a document made to evolve with society, or some ppl would still be property.

The “fire in a crowded theater” example is a tired and stupid try at an example of infringement. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theatre because it impacts/hurts other people. Simply buying/owning a gun hurts no one so a registry or expanding BGCs is an infringement.
The “fire in a crowded theater” example is a tired and stupid try at an example of infringement. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theatre because it impacts/hurts other people. Simply buying/owning a gun hurts no one so a registry or expanding BGCs is an infringement.
Like a photo ID is an infringement of voter rights? Or a voter registry is an infringement on voter rights?

Gun purchases in the absence of a registry or BGCs do indeed hurt other people....ipso infringement...
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1) Let's see: armed security sounds like trained, armed staff - CHECK! I and others proposed that.

2) No one has proposed turning public places into supermax fortresses; the discussion is a SCHOOL shooting, and hardening SCHOOLS. Try to keep up. What I/others have proposed is hardening entrances so they can simply be shot out and walked through. You seem to be fine with that, so what is your disconnect?

"Will not eliminate opportunity" - yeah, I said that, too, so again what is your disconnect? You want perfect (the impossible elimination of opportunity) to be the enemy of good (hardening the school environment)?
This school had a plan even thought it had no armed security. NPD also had a well-trained group of officers. Both probably save lives; more can be done.

These are concrete measures to improve school safety and have armed people - on premise - run to the danger when it occurs.

You're a foolish person who thinks emotional bribery makes you a more caring person, or that you're shaming people with your wild extrapolations. That's the refuge of sleazy character. You should take a breath and understand the argument before entering a discussion.
Lmao emotional bribery? Idk what you're talking about. Might be your guilt talking.

If "hardening" schools is the only thing we can do due to NRA ownership of half this country's politicians, then that's what we should do. If that's the parameters you're putting on this discussion, I'm not arguing against that. But these events happen in other places too.

There are minor inconveniences that could curb the LEADING cause of child death. You see those as oppression, but they aren't really. Trying to learn and getting shot dead is oppressive. Trying to worship and getting shot dead is oppressive. Trying to grocery shop and getting shot dead is oppressive.

Registration, background checks, 21+ for all purchases, bump stock ban, special permits for AR-style weapons... I'm all for it. It's not infringement, it's regulation, which applies to every single other thing we see and touch. If those things save 50 people a year it's worth an immeasurable amount of your selfish whining.

Learn the correct forms of your/you're before you go around calling ppl fools.
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Like a photo ID is an infringement of voter rights? Or a voter registry is an infringement on voter rights?

Gun purchases in the absence of a registry or BGCs do indeed hurt other people....ipso infringement...

Just to be clear you believe a photo ID or simply having to provide the last 4 of your social security number is too much to expect?
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The “fire in a crowded theater” example is a tired and stupid try at an example of infringement. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theatre because it impacts/hurts other people. Simply buying/owning a gun hurts no one so a registry or expanding BGCs is an infringement.
Simply buying a car doesn't hurt anyone either. But you gotta register that, and you have to get a license for it which puts you in a database.

There's no reason a gun should be different unless you're shilling for the NRA.
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Simply buying a car doesn't hurt anyone either. But you gotta register that, and you have to get a license for it which puts you in a database.

There's no reason a gun should be different unless you're shilling for the NRA.

Just to be clear that law you’re wanting wouldn’t have stopped this, right?

What does a national registry change if it wouldn’t stop these events?

Especially since these guns were bought new and therefore already in a registry
Just to be clear you believe a photo ID or simply having to provide the last 4 of your social security number is too much to expect?
What???? I swear you almost never make any sense.

But just to be clear...we were discussing what constitutes an infringement.
I was merely pointing out the inconsistencies in Hogg's "logic".
Simply buying a car doesn't hurt anyone either. But you gotta register that, and you have to get a license for it which puts you in a database.

There's no reason a gun should be different unless you're shilling for the NRA.
Registration of a vehicle is a tax grab. You don't have to have a license to buy a car.

Argument dead.
Just to be clear that law you’re wanting wouldn’t have stopped this, right?

What does a national registry change if it wouldn’t stop these events?

Especially since these guns were bought new and therefore already in a registry
It changes the current system of buying and selling guns, which makes it absurdly easy for "legally" purchased guns to make their way into the hands of criminals.
Like a photo ID is an infringement of voter rights? Or a voter registry is an infringement on voter rights?

Gun purchases in the absence of a registry or BGCs do indeed hurt other people....ipso infringement...

Photo ID is not an infringement on voting rights. There is nowhere in the constitution declaring the right to vote is sacrosanct. Plus there is no state that requires a photo ID that won’t provide one for free. The person buying a gun has to pay for their BGC.

And it’s absurd (which is normal for you) to state purchasing a gun without a BGC hurts anyone. It’s beyond absurd it’s just ridiculous.
Simply buying a car doesn't hurt anyone either. But you gotta register that, and you have to get a license for it which puts you in a database.

There's no reason a gun should be different unless you're shilling for the NRA.

I might have missed it but in what amendment does it say the right to buy a car shall not be infringed? And no you don’t have register a car to park it in your garage, use it on your property or just simply own it. Try again.
Photo ID is not an infringement on voting rights. There is nowhere in the constitution declaring the right to vote is sacrosanct. Plus there is no state that requires a photo ID that won’t provide one for free. The person buying a gun has to pay for their BGC.

And it’s absurd (which is normal for you) to state purchasing a gun without a BGC hurts anyone. It’s beyond absurd it’s just ridiculous.
And show ID. In areas with no ID required, you can register once in a lifetime and vote in every single election in your area. Every gun bought from an FFL requires ID everything and BGC everything. Looks like 2A infringement winning so far.
Just to be clear that law you’re wanting wouldn’t have stopped this, right?

What does a national registry change if it wouldn’t stop these events?

Especially since these guns were bought new and therefore already in a registry
How many prevented deaths would it take to make your great sacrifice worth it?

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