Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

The firearm homicide rate hasn't changed much since 1961 it's had it's increases and decreases but has stayed pretty much within a couple percentage points even though we have enacted much more stringent gun control laws.
There is really no such thing gun control laws when anyone who wants one can get one.
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I don't know how many times we have to have this conversation, and I appeal once again to common sense. Firearms kill much quicker than do knives.
Are you sure? Do they kill late term abortion babies born alive with a knife or a gun?
I get that and have no reason to dispute it. My point is we have to be careful of cherry picking statistics. For example, children are more likely to die in the neighbor's pool than by the neighbor's gun, but we're not running around screaming pools should all be filled in. As another author pointed out, there is something more visceral and emotional about a gunshot wound than lungs filled with water, but they're still just as dead.

By the way, if MoCo=Monroe County, granddaddy and several generations prior to him were from Tellico Plains. I lived there for a number of years and still have a place there.

We 100% agree on that.
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It’s a mess, and I don’t know what the answer is, but a lot of people out there need psychological help, and don’t receive it.. or they did receive it and know what to say to get released as outpatient
It is a mess. Throw in overprescribed and miss-prescribed medications and the money that generates and it gets even messier.
Individual no. It doesn't matter if you are at a gun show, pawn shop or in the store, if you purchase from a FFL dealer you have to fill out a 4473.

But you missed my point.

No I didn't, I was asking a general question related to your point.

I mean do you think this shooter purchased these firearms from a FFL dealer?
I think its time some of you thought about what it must have been like for law enforcement to go into that school and find the bodies of those dead kids. Or for their families to be told that their very reason for being is gone like, this, amidst the terror of gun shots.

And ask yourselves -- really ask yourselves -- is your slavish adherence to gun rights really worth it.
There is a question on form 4473 that if answered truthfully would have prevented a sale to the shooter.
What is the question?

And does anyone believe these questions are answered truthfully when the truth will keep you from being able to make the purchase? Talk about your wink and a nod window dressing.
Individual no. It doesn't matter if you are at a gun show, pawn shop or in the store, if you purchase from a FFL dealer you have to fill out a 4473.

But you missed my point.
Have you ever sold a gun to someone you don't know?
I guess I'm just tired of seeing these incidents play out over and over. And over and over again the gun lobby and their supporters trot out these impossible to disprove counterfactuals. The mental gymnastics they go through to justify the out of control epidemic of gun violence in this country -- far more than any other -- is just mystifying to me.
@hog88 @kiddiedoc
What say ye?

About Mental Health.
How common are mental illnesses?
Mental illnesses are among the most common health conditions in the United States.

  • More than 50% will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime.3
  • 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in a given year.4
  • 1 in 5 children, either currently or at some point during their life, have had a seriously debilitating mental illness.5
  • 1 in 25 Americans lives with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression.6
Are you saying we should get the guns out of the hands of these people? We may have found one more thing on which we agree.


Cinema Shogun
Eye Witnesses On The Scene With Swat Teams And ATF Say The Suspected Nashville School Shooter Audrey Hale Is A Biological Female That Identifies As A Man. This Explains All Of The Confusion.
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Have you ever sold a gun to someone you don't know?

I bought a glock 26 from a dude in the parking lot of Dicks Sporting goods during the pandemic. Thing was mint, came with four mags, the case. I don't remember the cost but it was a sweet deal.

I didn't ask questions and neither did the seller.

Found him on FL gun trader.

VN Store
