Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Sure but that's not the answer. Something has changed over the last 40 or so years, buying a semi-automatic firearm was easier in the 60s than it is today yet these events were almost unheard of.

Murder rate is essentially the same today as it was in 1960.
Good grief. Pray! I have no problem with you praying. That is a different action than typing thoughts and prayers on a message board. How is that so hard to grasp?
I wouldn’t care if you had a problem or not. And it’s a forum so they can say that as much as you can b*tch about it
We started identifying likely school shooters the year after Columbine. The issue is/was, what can you do once they are identified.
I distinctly remember sitting in one meeting with an identified student, his parents, and a number of others. At one point the conversation (questions) moved to guns. The dad aggressively and proudly stated that the house contained many guns and was very clear that he would do nothing to secure those guns more safely. (The boy's uncle was convicted of murder a couple of years later) Not sure whatever happened to the boy, but I would guess he is either dead or in jail.
Did you counsel the child? Did you identify the triggers in his life that made him susceptible IYO to becoming a school shooter? Was he being bullied? Abused? Did you take any action other than suggesting the father be more careful with his guns? What did you do to actually help the child?
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having some gun control measures is not giving ALL the control to the government. But slippery slope!!! Sure but kids murdered repeatedly...
I really do understand the sentiment. I just do not believe for one instance will additional gun control solve it. The only people who will follow the laws are not the ones killing children and others indiscriminately. I also believe the 2A ultimately is what defends all the other rights.

We have a mess that I believe our society as a whole has created. It will not be fixed until we all collectively decide to either become sheep and hand over our rights to the government in return for “security” or we decide the mad dogs have to be put down when they manifest themselves.
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I challenge you to go back and see what of these new laws you propose would have prevented those particular shootings.

Also, do you propose that we use the same laws you propose on alcohol? I know you're a proponent for legalization of marijuana, if it is legalized should we place those same laws on purchasing/using that as well? 400 children are killed on average in car accidents due to intoxicated drivers.

If drunk driving was legal, would there be more or less children killed in car accidents?
The sad reality is. There is nothing we can do but get rid of guns. And that’s not 100% effective. More stringent background checks? Yes it will make it harder.
I don’t know what else they wanna do with the background checks
You already pretty much have to give blood when you buy a gun and the atf is called and approves the buyer. Democrats act like it’s easy to buy and that everyone can just go in a gun store and buy one but the truth is you can’t.
Tougher laws for criminals in general would be a good start instead of letting the go free or ******** 2/3 year sentences.
Harsh reality is bad people are gonna do bad things
Nothing can stop them
All the ban all guns crowd dont seem to understand bad guys will still have them or get them bc they are bad guys who shocker, don’t follow the law
They can’t take them away from law abiding citizens either bc that would go right against what the 2nd was put in place for and that’s a tyrannical govt who no longer fear the people bc the people are no longer armed which would make gun violence and crime worse bc again bad guys still have them
Metal detectors and armed guards in schools should be at every school in America with how much we pay in taxes that the school systems get not too mention they should be locked up and you can’t come in without going through a metal detectors

People and other countries make fun of us all the time for our gun love, working hours, etc….but they don’t realize how much freedom and opportunities we have over everyone else on this planet and we are very lucky to live in this country minus California of course lol
And that’s where I usually am but comments about other peoples beliefs are bullish.

That's fair.

But I do think replying to a tragedy with any sort of empty action statement is very "look at me" behavior. The only difference is an assumption was made that newt's statement was intentionally a jab or attack at religion and feathers got ruffled from there.
Did you counsel the child? Did you identify the triggers in his life that made him susceptible IYO to becoming a school shooter? Was he being bullied? Abused? Did you take any action other than suggesting the father be more careful with his guns? What did you do to actually help the child?
I was on the periphery. I know he was given counseling within the school, and offered professional outside counseling at the district's expense. Pretty sure the parents refused the outside help and cut short the in-school help.
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Tobacoo kills you after 50-60 years. A gun in the wrong hands can kill others. There is zero comparison.
Perhaps, but as I once read, the Romans, after conquering Carthage, put virtually all of the population to death, razed the site and salted the earth so nothing would grow there. It was more labor intensive, but the result was the same as if a thermonuclear bomb had been dropped on it.

Regardless if one's instrument of death takes different intervals, the result is still death.
I was on the periphery. I know he was given counseling within the school, and offered professional outside counseling at the district's expense. Pretty sure the parents refused the outside help and cut short the in-school help.
Did he ever shoot up the school? I'm guessing not. Maybe it worked?
I was on the periphery. I know he was given counseling within the school, and offered professional outside counseling at the district's expense. Pretty sure the parents refused the outside help and cut short the in-school help.
As much as other people might disagree with you Luther, dealing with a bad kid that is the child of bad parents likely wouldn't go far. He learned his behavior at home.
So you expected him to be a school shooter, yet he wasn't. Maybe those meetings prevented it but he had easy access to guns. Seems like it was a decision of the individual not just access to guns.
We didn't really expect him to be; he fit the profile that schools were given after Columbine. The profile has since changed.
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You can’t be serious. That’s exactly what he is doing.

I'm reading his posts and that's not at all what I'm getting. You however very clearly made that statement.

Carry on I guess, just seems like you've got an axe to grind and are reading into things more than you should.
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Highly doubtful they even entered the area until police cleared it.

They’re a 5 minute walk from the school (literally less if one goes straight up the hill rather than following the road around to the school’s driveway). If all EMS services are alerted/summoned to be on the scene upon the report, it seems like they’d be the first just in the area just do to general location, wouldn’t they?

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