Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

My apologies, did not mean that pointed at you, far from it. And to emphasize that, I've often stated on here I do not really know what I'd do in situation because I've never been in a situation with the closest was one time I actually thought someone had broken into my house one night. I have no shame in admitting I was scared as hell. But I was armed with a rifle and 30 round magazine and screamed out that I was armed and the best thing would be to leave. After a few highly stressful minutes, I moved through the house and believe that it was nothing more than the cat knocking something over that woke me up. Been in a few other situations in which I have armed myself in preparation, but most fortunately, nothing came of them. I am grateful for that.

I appreciate that, truly. I get it, I have a safe myself and also fully intend to protect my home and family.

But it just wasn't related to the discussion at hand. My only point is that children just by sheer numbers are around vehicles far more frequently than they are guns and that's why the totals for deaths related to them should be expected to be higher.
Wouldn’t this be our second trans shooter in

How dare a man state he would serve his actual purpose as a man of protecting his family. How toxic of him!
Yeah, only think I thought was maybe he took it as I was inviting him over to try. Not hardly. Suits me if I never have to find that out.
My granddaughter goes to an elementary schools a few miles south of Covenant. Our daughter ask my wife what she thought she should say to her when she picks her up at the bus stop. Wife said IDK.

Daughter said "Well, we don't have to worry about drag queens".
Respect to your daughter.
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My granddaughter goes to an elementary schools a few miles south of Covenant. Our daughter ask my wife what she thought she should say to her when she picks her up at the bus stop. Wife said IDK.

Daughter said "Well, we don't have to worry about drag queens".
Sounds like she knows who the threats are.
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I appreciate that, truly. I get it, I have a safe myself and also fully intend to protect my home and family.

But it just wasn't related to the discussion at hand. My only point is that children just by sheer numbers are around vehicles far more frequently than they are guns and that's why the totals for deaths related to them should be expected to be higher.
Then restrict access to those and bring the total numbers of deaths down. One life saved right?
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This was exactly my point.
About Mental Health.
How common are mental illnesses?
Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions in the United States.

  • More than 50% will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime.3
  • 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in a given year.4
  • 1 in 5 children, either currently or at some point during their life, have had a seriously debilitating mental illness.5
  • 1 in 25 Americans lives with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression.6
Are you saying we should get the guns out of the hands of these people? We may have found one more thing on which we agree.
They were shot by a mentally ill person, if we only had a sign that she/he was mentally ill maybe this could have been prevented.
The problem is we can’t hold these people on a psych hold, even when we do identify them..and sometimes now, what we considered ‘crazy’ twenty years ago, is now not considered ‘crazy’ now 😂.. or ‘altered mental status’ as it was care planned.. with ineffective coping skills lol
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Unconfirmed but possible art drawing from shooter's website:
What the F are you even trying to imply. We are talking responsible gun ownership in THIS country. You seem to be talking more about the Biden vote count.

You're really coming in hot having missed most of the discussion Grover and I were having.
The problem is we can’t hold these people on a psych hold, even when we do identify them..and sometimes now, what we considered ‘crazy’ twenty years ago, is now not considered ‘crazy’ now 😂
He's just an easy deflection.
I appreciate that, truly. I get it, I have a safe myself and also fully intend to protect my home and family.

But it just wasn't related to the discussion at hand. My only point is that children just by sheer numbers are around vehicles far more frequently than they are guns and that's why the totals for deaths related to them should be expected to be higher.
I get that and have no reason to dispute it. My point is we have to be careful of cherry picking statistics. For example, children are more likely to die in the neighbor's pool than by the neighbor's gun, but we're not running around screaming pools should all be filled in. As another author pointed out, there is something more visceral and emotional about a gunshot wound than lungs filled with water, but they're still just as dead.

By the way, if MoCo=Monroe County, granddaddy and several generations prior to him were from Tellico Plains. I lived there for a number of years and still have a place there.

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