Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

It was just an example of using fear to put a stop to something.

I don't care if he supports it or not.

When there's actually a body count, and a large one, it's rational to react to the fear of citizens it's your duty protect.

I'm done with you dummies for today, I've got stuff to do.

Re-read your NRA handbooks, try to re-articulate why we have these problems and other countries don't.

Because it's not worth it to you. It's not your kid. It's nobody you know.

Later all you simpletons, shills, and sociopaths.

Bye, have a good night
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It was just an example of using fear to put a stop to something.

I don't care if he supports it or not.

When there's actually a body count, and a large one, it's rational to react to the fear of citizens it's your duty protect.

I'm done with you dummies for today, I've got stuff to do.

Re-read your NRA handbooks, try to re-articulate why we have these problems and other countries don't.

Because it's not worth it to you. It's not your kid. It's nobody you know.

Later all you simpletons, shills, and sociopaths.

You forgot self-indulgent screw ups. Lots of those in this forum. Have a great night.
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It was just an example of using fear to put a stop to something.

I don't care if he supports it or not.

When there's actually a body count, and a large one, it's rational to react to the fear of citizens it's your duty protect.

I'm done with you dummies for today, I've got stuff to do.

Re-read your NRA handbooks, try to re-articulate why we have these problems and other countries don't.

Because it's not worth it to you. It's not your kid. It's nobody you know.

Later all you simpletons, shills, and sociopaths.

You were probably one of the fools staying locked indoors, screaming for the government to force businesses to shut their doors, kids to be removed from school/activities, arrest people going into churches or restaurants, etc.
You need the big bad government to come trample on everyone’s rights to make you feel safer some more?
The person who sold you the car must report the sell. So there's that.
No they don’t. I sold a 96 accord to my nephew a few years ago and the state of Tennessee didn’t care. I didn’t report anything. When I got my tag renewal in the mail it said if you no longer have this vehicle you can ignore this. I called them just to make sure.
My dad has bought and sold a few trucks without ever titling them. In VA you don’t have to title or tag farm use vehicle’s.
No they don’t. I sold a 96 accord to my nephew a few years ago and the state of Tennessee didn’t care. I didn’t report anything. When I got my tag renewal in the mail it said if you no longer have this vehicle you can ignore this. I called them just to make sure.
So you did call. If you want your name off of the title, it has to be reported. If you don't care that your name stays on the title, don't report it.
So you did call. If you want your name off of the title, it has to be reported. If you don't care that your name stays on the title, don't report it.
I didn’t call to have my name removed from the title. I called just to make sure I didn’t need to do anything else even though that’s what the renewal form said. It’s the first time I’d ever sold a car to an individual.

They didnt care when I called. They didn’t ask for a car vin or title number. Just said if I don’t own the vehicle I can ignore the tag renewal. And that was it. We hung up. That was roughly 5 months after I sold the car.
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And? It’s expired tags. Tennessee doesn’t care at that point.

I’ve got the title to an old motorcycle I had back in the early 90s. I have no idea where that thing is today, I couldn’t get it to run and let a buddy take it home then I got sent oversees.
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Lmao emotional bribery? Idk what you're talking about. Might be your guilt talking.

If "hardening" schools is the only thing we can do due to NRA ownership of half this country's politicians, then that's what we should do. If that's the parameters you're putting on this discussion, I'm not arguing against that. But these events happen in other places too.

There are minor inconveniences that could curb the LEADING cause of child death. You see those as oppression, but they aren't really. Trying to learn and getting shot dead is oppressive. Trying to worship and getting shot dead is oppressive. Trying to grocery shop and getting shot dead is oppressive.

Registration, background checks, 21+ for all purchases, bump stock ban, special permits for AR-style weapons... I'm all for it. It's not infringement, it's regulation, which applies to every single other thing we see and touch. If those things save 50 people a year it's worth an immeasurable amount of your selfish whining.

Learn the correct forms of your/you're before you go around calling ppl fools.

I've been satirizing your "you don't feel like me, so you don't care about dead kids!" routine since you blew in. Rational adults don't talk this way.

Hardening schools is the only thing we can do if the NRA didn't even exist; if you can't protect the target at the time of attack, everything else is theoretical. You've at least sense of realism enough to admit you can't eliminate opportunity; exactly - so you better prioritize defending school when it happens.

We're all aware it happens elsewhere. We have background checks and extending them to private sales is equitable but will do no more than the check system you don't like now. No wonder; consider the manner in which criminals access guns according to Bureau Justice 2019 report:

43%t bought their firearms on the black market
15% from a friend or relative
12% found at crime scene were brought by someone else
11% were straw purchases from FFL dealer
10% were valid FFL purchases
6%% via theft
0.8 from a gunshow

Less than 11% were transactions that would have been subject to ANY background check. 72% were illegal, and likely a good portion of the 15%. This why I mentioned before the number of guns in circulation. We can throw money at more restrictions, bans, registration, stomp on health privacy, and you won't dent the problem. The horse left the barn decades ago.

I'm not a fan of bump stocks but how often are they used in crime? I'm betting a 0.0X%, if that; probably 0.00X%.
"I'm all for something I'm clueless about" is your stance, then?
I know the correct form, feel free to spell check my history. When you type fast, you'll have an errant typo, but YAY! for small victories for petty Projection Ben.
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Here come the army of twenty-something "libertarians", who can barely read.
I really hope you learned a trade.

There's too many ppl whose rights end when your BS hits them in vital organs. All you idiots are complicit.
Given that same logic I think we should start by banning anyone that identifies as trans from owning firearms. That would have stopped 5-6 mass shootings. If you don't agree that makes you complicit. Banning trans would do a whole lot more than the proposals you champion.

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