Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

This is the cost of doing business when we wrap ourselves in the cloak of the Constitution.

Either we care more about the lives of innocents, or we value the right to bear arms - we as a society are clearly not capable of bridging that gap.

There’s no correlation between gun laws and homicide rates. There’s no correlation between gun ownership and homicide rates.There’s a correlation between racial demographics and homicide but not guns.

To pretend the problem is guns or the constitution is to be grossly disingenuous
I'm hearing rumblings that this may have been a trans "woman." No confirmation, yet.
What is your objection to looking at it that way? But playing along, the South routinely has higher rates of gun violence than the North. There is a correlation to higher temperature. There are correlations with income/education levels and, I think we would both agree there are probably others, for example most murderers probably are not Sunday School teachers.

But one of the strongest correlations is race. I've looked at the numbers. Again, a lot of the arguments trotted out by the gun control supporters compares US gun violence to Europe/wherever. However, when the gun violence of the 13% is removed from the statistics, we drop to the middle of the pack with FAR more guns among the population. If one just considered Asians in the US, I think the gun control argument of few guns equals fewer crimes falls completely apart.

Your subjective stance about my subjective stance isn't useful either. But try breaking into my house or create a threatening situation for me or family in public and we'll see whose subject stance becomes objective.

Didn't realize we had a badass over here... have a good rest of your day.
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I mean I didn't criticize anyone for doing it, didn't take anyone to task over it. Those people can share or say what they want and you'll never see me rub my opinion in their face about it at all.

Volbucky directly told someone something I felt was hypocritical and I chimed in. Because I wanted to, and it's my phone and my fingertips. So who cares?
I’ve never seen you be bullish on anyone. Yeah, idk anything about you and volbucky. that seems like opinions and not just being rude for no reason like newt.
That’s what it is. She just didn’t know how to properly use it. If only she’d had a safety course. She must not have know what happens when you aim at a child and pull the trigger do to her lack of safety training.

Or perhaps you’re just grossly campaigning on the graves of children for unrelated things you want.

You’re right, might not have stopped this one. More regulations and stricter control seems to work in literally every other developed country.

What are your solutions? Since you don’t like mine.
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Out of curiosity why would that matter to you?

Those three kids are just as dead FROM BEING SHOT as if it were a heterosexual male that did the shooting. BEING SHOT is what killed them.


Out of curiosity why would that matter to you? Those three kids are just ad dead from being as if it were from a knife that they were killed.

oooo that's right, because you're busy trying to push an agenda that is not based at all in statistical facts!
Out of curiosity why would that matter to you?

Those three kids are just as dead FROM BEING SHOT as if it were a heterosexual male that did the shooting. BEING SHOT is what killed them.

Because, as has been stated, we need to figure out what is causing people to go murder children and work on that. Could pushing a transgender agenda possibly have adverse effects on mental health? Certainly a question worth asking.
You’re right, might not have stopped this one. More regulations and stricter control seems to work in literally every other developed country.

What are your solutions? Since you don’t like mine.

Do they work in every other developed country? Compare the white US homicide rate to that of Europe. They're roughly the same. Roughly the same as Canada too. Yet, they don't have the access we do to guns. If your narrative is true, how could that be?
By why not look at it geographically or by income levels? Why specifically racial demographic data?

Guns aren't essential at all, your subjective stance on that topic isn't useful. You can get to the grocery store without a gun, you don't need it with you to take a family vacation to the beach.
One would argue that this is a subjective stance that has no foundation in fact.
If homicide rates are no different than Europe despite all these scary unregistered firearms, why would you believe we need to register them?

Does a registered gun kill children less effectively are is this tragedy just use gross excuse to push unrelated nonsense that you want?
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Do they work in every other developed country? Compare the white US homicide rate to that of Europe. They're roughly the same. Roughly the same as Canada too. Yet, they don't have the access we do to guns. If your narrative is true, how could that be?

The white homicide rate? Wtf are you talking about?

Compare the mass shootings per country. Then get back to me.
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Because, as has been stated, we need to figure out what is causing people to go murder children and work on that. Could pushing a transgender agenda possibly have adverse effects on mental health? Certainly a question worth asking.
The demonizing of the transgender agenda may have had the bigger impact. What then???
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You can lower any rate by increasing population, and the US population from the 60s to now has nearly doubled. The number you should be looking at though is the percentage of US Homicides involving firearms, in 2020 it was 80% and in the 1960s it was only about 50%.

I also think you have to look at different countries for gun control not just the US and it's previous self (when data tracking wasn't as common place or accurate).

The firearm homicide rate hasn't changed much since 1961 it's had it's increases and decreases but has stayed pretty much within a couple percentage points even though we have enacted much more stringent gun control laws.

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