Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

What is the question?

And does anyone believe these questions are answered truthfully when the truth will keep you from being able to make the purchase? Talk about your wink and a nod window dressing.

h. Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?

This is the flaw in the gun control argument. The questions are there but with HIPPA restrictions on reporting and our normalizing certain mental illnesses they do no good.

This question is also on the form:

g. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?
Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized
for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.

What difference does it make if you are a lawful or unlawful user if the goal is to keep mentally ill people from buying guns?
Yes it was. A Remington 740 in .30-06, but the guy was acquitted because the other fellow had fired a .22 magnum pistol after an argument before my guy shot him in the back of the head at a few yards.
Sheesh.. One of my nurse friends discharged the guy who went home and killed his parents with the shovel.. we are all about ten degrees from crazy in our lives and don’t even know it.. I just had patients shoot up in the lobby or try to escape lol
How about my post directly below this one I’m responding to.

Your post below that message was just the word "Yes". So I'll try again.

If homicide rates are no different than Europe despite all these scary unregistered firearms, why would you believe we need to register them?

Does a registered gun kill children less effectively or is this tragedy just use gross excuse to push unrelated nonsense that you want?

Can you simply answer this?
I thought I read where it was a trans woman, so actually a male.
This is so confusing, but makes more sense if true. Women very rarely commit firearm crimes, especially against children.

I get all twisted up with the terminology, so simplify: was the shooter born with a penis or a vagina?
I doubt it's a remedy, but it would certainly help. I would say a 5% garnishment of wages for the next 10 years and a lifetime ban on legal gun ownership.
I get what you are saying, but realistically I don’t think that would help. If they are going to kill someone, they don’t care about wages, nor do they care about purchasing firearms legally. I doubt they care about that moment, nor do they have any concerns about the future. We aren’t dealing with a sound thinking person here.
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I get what you are saying, but realistically I don’t think that would help. If they are going to kill someone, they don’t care about wages, nor do they care about purchasing firearms legally. I doubt they care about that moment, nor do they have any concerns about the future. We aren’t dealing with a sound thinking person here.
That's where a one month waiting period would be beneficial. There would be time to fact check and the person would have time to regain their senses.
Have you ever sold a gun to someone you don't know?
I have. And the gun was subsequently used in a homocide.

Do need to clarify this somewhat. I sold two guns, the other was a 760 in .30-06 to a friend. The guy who did the shooting was friends with a number of other friends of mine. I knew he poached deer at night and wanted the semi-auto for that reason. He was barely an acquaintance, but not quite unknown.
I'm not sure what's wrong with you people. 9 year olds were murdered at school today, and your biggest concern is the genitals of the shooter.
Out of curiosity why would that matter to you?

Those three kids are just as dead FROM BEING SHOT as if it were a heterosexual male that did the shooting. BEING SHOT is what killed them.

This is why things like this will never stop. You never ask why. It's always the guns fault, or Trumps.
Because, as has been stated, we need to figure out what is causing people to go murder children and work on that. Could pushing a transgender agenda possibly have adverse effects on mental health? Certainly a question worth asking.
What's funny is if it was a middle aged white guy the first question they would ask is "Was he MAGA?".
Unless something else pops up, this is about as far from the stereotype as one can get. But there is no explaining bat-sh*t crazy.
Well, something else popped up (maybe, we seem to be confused over that) along with a whole dump truck load of bat-sh*t crazy.

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