Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

We only recently stopped calling it a mental disorder. Gender dysphoria used to be classified as a mental illness, but just recently, in 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) removed it from its list of mental illnesses and disorders. Maybe this change was a mistake.

The same WHO that most of the people here have hated since 2020 and prior to that never paid any mind to?
It is the threat if knowing/ thinking that you are not going into a soft target imo.. Metro PD handled accordingly, and I would bet she (the shooter) wasn’t banking on that little wrinkle
The police properly did their job properly but it took 14 minutes for them to get there. If there are actively trained teachers or staff inside of the building the shooter is probably killed earlier or she doesn’t do it at all because of the possibility of her not being able to take anyone out in the school.
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It is a mental illness, regardless of what woke science howls
Just like being gay...lmao

As if every man is 100% uber "manly" and every woman is 100% "feminine" and there is zero variation...believe it or not it is a spectrum. Surely that isn't a new idea to you. Similar to sexuality. Spectrums.
1. I actually worked 8 hours at my job, I don’t post all day.
2. I also changed the crank sensor in my daughters car during my lunch.
3. Your post is #773 in this thread. I’m not reading them all
4. if I run a school district, which I may, and I hired a former Navy Seal or high level training group, like a Tim Kennedy led Sheepdog Response (see link below) leading teacher response training, would it be better than a keyboard warrior like yourself?
Would you be ok with this because I’m pretty sure they already train response teams for situations exactly like what happened today, so it isn’t out of the realm of actually happening.

No one’s expecting you to read them all, just the one specifically addressed to you that you specifically responded to. You know, the lowest level of expectations.

If you could hypothetically make all the nonsense you claimed happened like having them fire 250 rounds a month and all the rest, and a group was dumb enough to put you in charge of their children, then by all means do it.

But the truth is you’re making the threshold too high. When you do that, you get the opposite of what you’re desiring. You should accept that. You’re too concerned with your perfect world ideal of how it should work and ignoring the lack of practicality and that ever requirement you add means even less teachers would be interested.

So go ahead, hire the navy seals to train them, but the problems is you wouldn’t have any teachers to train due to the absurd requirements you listed
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If a deeper dive were taken what would the mass shooting statistics for 1961 look like? I'd be willing to bet that here in the past several years people who shouldn't have assault style weapons with high capacity magazines are just way more efficient at killing innocent kids and people going about their daily business. Less shootings, roughly the same number of dead people as a result of those shootings. My question is this. Does anyone really need an assault style weapon and high capacity magazines? Please don't tell me you need them to hunt because that's a pitiful reason.

Holy chit! In 1961 you could order a semi-automatic rifle with a detachable magazine through the mail.
The same WHO that most of the people here have hated since 2020 and prior to that never paid any mind to?
I was only replying to the fact that you said it wasn't a mental illness. It was always considered a mental illness until the last 3-4 years. Maybe changing the definition or classification was not a smart thing to do.
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Constitutionally protected rights.
Ouch. Dagger straight to the 2A hardliners. Though tbf the very safe countries of Mexico, Haiti, and Honduras also have it protected to such a degree. Our company surely tells us we're on the right side of this 😅 like looking at the friends of China...should be a red flag to the natives, but alas...jokes aside...

I was thinking elsewhere. Don't think us having it (as an amendment) to the constitution makes us gun crazy necessarily. Though you may be onto something with the narrative and history building up the "Annie grab your gun" "shoot first, ask questions later" culture. Probably didn't help, so fair point sir.
So your doctor is right…because you like him…but others aren’t…because you don’t?

What does any of this have to do with “like”?

Seems to be the desire to need “liking” instead of being honest is part of our problem.
We only recently stopped calling it a mental disorder. Gender dysphoria used to be classified as a mental illness, but just recently, in 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) removed it from its list of mental illnesses and disorders. Maybe this change was a mistake.

To be clear gender dysphoria is still a mental illness even in the most recent DSM 5. But to be labeled it has to cause them distress (I’ve never met someone it didn’t, especially given the suicide rates).

9-year-old Hallie Scruggs is seen with her brothers and her parents, Jada and Chad Scruggs, in family photos froom their Facebook pages


Mike Hill, a facilities worker at Covenant Presbyterian Church, was one of the victims


Katherine Koonce, head of school, was among those shot dead by Hale

Monday's shooting is the 129th shooting this year.

Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale is transgender former student who plotted massacre in detail | Daily Mail Online
That custodial worker and head of school likely ran towards the gunfire. Selfless sacrifice.
What does any of this have to do with “like”?

Seems to be the desire to need “liking” instead of being honest is part of our problem.

Honesty? So America is the only developed nation in the world with a major gun problem? Glad we are being honest.
The police properly did their job properly but it took 14 minutes for them to get there. If there are actively trained teachers or staff inside of the building the shooter is probably killed earlier or she doesn’t do it at all because of the possibility of her not being able to take anyone out in the school.
14 minutes is really pretty swift for response because that was the time of being notified to the person being dead, but if she were a better shot, it would have been a lot worse.. I agree, an SRO would have probably been a deterrent, but it being a private school, I’m not sure how that works.. I want to say most public schools have them.. I know there is one at the school my kids went to
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