Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School


The difference between you and me is that I cherish your rights and don’t want to make you do anything. You on the other hand want to force your beliefs/fears/ignorance on everyone else.
The difference between you and me, besides the fact that you're stupid, is that you see any nuance related to gun ownership as oppression because of a document written over 200 years ago, and it's just your interpretation and your definition of infringement that you think makes it sacrosanct.

I've been dead once. I don't fear it. It's quite peaceful actually and it gave me some perspective. You hold an opinion that's a minority opinion in this country and if you include all of humanity the tiniest fraction would agree, because you've been fed years of this bullsh!t sourced straight from gun manufacturers and the politicians in their pockets. You're not enlightened, you're the opposite. You're in a small, unique bubble with these other fools, and the worst thing is you all stand to gain nothing from it. At least the guys in DC pocket a little change.

Keep crying about your rights though, and step carefully over those dead kids.
The difference between you and me, besides the fact that you're stupid, is that you see any nuance related to gun ownership as oppression because of a document written over 200 years ago, and it's just your interpretation and your definition of infringement that you think makes it sacrosanct.

I've been dead once. I don't fear it. It's quite peaceful actually and it gave me some perspective. You hold an opinion that's a minority opinion in this country and if you include all of humanity the tiniest fraction would agree, because you've been fed years of this bullsh!t sourced straight from gun manufacturers and the politicians in their pockets. You're not enlightened, you're the opposite. You're in a small, unique bubble with these other fools, and the worst thing is you all stand to gain nothing from it. At least the guys in DC pocket a little change.

Keep crying about your rights though, and step carefully over those dead kids.

Lee really going out on a limb here......

"Most practical, thoughtful people believe that individuals who are a threat to themselves or to others shouldn’t have access to weapons," Lee said in a Friday interview with the Tennessean. "In my view, that’s a practical, thoughtful approach."

But he is reluctantly admitting that practical and thoughtful people realize there is a need for better gun control.

He's just politically (morally) paralyzed from taking the next step.
Nah, but I was a lifeguard for 2 summers many many moons ago. I still try to throw a drowning man a lifeline every now then, but hey, keep sinking in your silliness if that’s your pleasure. Carry on.
The drowning kids though you just left. At least you're consistent.

Just stand to the side and regurgitate memes, lifeguard. Seems about your speed.
Yes I do. I just wish both you and him weren’t so ignorant on the subject. If y’all had the first inkling about the subject you would be all in on amending the constitution instead of constantly displaying you ignorance.

Now hog, you know that having the “first inkling” isn’t necessarily going to stop certain individuals in this forum from displaying their ignorance. In fact history here proves time and time again that it’ll be the mating call to double down on it.
Lee really going out on a limb here......

"Most practical, thoughtful people believe that individuals who are a threat to themselves or to others shouldn’t have access to weapons," Lee said in a Friday interview with the Tennessean. "In my view, that’s a practical, thoughtful approach."

But he is reluctantly admitting that practical and thoughtful people realize there is a need for better gun control.

He's just politically (morally) paralyzed from taking the next step.

No, he’s advocating people control and I’m anxious to see what he proposes. If he proposes something that will restrict the rights of the mentally ill or something that will require reporting of mental illness I’m betting you will be one of the first to condemn him.
Yes I do. I just wish both you and him weren’t so ignorant on the subject. If y’all had the first inkling about the subject you would be all in on amending the constitution instead of constantly displaying you ignorance.
I cherish your right to be two-dimensional ..... completely void of any depth.

You may be the classic example of where knowledge without wisdom or understanding can be the most dangerous thing of all.
Now hog, you know that having the “first inkling” isn’t necessarily going to stop certain individuals in this forum from displaying their ignorance. In fact history here proves time and time again that it’ll be the mating call to double down on it.

True. They live their life by their feelings instead of facts and reason.
The difference between you and me, besides the fact that you're stupid, is that you see any nuance related to gun ownership as oppression because of a document written over 200 years ago, and it's just your interpretation and your definition of infringement that you think makes it sacrosanct.

I've been dead once. I don't fear it. It's quite peaceful actually and it gave me some perspective. You hold an opinion that's a minority opinion in this country and if you include all of humanity the tiniest fraction would agree, because you've been fed years of this bullsh!t sourced straight from gun manufacturers and the politicians in their pockets. You're not enlightened, you're the opposite. You're in a small, unique bubble with these other fools, and the worst thing is you all stand to gain nothing from it. At least the guys in DC pocket a little change.

Keep crying about your rights though, and step carefully over those dead kids.

I cherish your right to be two-dimensional ..... completely void of any depth.

You may be the classic example of where knowledge without wisdom or understanding can be the most dangerous thing of all.
Luther you are the classic example of someone who thinks they are knowledgeable on a subject and are not. This whole thread is full of examples by you.
No, he’s advocating people control and I’m anxious to see what he proposes. If he proposes something that will restrict the rights of the mentally ill or something that will require reporting of mental illness I’m betting you will be one of the first to condemn him.
What? Didn't we just agree the other day that the mentally ill should not be able to purchase or own guns?
Luther you are the classic example of someone who thinks they are knowledgeable on a subject and are not. This whole thread is full of examples by you.
Literally and continuously cited like it was a peer-reviewed scientific guide to firearms.

Neckbone Rob says it, oh it must be truth!!!!
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Why would a registry save anyone is what I’m asking you
Well if someone commits a particularly egregious domestic violence crime, for instance, the cops know how many pieces they have in their home in case they need to go take them, and maybe battered wife doesn't end up with her brains all over the floor a couple weeks later.

Just one example, that really didn't take long to come up with. Come on dude.
Why would a registry save anyone is what I’m asking you
Because it would ultimately reduce the overall number of guns sold.
And the greatest portion of that reduction would be with the people who purchase for resale.
What? Didn't we just agree the other day that the mentally ill should not be able to purchase or own guns?

I’ve said many times that if someone’s mental illness makes them a danger to others they need to be institutionalized. Can’t have a gun in an institution.
Well if someone commits a particularly egregious domestic violence crime, for instance, the cops know how many pieces they have in their home in case they need to go take them, and maybe battered wife doesn't end up with her brains all over the floor a couple weeks later.

Just one example, that really didn't take long to come up with. Come on dude.

Did you write the patriot act?
First of all, Republican legislation, so no.
Secondly, it has nothing to do with this discussion. It's just vaguely representative of oppression for you, and your brain tried to connect synapses for a second. I wouldn't worry about it, I doubt it'll happen again.
I’ve said many times that if someone’s mental illness makes them a danger to others they need to be institutionalized. Can’t have a gun in an institution.
Another reason to hate Reagan and the conservative movement.
But the data says that 1 in 5 are mentally ill. Can't institutionalize that number.
The data also says that 50% of people have at one point in their life dealt with a mental illness.

It's odd that you find it less invasive of rights do lock someone away against their will, than to keep them from owning a gun.
Speaks volumes.

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