Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

First of all, Republican legislation, so no.
Secondly, it has nothing to do with this discussion. It's just vaguely representative of oppression for you, and your brain tried to connect synapses for a second. I wouldn't worry about it, I doubt it'll happen again.
Your ignorance is showing.....again

"The USA Patriot Act was passed nearly unanimously by the Senate 98-1, and 357-66 in the House"

And it has everything to do with this. You keep talking about stepping over dead kids. You are trying to use fear to get your way. You're a scumbag.
Your ignorance is showing.....again

"The USA Patriot Act was passed nearly unanimously by the Senate 98-1, and 357-66 in the House"

And it has everything to do with this. You keep talking about stepping over dead kids. You are trying to use fear to get your way. You're a scumbag.
Who wrote/introduced it? I'll wait while you look it up.
Your ignorance is showing.....again

"The USA Patriot Act was passed nearly unanimously by the Senate 98-1, and 357-66 in the House"

And it has everything to do with this. You keep talking about stepping over dead kids. You are trying to use fear to get your way. You're a scumbag.

Interested to know who the 1 in 98-1 was. I don’t recall now.
Lol. Both parties signed on to it you twit. Big Gov loves Big Gov. With those numbers it's ignorant to try to hang it on one parties neck. FFS.
I'd love to see the pages upon pages of you defending it back in 2001. You weren't a PATRIOT if you were against it!

Any idiot could see how it's used in hindsight and say "Bad!".

But again, has nothing to do with the ongoing discussion. Got any more bad analogies, Cledus?
I'd love to see the pages upon pages of you defending it back in 2001. You weren't a PATRIOT if you were against it!

Any idiot could see how it's used in hindsight and say "Bad!".

But again, has nothing to do with the ongoing discussion. Got any more bad analogies, Cledus?

Sure it does. Love you some big gov bro. You do you. Anything else you want to try by being a scumbag and attempting to use fear to steal rights away?
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Well if someone commits a particularly egregious domestic violence crime, for instance, the cops know how many pieces they have in their home in case they need to go take them, and maybe battered wife doesn't end up with her brains all over the floor a couple weeks later.

Just one example, that really didn't take long to come up with. Come on dude.

Some of the solutions given:

1 door in and out. Fire marshal gonna poo on that real quick

Every teacher with a gun. 35k a year to wrangle kids and be armed guards?! Sign me up!

Multiple armed guards- fine, if it can be funded. Education funding not exactly a red state strong point.

This fantasy of a James Bond around every corner waiting to neutralize would-be killers only makes sense when you realize the Republicans are just transparent shills for the gun lobby.

Idrgaf about people owning guns but the pile of dead school kiddies is getting rather large. It’s unconscionable in a civilized country.

Universal background checks would be a start.

So you come in here mocking other suggestions and talking about how the poor of dead kiddies is getting large, yet you admit your solution wouldn’t change anything?
Sure it does. Love you some big gov bro. You do you. Anything else you want to try by being a scumbag and attempting to use fear to steal rights away?
Lol. Like banning drag shows 'cause it might make your kids gay? Kinda like that? You're too damn dumb to come up for breath in the sea of hypocrisy you swim in.
Because it would ultimately reduce the overall number of guns sold.
And the greatest portion of that reduction would be with the people who purchase for resale.

Lol if you’re reducing “resale” purchases, you’re not actually reducing the number of guns sold to the public, only the number of times one gun is sold.
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Lol. Like banning drag shows 'cause it might make your kids gay? Kinda like that? You're too damn dumb to come up for breath in the sea of hypocrisy you swim in.
Find one post from me about drag shows. You won't. I am 100% ok with them. Pull your head out of your ass. But please continue to talk about stepping over dead children. What a stupid way to debate. Grow up
Lol if you’re reducing “resale” purchases, you’re not actually reducing the number of guns sold to the public, only the number of times one gun is sold.
If you reduce the number of purchases made specifically for "resale", you actually reduce the number of guns purchased.
If you reduce the number of guns purchased, you reduce the number of guns.
Nah, but I was a lifeguard for 2 summers many many moons ago. I still try to throw a drowning man a lifeline every now then, but hey, keep sinking in your silliness if that’s your pleasure. Carry on.

Me too. It was a good gig too. Lots to look at as a teenager.

As far as these clueless liberals go, attempting to argue about subjects which they know nothing about such as firearms..AND the laws and rights pertaining TO firearms...I never try and stop my adversaries while they are destroying themsevès...

I was raised not to speak from a position of ignorance, especially publicly. We were taught that when a subject was raised on which we knew little or nothing, to listen...then IF we spoke it was humbly asking questions about the minutiae that wasnt readily apparent from the conversation. To be respectful and thankful for the time spent by those who would share their knowledge with us.

Like everything else with Liberals these days, this too is another area where the exact opposite is their modus operandi...we live in a Bizarro World now where the POTUS press secretary just went on TV unprovoked and told everyone that "Transexuals were under attack!" On the same night that a transexual 18yo domestic terrorist walked into a Christian school and executed 3 kids 9 years old and 3 adults over 60yo in cold blood in broad daylight. It is shameful, evil, degenerate, and entirely UnHoly what these idiots have done to this country. We are well and truly screwed, and I am seriously considering moving my family abroad if the Rapture isn't soon.
@volfanhill is a huge trans bigot, you pegged him. Big Trumpster too
It was just an example of using fear to put a stop to something.

I don't care if he supports it or not.

When there's actually a body count, and a large one, it's rational to react to the fear of citizens it's your duty protect.

I'm done with you dummies for today, I've got stuff to do.

Re-read your NRA handbooks, try to re-articulate why we have these problems and other countries don't.

Because it's not worth it to you. It's not your kid. It's nobody you know.

Later all you simpletons, shills, and sociopaths.
Simply buying a car doesn't hurt anyone either. But you gotta register that, and you have to get a license for it which puts you in a database.
No you don’t. You don’t have to register a vehicle or have a license to drive it if you do so on private property.

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