Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Didn't realize we had a badass over here... have a good rest of your day.
I really didn't want to retire in KY. I wanted to return to TN. However, when you look at the laws for using deadly force here, all you have to do is make a threatening move ON MY PROPERTY and I can drop you. I will. Grover isn't the only one that believes that. You must live in an ideal environment, I don't. Even in the country, we have issues with breakins and addicts trying to come in your home after you answer the door.
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And it goes without saying that banning guns would have prevented this.
someone who is crazy, or I guess I am supposed to say ‘having emotional instability’ will find a way to hurt people.. when I worked in a behavioral hospital, we had a guy kill his parents with a shovel.. people who are crazy or evil don’t tend to follow the rules, and will weasel their way around just about any legislation
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ID apparently Audrey Hale(formerly Aiden Hale). Not sure what the "formerly" means exactly. Will wait for more details.
Out of curiosity why would that matter to you? Those three kids are just ad dead from being as if it were from a knife that they were killed.

oooo that's right, because you're busy trying to push an agenda that is not based at all in statistical facts!

I don't know how many times we have to have this conversation, and I appeal once again to common sense. Firearms kill much quicker than do knives.
I think its time some of you thought about what it must have been like for law enforcement to go into that school and find the bodies of those dead kids. Or for their families to be told that their very reason for being is gone like, this, amidst the terror of gun shots.

And ask yourselves -- really ask yourselves -- is your slavish adherence to gun rights really worth it.
Didn't realize we had a badass over here... have a good rest of your day.
My apologies, did not mean that pointed at you, far from it. And to emphasize that, I've often stated on here I do not really know what I'd do in situation because I've never been in a situation with the closest was one time I actually thought someone had broken into my house one night. I have no shame in admitting I was scared as hell. But I was armed with a rifle and 30 round magazine and screamed out that I was armed and the best thing would be to leave. After a few highly stressful minutes, I moved through the house and believe that it was nothing more than the cat knocking something over that woke me up. Been in a few other situations in which I have armed myself in preparation, but most fortunately, nothing came of them. I am grateful for that.
I think its time some of you thought about what it must have been like for law enforcement to go into that school and find the bodies of those dead kids. Or for their families to be told that their very reason for being is gone like, this, amidst the terror of gun shots.

And ask yourselves -- really ask yourselves -- is your slavish adherence to gun rights really worth it.
You might as well be talking to a brick wall.
Out of curiosity why would that matter to you?

Those three kids are just as dead FROM BEING SHOT as if it were a heterosexual male that did the shooting. BEING SHOT is what killed them.


They were shot by a mentally ill person, if we only had a sign that she/he was mentally ill maybe this could have been prevented.
The white homicide rate? Wtf are you talking about?

Compare the mass shootings per country. Then get back to me.
His theory is that it's a "black" thing. He will not come right out and say what he is trying to not so subtlety insinuate.
I debunked his theory a while back, but he has either forgotten or never fully processed.
I think its time some of you thought about what it must have been like for law enforcement to go into that school and find the bodies of those dead kids. Or for their families to be told that their very reason for being is gone like, this, amidst the terror of gun shots.

And ask yourselves -- really ask yourselves -- is your slavish adherence to gun rights really worth it.

I think its time some of you thought about what it must have been like for law enforcement to go into that school and find the bodies of those dead kids. Or for their families to be told that their very reason for being is gone like, this, amidst the terror of gun shots.

And ask yourselves -- really ask yourselves -- is your slavish adherence to gun rights really worth it.

I believe the millions of dead Jews, Russians, Cambodians, Rwandans, Chinese, etc. certainly make a compelling case for it...
I really didn't want to retire in KY. I wanted to return to TN. However, when you look at the laws for using deadly force here, all you have to do is make a threatening move ON MY PROPERTY and I can drop you. I will. Grover isn't the only one that believes that. You must live in an ideal environment, I don't. Even in the country, we have issues with breakins and addicts trying to come in your home after you answer the door.

Cool story, but what does that have to do with a discussion about causes of death in Children?
They were shot by a mentally ill person, if we only had a sign that she/he was mentally ill maybe this could have been prevented.
About Mental Health.
How common are mental illnesses?
Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions in the United States.

  • More than 50% will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime.3
  • 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in a given year.4
  • 1 in 5 children, either currently or at some point during their life, have had a seriously debilitating mental illness.5
  • 1 in 25 Americans lives with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression.6
Are you saying we should get the guns out of the hands of these people? We may have found one more thing on which we agree.
My granddaughter goes to an elementary school a few miles south of Covenant. Our daughter ask my wife what she thought she should say to her when she picks her up at the bus stop. Wife said IDK.

Daughter said "Well, we don't have to worry about drag queens".
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I think its time some of you thought about what it must have been like for law enforcement to go into that school and find the bodies of those dead kids. Or for their families to be told that their very reason for being is gone like, this, amidst the terror of gun shots.

And ask yourselves -- really ask yourselves -- is your slavish adherence to gun rights really worth it.
To prevent a tyrannical government while also making an invasion on US soil as close to impossible as you can get? Yes.

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