Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

I’ve got the title to an old motorcycle I had back in the early 90s. I have no idea where that thing is today, I couldn’t get it to run and let a buddy take it home then I got sent oversees.
I have a title to a 73 MGB-GT... no idea where it is either. Probably rusted back into the earth. Fun to drive though, when it ran lol
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Simply buying a car doesn't hurt anyone either. But you gotta register that, and you have to get a license for it which puts you in a database.

There's no reason a gun should be different unless you're shilling for the NRA.

You were a child actor who played Danny in 'The Shining', weren't you?

And "step over dead kids...step over dead kids"...geez, parrots have more range.
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Simply buying a car doesn't hurt anyone either. But you gotta register that, and you have to get a license for it which puts you in a database.

There's no reason a gun should be different unless you're shilling for the NRA.
How many times do you have to be slapped for being stupid, because you are wrong, before you pause?
Because it would ultimately reduce the overall number of guns sold.
And the greatest portion of that reduction would be with the people who purchase for resale.

The only people purchasing a gun for resale are criminals.
But the registry will stop them.
Like the laws against criminal behavior.
But it will reduce numbers of guns sold.

Is it just me?
Perhaps if it's accompanied by a "Just say NO! to straw and black market purchases" campaign, the criminals will know we're really, really serious?
First of all, Republican legislation, so no.
Secondly, it has nothing to do with this discussion. It's just vaguely representative of oppression for you, and your brain tried to connect synapses for a second. I wouldn't worry about it, I doubt it'll happen again.

You forgot "NRA shill stepping over dead kids!!"
I'd love to see the pages upon pages of you defending it back in 2001. You weren't a PATRIOT if you were against it!

Any idiot could see how it's used in hindsight and say "Bad!".

But again, has nothing to do with the ongoing discussion. Got any more bad analogies, Cledus?

Learn the proper form of 'Cletus' if using it to insult someone, Spelling Bee Ben.
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hmmm, they go on to say:
What Is The Fire Rate Of An Ar-15?
  • 5.56 NATO has a fire rate of 700-900 RPM
  • 7.62 NATO has a fire rate of 550-750 RPM
Oh my.

@Grand Vol please read this and give us your thoughts.

I can't speak to all that but the M14E2 - later the M14A1 was definitely not a "sniper rifle" - no scope for one thing. The M14A1 included a pistol grip and a bipod with a forward handgrip attached to the sling - all that to keep the thing under control - was intended as a squad automatic weapon. It might theoretically fire 750 RPM as long as you could reload and cool the barrel. It didn't take many rounds on auto fire to make the barrel smoke. We qualified with both the M14 and the M14A1, you could keep the M14A1 more or less on target during full automatic fire - the regular M14 was basically uncontrollable on automatic fire - even a three round burst never ended on the target. In any case not sure I'd put much stock in what Neckbone Armory has to say.
OMG, what happened? I see an afternoon of patients and come back to see the last 10 pages? I had to quit at p91.

But quick: where can I stop and get a high caliber AR Gatling gun with a mega-recoil spring that rattles off 1000 RPM on my way home?

Did the lefties start drinking early today? I mean, can you even try to educate yourself so that we could just have a reasonable discussion? Lord, have mercy.

I've been playing catch up for days. Seems like the more I read the behinder I get.
If you reduce the number of purchases made specifically for "resale", you actually reduce the number of guns purchased.
If you reduce the number of guns purchased, you reduce the number of guns.

No. Removing resale purchases doesn’t change demand. If the same gun is purchased once by a resaler and then a second time by the end customer, compared to just purchased directly by the end consumer, either way you have 1 one gun on the street. Doesn’t matter if it’s sold once or twice
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So? That 4473 is always going to be there regardless how many times a gun is sold.
What's a 4473? If it's some time of document recording original sell, then of course it will always be there. But if the original purchaser sells the gun, it should be reported so there is an accurate record of who now owns the gun.
If it's not reported, then the original owner still has some liability if the gun is ever used in an unlawful way.
What's a 4473? If it's some time of document recording original sell, then of course it will always be there. But if the original purchaser sells the gun, it should be reported so there is an accurate record of who now owns the gun.
If it's not reported, then the original owner still has some liability if the gun is ever used in an unlawful way.

No, they have no liability.

Why don’t you do some self education on the subject before you comment?
The only people purchasing a gun for resale are criminals.
But the registry will stop them.
Like the laws against criminal behavior.
But it will reduce numbers of guns sold.

Is it just me?
Perhaps if it's accompanied by a "Just say NO! to straw and black market purchases" campaign, the criminals will know we're really, really serious?
They are obviously participating in criminal activity, but they find it so easy and risk free, they have no qualm making that choice.
If it wasn't as easy, and the risk were greater - fewer would do it.
Yes a registry will stop many.
Like the laws against criminal behavior.
And yes it will reduce numbers of guns sold.

And no, unfortunately it is not just you, there are many who also have great difficult grasping relatively simple concepts.

The stance you guys take is so simplistic it's laughable. Top it off with the fact you actually think the stance is defendable, and it starts to become just sad.

Criminals break laws so laws don't stop criminals may be the single most stupid concept in the whole debate. Are you guys 6?
No. Removing resale purchases doesn’t change demand. If the same gun is purchased once by a resaler and then a second time by the end customer, compared to just purchased directly by the end consumer, either way you have 1 one gun on the street. Doesn’t matter if it’s sold once or twice
If 30 guns are sold for the first time, that is 10 less guns than if 40 guns are sold for the first time.
Maybe it we start with a concept that simple and work our way up, you guys will be able to follow.
No, they have no liability.

Why don’t you do some self education on the subject before you comment?
I'm saying they should have some liability. One of the many improvements a national registry would make more feasible and enforceable.

Try to keep up....and think.
If 30 guns are sold for the first time, that is 10 less guns than if 40 guns are sold for the first time.
Maybe it we start with a concept that simple and work our way up, you guys will be able to follow.

You’re not talking about limiting total sales, just resales. It doesn’t matter if the same 30 guns are only bought once or twice, there’s still 30 guns on the street.

How would limiting resale purchases change that? It does nothing to the underlying demand for guns. So more people will simply buy direct
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You’re not talking about limiting total sales, just resales. It doesn’t matter if the same 30 guns are only bought once or twice, there’s still 30 guns on the street.

How would limiting resale purchases change that? It does nothing to the underlying demand for guns. So more people will simply buy direct
I am talking about reducing the number of new guns sold.

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