Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

The purpose for what the item is designed has relevance. So, your comparison are stupid as hell. Sorry to be that direct.
No apology needed since we're at it. Every example I gave has been used as a murder weapon. Automobiles, for all I know, may still be one of the major killers of children in the country, so my comparison is more apropos than you care to recognize.
They’re a 5 minute walk from the school (literally less if one goes straight up the hill rather than following the road around to the school’s driveway). If all EMS services are alerted/summoned to be on the scene upon the report, it seems like they’d be the first just in the area just do to general location, wouldn’t they?
In my experience, no. Maybe a very general area, but not close to the action at all. It's all tied into liability nonsense. Even if those EMS guys had a gun and wanted to go in they'd get torched by their department/potential lawsuits.
I'm reading his posts and that's not at all what I'm getting. You however very clearly made that statement.

Carry on I guess, just seems like you've got an axe to grind and are reading into things more than you should.
No axe to grind. Just gets old
Extensive background checks + firearms safety course and test before being allowed to own a gun + raise age of purchase to 21 + registration of all firearms would be a good place to start.
Make it like car ownership. Have an insurance policy on each gun.
So I have a question along these lines.

What would be the penalty for violating these new regulations?
Are we talking imprisonment here?
A spokesperson or public information officer though?

I've never seen any of them wearing a vest before.

The shooting took place a 1-2 minute walk up a hill (literally) from the fire station. Donning the bulletproof vests could also have been a preventative action toward protecting the firefighters present in the station since they’re only maybe… 500 feet away from a shooting scene?
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I'm not buying that statement, I call BS.
While I hardly ever agree with @ClearwaterVol and do not know if indeed the claim is correct in this instance, he could be right. The murder rate is up and down over various eras and coming off the 50s I could see 1960 being as low as it relatively has been recently. Actually, and I know this won't be popular, but the drop in crime rates coincided with both the crime bills in the 90s and...the 18th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. The book Freakonomics does an interesting treatment of that subject regardless of how one feels about the subject.
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That's fair.

But I do think replying to a tragedy with any sort of empty action statement is very "look at me" behavior. The only difference is an assumption was made that newt's statement was intentionally a jab or attack at religion and feathers got ruffled from there.
I mean I get that. I guess I just assumed if someone says ima pray and their thoughts are with me. Then they will do it, cuz why wouldn’t they?
In the US Firearms are the #1 cause of death to children as of data from 2020 shared in this article.

Child and Teen Firearm Mortality in the U.S. and Peer Countries
As I said, I didn't know for sure. I wonder how long that has been case? Wouldn't be surprise if autos led until up everyone quit going anywhere during the covid panic, but again, I don't know.

Would also be interesting to see how the numbers look if broken down by various racial demographics. My surprise level would be zero if the 13% badly skew US numbers among children as it does for the population as a whole.
I've always said that if you want to amend or even eliminate the 2A go through the process, I can respect that. Just stop with the end-a-rounds.
Don’t touch it
It’s the only thing keeping us a somewhat free society
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I mean I get that. I guess I just assumed if someone says ima pray and their thoughts are with me. Then they will do it, cuz why wouldn’t they?

The question is why do they feel they have to put it on a forum or social media at all?

It's like people that film themselves doing random acts of kindness...if you're staging it so you can film it then it's not random anymore and your motivates come into question.

I just feel like it's an action no one can verify you maybe people feel they need to state it to get the credit for it?
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Nothing but it will make them feel better because they "did something".

Imagine watching and hearing about kids being slaughtered all across the country due to firearms and then making fun of someone who wants solutions to curb that violence.

Or is it you simply don’t like my ideas to try and prevent needless death of children? If that’s the case, what are your ideas?

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