Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

One of the first school shootings was at an Amish school in early 1900s.. I think 20 kids.. ARs had not been invented yet..crazy people gonna crazy no matter what you do.. I think we are putting the emphasis on the wrong thing… I personally just have a handgun for protection, and my husband a revolver, deer rifle, and a bow for bow hunting lol.. ARs are more of the mindset that the government is going to get you (which is not out of the realm if possibility) lol.. but we were just talking about it, you could do just as much damage with one clip if you were not a sh!tty shot, but once again, a sane person would not dream of doing this
All points well taken, but to me it just stands to reason that the more guns meant for military use in wartime that are out there for public consumption the more this happens. And yes you can do a lot of harm with one clip, but an AR kind of weapon sure makes it easier to mow down a lot of innocent people very quickly. I suppose you just pull the trigger and spray bullets everywhere and all this just makes me sick to my stomach. Children in this country shouldn't go to school terrified that they might be shot today. Everyone should be able to grocery shop, go to church, go to a concert or club without worrying about being shot today. It's just sad and disgusting. My children didn't have active shooter drills in school, two of my grandsons did towards the end of high school and I'm sure my great granddaughter will go through them when she starts school. It just makes me cry. Our babies are being terrorized and murdered and we just cannot seem to come together as a citizenry and stop this sh!t. You would think our children would be more important to us.
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To be clear gender dysphoria is still a mental illness even in the most recent DSM 5. But to be labeled it has to cause them distress (I’ve never met someone it didn’t, especially given the suicide rates).
Well, so is obesity lol.. I am probably a good 25 pounds overweight and saw it on my medical record, and was like ‘yep, I’m a fata$$’ 😂 I didn’t want to do anything about it and didn’t give it second thought.. thats what healthy people do
Well, so is obesity lol.. I am probably a good 25 pounds overweight and saw it on my medical record, and was like ‘yep, I’m a fata$$’ 😂 I didn’t want to do anything about it and didn’t give it second thought.. thats what healthy people do

lol yes obesity is a medical diagnosis but not a mental illness
All points well taken, but to me it just stands to reason that the more guns meant for military use in wartime that are out there for public consumption the more this happens. And yes you can do a lot of harm with one clip, but an AR kind of weapon sure makes it easier to mow down a lot of innocent people very quickly. I suppose you just pull the trigger and spray bullets everywhere and all this just makes me sick to my stomach. Children in this country shouldn't go to school terrified that they might be shot today. Everyone should be able to grocery shop, go to church, go to a concert or club without worrying about being shot today. It's just sad and disgusting. My children didn't have active shooter drills in school, two of my grandsons did towards the end of high school and I'm sure my great granddaughter will go through them when she starts school. It just makes me cry. Our babies are being terrorized and murdered and we just cannot seem to come together as a citizenry and stop this sh!t. You would think our children would be more important to us.

Uhhh. NM
No one’s expecting you to read them all, just the one specifically addressed to you that you specifically responded to. You know, the lowest level of expectations.

If you could hypothetically make all the nonsense you claimed happened like having them fire 250 rounds a month and all the rest, and a group was dumb enough to put you in charge of their children, then by all means do it.

But the truth is you’re making the threshold too high. When you do that, you get the opposite of what you’re desiring. You should accept that. You’re too concerned with your perfect world ideal of how it should work and ignoring the lack of practicality and that ever requirement you add means even less teachers would be interested.

So go ahead, hire the navy seals to train them, but the problems is you wouldn’t have any teachers to train due to the absurd requirements you listed
Those that can’t always make excuses for why they can’t do something.

Maybe the school district allows a paid day to do the training during the school week in the designated times.
lol yes obesity is a medical diagnosis but not a mental illness
True.. but I bet anyone who actually takes the time to look through their medical records will find lots of hidden gems and be like WTF lol.. every medication is to a diagnosis for medical billing purposes and having a diagnosis of some sort when undergoing life changing procedures should not be shocking anyone that does them, I would think lol.. Gender dysphoria= not happy with one’s gender.. that’s pretty straightforward
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All points well taken, but to me it just stands to reason that the more guns meant for military use in wartime that are out there for public consumption the more this happens. And yes you can do a lot of harm with one clip, but an AR kind of weapon sure makes it easier to mow down a lot of innocent people very quickly. I suppose you just pull the trigger and spray bullets everywhere and all this just makes me sick to my stomach. Children in this country shouldn't go to school terrified that they might be shot today. Everyone should be able to grocery shop, go to church, go to a concert or club without worrying about being shot today. It's just sad and disgusting. My children didn't have active shooter drills in school, two of my grandsons did towards the end of high school and I'm sure my great granddaughter will go through them when she starts school. It just makes me cry. Our babies are being terrorized and murdered and we just cannot seem to come together as a citizenry and stop this sh!t. You would think our children would be more important to us.

I'm not real sure you understand firearms...

Probably real sure you don't want to be educated either...
Today is a sad day in the great state of Tennessee. The senseless loss of 3 children and 3 adults at Covenant in Nashville. I see a lot of posts trying to lay the blame on one side or another, maybe, just maybe, we need to have discussions from many different angles and try to come to a sensible solution that actually helps the dire situation we find ourselves in at this time. Here are things that I see that truly need to be addressed.

Mental Health - we have a crisis going on with mental health in this country. There needs to be an honest discussion within the medical industry to determine the root cause to this. Is it over medication? Is it what we watch and allow into our minds? How can it get better? With every new medicine handed out it seems that the mental state of humans is getting worse.

Gun Rights - the ease of access to weapons that cause maximized harm in the hands of the deranged really needs to be looked at. Honestly, I am a very pro- 2nd amendment person but we have to be willing to look at what is happening to our citizens and really fight to protect everyone no matter which side of the isle they are on.
This seems a sincere post and please do not take this response as an attack, it is not meant to be, but to engage with a realistic response.

With regards to Mental Health first, one side perceives the other as absolutely refusing to have an honest discussion about it. I will use myself as an example: in my opinion, the current fascination with gender identity being flexible, or whatever, and the drive by adults to push kids into "transitioning" and being butchered (yes, my very strong opinion is they are butchering young humans to satisfy some social whimsy). Someone who absolutely believes this is the way and not mental issues (possibly encouraged by media of all types) is going to be difficult to have an honest conversation with because they think the same thing about my belief! It is simply not a debatable topic from either side.

Those defending the 2A are absolutely dead-set on not giving any ground to people who think that way because ultimately the arbiter of who is mentally competent is going to be the government, which as a group votes overwhelmingly to the left, has a vested interest in being in control and has proven, through the covid experience, when government interest conflicts with common sense, government interest wins out (see: natural immunity, mask debacle, possibly Fauci's post-retirement stock portfolio). The defenders believe, and I think rightfully so, that a mental illness would necessarily be created that practically defines anyone who wants to own a gun as mentally ill, thus resulting in the elimination of guns and the ultimate control over the population. They just have to make sure the military and police will support the central government's edicts, which they are well on their way with the military with all this DEI horsesh*t and defund the police policies (yes, that was to send a message and in a generation, one will not recognize urban police forces as compared to five years ago I believe).

I agree there is a mental health problem. We as a society created it. But throw out removal of Judeo-Christian values from the schools as a possible factor and watch the attack. Say the Great Society programs pretty much destroyed black families and watch the defense of government programs. Both sides thought it was a good idea to make divorce easy, and as one who has, depending on mood, benefited from it, I freely admit I do not believe it should have been. It seems:

"Nous sommes dans un pot de chambre, et nous y serons emmerdés. " General Auguste-Alexandre Decrot, at the Battle of Sedan, 1870 (if one does not know, look it up, but suspect many on this board are familiar with the saying; it has to do with being in a chamber pot)
Anyone thought maybe locking doors and have an SRO at one entry point to perform security duties? Or is that too easy?
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All points well taken, but to me it just stands to reason that the more guns meant for military use in wartime that are out there for public consumption the more this happens. And yes you can do a lot of harm with one clip, but an AR kind of weapon sure makes it easier to mow down a lot of innocent people very quickly. I suppose you just pull the trigger and spray bullets everywhere and all this just makes me sick to my stomach. Children in this country shouldn't go to school terrified that they might be shot today. Everyone should be able to grocery shop, go to church, go to a concert or club without worrying about being shot today. It's just sad and disgusting. My children didn't have active shooter drills in school, two of my grandsons did towards the end of high school and I'm sure my great granddaughter will go through them when she starts school. It just makes me cry. Our babies are being terrorized and murdered and we just cannot seem to come together as a citizenry and stop this sh!t. You would think our children would be more important to us.

Interesting. So if we have access to these scary weapons and this occurs all the time, why is the white homicide rate roughly the same every year as that of Canada and the European Union where they don’t have the same level of access to such scary weapons?
That's a double-edged sword. Simply blaming the "trans movement" ignores that society itself does not accept these people and makes them feel like misfits. It's the ostracizing that drives them to extremism. We live in a world where people ignore the simple idea of "live and let live". People should be allowed to live without ridicule. As long as they are not infringing upon the rights of others, they should be free to live as they choose. It's when the rights of others are infringed that laws are broken.
I get what you're saying, but that goes both ways. If you're going to live that kind of a lifestyle, you should expect that not everyone is going to agree with that, and that not everyone is going to use your "preferred pronouns". The trans movement however is militant in demanding acceptance from everyone and if you don't, you're transphobic or a bigot.
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True.. but I bet anyone who actually takes the time to look through their medical records will find lots of hidden gems and be like WTF lol.. every medication is to a diagnosis for medical billing purposes and having a diagnosis of some sort when undergoing life changing procedures should not be shocking anyone that does them, I would think lol.. Gender dysphoria= not happy with one’s gender.. that’s pretty straightforward
CPT codes
It has nothing to do with being different or icky. This demographic has suicide rates 2x higher than that of any other mental illness diagnosis.

Bipolar people have the highest suicide attempt rate at 20%
Trans suicide attempt rate is 40%

If 40% of asthmatics tried to off themselves, it would be labeled a mental illness tomorrow

Constant bullying and being told they’ve got a mental illness might just play a part in that statistic.
If she had no record, why are you accusing them of doing an inadequate background check?

Why do you assume something always has to have fallen through the cracks? No matter how many cracks you create for things to possibly fall through, bad things will still happen. You accept that, right?
Sure I do. We’ve seen plenty of mass shootings and children dying. Somehow I think that’s worse than a “bad thing” but that’s just me. We are just going to have to wait and see what the details are about how she got the weapons. They may or may not have done a good background check. Don’t know that yet but I suspect it will be a hot topic. I mean either she was mentally ill and someone should have caught it before selling her a gun or there was nothing in her background to stop the sale. Or they didn’t look deep enough and that’s maybe a function of the law not being comprehensive enough. My last comment on the subject because it’s just too raw for me right now. It is too easy for people to get this type of weapon and something needs to be done on several fronts. Until it does, people ( and children) will keep dying needlessly. What that is, I don’t know.
The premise of your question is that transgender people are mentally ill and thereby more inclined to shoot up a school.

I can count on one finger the number of transgender people who shot up a school, a mall, or some other mass gathering. But its what, hundreds of straight people? -- who have shot up schools or malls or nightclubs, or what have you in just the last few years.

That is your assumption. While, yes, we may believe some, or a lot, of transgender people are nuts, the latter part does not necessarily follow. It may simply explain this particular case. Dear God, at least I hope it's not the case with as many people who seem to be running off the edge of this cliff.
Does Gen Z have more mental health issues?


The younger generation has powered through a lot of upheaval in their short lives but it's taken a toll on their mental health. A new survey finds that an astounding 42 percent of those born between 1990 and 2010 – Gen Z – have been diagnosed with a mental health condition.Nov 9, 2022

All points well taken, but to me it just stands to reason that the more guns meant for military use in wartime that are out there for public consumption the more this happens. And yes you can do a lot of harm with one clip, but an AR kind of weapon sure makes it easier to mow down a lot of innocent people very quickly. I suppose you just pull the trigger and spray bullets everywhere and all this just makes me sick to my stomach. Children in this country shouldn't go to school terrified that they might be shot today. Everyone should be able to grocery shop, go to church, go to a concert or club without worrying about being shot today. It's just sad and disgusting. My children didn't have active shooter drills in school, two of my grandsons did towards the end of high school and I'm sure my great granddaughter will go through them when she starts school. It just makes me cry. Our babies are being terrorized and murdered and we just cannot seem to come together as a citizenry and stop this sh!t. You would think our children would be more important to us.

Sounds like you learn about guns from Kevin de Leon.
Constant bullying and being told they’ve got a mental illness might just play a part in that statistic.

Except no historically disenfranchised group has ever approached those numbers. Black homicide rates for example are very low.
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Sure I do. We’ve seen plenty of mass shootings and children dying. Somehow I think that’s worse than a “bad thing” but that’s just me. We are just going to have to wait and see what the details are about how she got the weapons. They may or may not have done a good background check. Don’t know that yet but I suspect it will be a hot topic. I mean either she was mentally ill and someone should have caught it before selling her a gun or there was nothing in her background to stop the sale. Or they didn’t look deep enough and that’s maybe a function of the law not being comprehensive enough. My last comment on the subject because it’s just too raw for me right now. It is too easy for people to get this type of weapon and something needs to be done on several fronts. Until it does, people ( and children) will keep dying needlessly. What that is, I don’t know.

Yet our homicide rates are no higher than Canada or Europe where it’s no easier to get these weapons. How do you square that away or do you just ignore it?

The US white homicide rate is very low despite massive access weapons of all types.

It seems the problem isn’t with access to weapons

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