Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School


Hallie Scruggs is seen with her father Chad Scruggs, the pastor at the presbyterian church affiliated with the school


Hallie Scruggs is pictured with her parents Chad and Jada and her three brothers


The Scruggs family is pictured together. The youngest member, nine-year-old Hallie, was among the six victims

Nashville school shooting victims are identified | Daily Mail Online
Ouch. Dagger straight to the 2A hardliners. Though tbf the very safe countries of Mexico, Haiti, and Honduras also have it protected to such a degree. Our company surely tells us we're on the right side of this 😅 like looking at the friends of China...should be a red flag to the natives, but alas...jokes aside...

I was thinking elsewhere. Don't think us having it (as an amendment) to the constitution makes us gun crazy necessarily. Though you may be onto something with the narrative and history building up the "Annie grab your gun" "shoot first, ask questions later" culture. Probably didn't help, so fair point sir.
I’m not following you here. What are you saying?
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The same WHO that most of the people here have hated since 2020 and prior to that never paid any mind to?
Not true, I have been a nurse since 2001, I have always despised W.H.O. .. they are not helpful… CDC is more helpful imo.. and the WHO does not decide DSM diagnoses lol.. and if it has, we are all really effed at this point lol
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While we all may debate the causes and remedies for the terrible event occurring today please take a moment(or two) to think about those who lost their lives. 3 9 yr olds whose will never grow up and whose families will never fully recover. I knew the Head of School Katherine Koonce. She was the finest person who cared deeply about her students and put great thought/effort into helping them achieve bright futures. Details to emerge but I don't doubt that she likely was trying to protect those students when senselessly killed. I am heartsick to think of her loss as well the others. Try to be kind to one another here and think before typing.
Absolutely true. But what happens after that? Every time this happens, people move on till the next time it happens. Then it’s more thoughts and prayers and nothing gets done. I can’t speak for anybody else but I am tired of all the excuses and wasted talk.
Absolutely true. But what happens after that? Every time this happens, people move on till the next time it happens. Then it’s more thoughts and prayers and nothing gets done. I can’t speak for anybody else but I am tired of all the excuses and wasted talk.
I am too. I'm pissed. Just look at this thread. It's mostly people making trans jokes and talking about what guns they have.

Black supremacist runs over 60 ppl with his vehicle= It was the SUVs fault/Systemic racism is to blame.

Transgender woman shoots up a school= Society is to blame

White people merely post memes of black people online= white people are evil!!! They are the root cause of all pain and suffering.

Perhaps the MSM should stop fueling the dumpster fire that is America right now. This dude is a joke.
I am too. I'm pissed. Just look at this thread. It's mostly people making trans jokes and talking about what guns they have.

It is no joke. We do a poor job of helping people that have diagnosed mental issues. Now add in we have an entire segment that we are falsely claiming don’t even have mental issues. Dishonesty will have a cost.
I think the central factor in all this, and other social ills, lies in what we stopped doing. The USA was never perfect, nor is/was any nation. But we were generally a church-going, God-fearing people. We had a pretty decent core and set understanding of right and wrong. We even tried to live by it. I remember when pledging to the flag, and a daily prayer preceded the school day for example. Somewhere along the way, we opted to toss that aside and become wholly self-centric. We're now living the results of doing that. Go ahead and laugh.
Look at the apparent absolute hatred that just oozes through the PF. Name calling, insults, dehumanizing whole groups, calling the other side the enemy like this is some kind of's insane. People have to be smarter.
I don't understand how this turned into this conversation,I am just pissed off because inocent children got gunned down by a 28 year old adult for no reason what did they do to deserve that.and for if the adult was a trans gender or not I don't give a rats ass bottom line these small kids were murdered by this person bottom line damn
4? Do you know how many school shootings there have been in the last 30 years? And you have 4 examples and taking a victory lap. Pathetic.
Haven’t seen you go the route of it being a hate crime. Almost as if you’re validating it based on your personal political views. Getting offended because the political finger is pointing at your own parties ideology.
Absolutely true. But what happens after that? Every time this happens, people move on till the next time it happens. Then it’s more thoughts and prayers and nothing gets done. I can’t speak for anybody else but I am tired of all the excuses and wasted talk.
That's all you will continue to get until politicians become interested in actually solving the problem as opposed to simply scoring political points. The overwhelming majority of the proposals made by politicians would have no effect whatsoever on actually addressing the problem.
Ouch. Dagger straight to the 2A hardliners. Though tbf the very safe countries of Mexico, Haiti, and Honduras also have it protected to such a degree. Our company surely tells us we're on the right side of this 😅 like looking at the friends of China...should be a red flag to the natives, but alas...jokes aside...

I was thinking elsewhere. Don't think us having it (as an amendment) to the constitution makes us gun crazy necessarily. Though you may be onto something with the narrative and history building up the "Annie grab your gun" "shoot first, ask questions later" culture. Probably didn't help, so fair point sir.

Our homicide rates are on par with europe and Canada not Mexico . What’re you talking about?
Ouch. Dagger straight to the 2A hardliners. Though tbf the very safe countries of Mexico, Haiti, and Honduras also have it protected to such a degree. Our company surely tells us we're on the right side of this 😅 like looking at the friends of China...should be a red flag to the natives, but alas...jokes aside...

I was thinking elsewhere. Don't think us having it (as an amendment) to the constitution makes us gun crazy necessarily. Though you may be onto something with the narrative and history building up the "Annie grab your gun" "shoot first, ask questions later" culture. Probably didn't help, so fair point sir.

You realize our homicide rates are on par with Canada and Europe not Mexico right?
Now being described as ‘AR style ‘ weapons.. ie a pistol and a handgun.. and the person shot through the glass door of a side door (which I assume was locked) to gain access..
I am too. I'm pissed. Just look at this thread. It's mostly people making trans jokes and talking about what guns they have.
I’ve been trying to hop off the trans train.

I keep trying to discuss the possible effects of all these proposed laws and regulations but no one will engage.

Would you like to discuss?
4? Do you know how many school shootings there have been in the last 30 years? And you have 4 examples and taking a victory lap. Pathetic.

The modern trans movement was what it is today, 30 years ago. But if you really want to talk about how many there have been over the last few decades you should first start with the fact that there’s a lot less than you likely believe and that pre covid they had been trending down for over a decade (not sure if that part is still true) as was all violent crime despite greater access to weapons.

Now being described as ‘AR style ‘ weapons.. ie a pistol and a handgun.. and the person shot through the glass door of a side door (which I assume was locked) to gain access..
Yes. My 9mm Glock is considered an “AR Style” weapon to these left wing nuts. Anything that doesn’t mirror the process of reloading a musket is considered too dangerous for civilian use.
It’s icky and different and I can’t say worn out jokes from the 90s anymore so it’s a mental illness.

It has nothing to do with being different or icky. This demographic has suicide rates 2x higher than that of any other mental illness diagnosis.

Bipolar people have the highest suicide attempt rate at 20%
Trans suicide attempt rate is 40%

If 40% of asthmatics tried to off themselves, it would be labeled a mental illness tomorrow

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